Effective March 19, 2015, we will list the mailing restrictions for Freely Associated States (FAS) in the Pull-Out section of the Postal Bulletin. All FAS Restrictions will be updated periodically.
Mail addressed to freely associated states is subject to certain conditions or restrictions of mailing regarding content, preparation, and handling. The following FAS Restrictions table outlines these conditions as listed by each affected FAS ZIP Code™ through the use of footnoted mailing restrictions codes (see the Restrictions following the table). For additional information on available extra services for FAS destinations, see Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), part 503.
Acceptance clerks must use the table with the POS ONE terminal to determine which FAS ZIP Codes are active and which conditions of mailing apply. Send inquiries to Randall Sobol at randall.f.sobol@usps.gov.
PS Form 2976, Customs — CN 22 (Old C 1) and Sender’s Declaration (green label)
PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note
FAS = Freely Associated State
A. Bank currency (coin and paper) is prohibited.
B. Signature Confirmation, Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery, Adult Signature Requested, Adult Signature Restricted Delivery, Certified Mail Adult Signature Required, and Certified Mail Adult Signature Restricted Delivery not available.
C. COD is prohibited.
— Asia-Pacific Relations,
Global Business, 5-25-17