Political Campaign Mail

Political Campaign Mail

Direct mail is the winner’s choice. It is the spark that can start voter action. When the message is relevant and personal, it is powerful. And when people listen to power, they are more likely to act. See why, year after year, direct mail continues to prove itself as one of the most engaging and effective channels for winning campaigns — http:⁄⁄www.deliverthewin.com.


n Emphasize correct use for Tag 57, Political Campaign Mailing.

n Increase attentiveness among employees, so when they encounter official Political Campaign Mail in the mail stream, they always handle it promptly and provide it with equal care and attention.

n Process and deliver Political Campaign Mail in a timely manner.

Key Messages

n The U.S. Mail is an important part of the U.S. election process, and the Postal Service is confident in the dependable and timely delivery of Election Mail and Political Campaign Mail.

n Political Mail is an important communications method for candidates to reach constituents directly.

n The timely processing and delivery of political mail promoting candidates and causes is essential to the success of this election mailing season.

n The best campaign is a multi-channel campaign.

n Tag 57, Political Campaign Mailing, can be used for any political campaign mailing by a registered political candidate, campaign committee, and committee of a political party, or political message mailing by a political action committee (PAC), super-PAC, or other organizations engaging in issue advocacy or voter mobilization.

n More information: https:⁄⁄www.usps.com⁄business⁄political-mail.htm.

Why Political Mail?

n Mail can reach 100% of target voters.

n Mail prompts action — often through other channels.

n Mail lifts all boats — it’s all in the mix.

n Mail is tested and proven. Direct mail works.

What’s Different This Year?

n A political mail website — http:⁄⁄www.deliverthewin.com — has been created to provide a variety of information and to act as an online platform to promote direct mail through support materials including white papers, case studies, etc.

n Connections to digital content such as augmented reality are being touted to emphasize the link between digital and hard copy content as a means to extend and increase effectiveness of political messaging. Augmented reality mailpieces allow campaigns to promote their messages in a way that engages voters.

n A Political Mail dashboard is being created to provide real-time visibility as well as tools for analyzing and sharing data.

n Webinars will be presented highlighting key political industry topics.

n The Postal Service has sponsorship agreements with the American Association of Political Consultants (AAPC) and Campaigns and Elections (C&E) to help promote the use of mail early and often in the political arena. Activities include attending events, co-sponsored webinars, advertising and white paper development and placement, and direct meetings with political operatives.