Cover Story

National Dog Bite Prevention Week, April 8–14, 2018

Sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service®, National Dog Bite Prevention Week is a public service campaign that offers safety tips and emphasizes the need for increased owner responsibility in the prevention of dog attacks.

From nips and bites to vicious attacks, aggressive dog behavior poses a serious threat to our employees. To emphasize the enormity of this issue, the Postal Service is reporting the number of dog attacks and bites together as the most prominent threat to carriers. Last year, 6,244 Postal Service employees were victimized by dogs.

The tools available in this kit and online will help promote the awareness of this public health concern in an effort to reduce the number of adverse interactions in local communities. Be sure to contact the field communications professionals listed in this kit when promoting this initiative.

Dog Bite Prevention Background and Tips

The Victims

n According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Over half of all dog bite injuries occur at home with dogs who are familiar with their victims.

n The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that dog bite victims account for up to 5 percent of emergency room visits. As many as 800,000 people annually are admitted to U.S. emergency rooms with dog bite-associated injuries, and countless more bites go unreported and untreated.

n AVMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) report that small children, the elderly, and letter carriers are the most frequent victims. Dog attacks are the most commonly reported childhood public health problem in the United States.

n Children are the most common victims of dog bites and are far more likely to be severely injured. Among children, the rate of dog bite-related injuries is highest for those 5 to 9 years old. Most dog bites affecting young children happen during everyday activities and while interacting with familiar dogs.

n In 2017, dog bites and other dog-related injuries accounted for over $100 million in liability claims paid by State Farm®. Over the past decade (2008­–2017), State Farm has paid over $1 billion for dog-related injury claims, which is a 57 percent increase in the amount paid over the past decade.

n Last year, many attacks reported by letter carriers came from dogs whose owners regularly used the phrase, “My dog won’t bite.”

How to Avoid Being Bitten

n Don’t run past a dog. The dog’s natural instinct is to chase people who run.

n If a dog threatens you, don’t scream. Avoid eye con- tact. Try to remain still until the dog leaves, and then back away slowly until the dog is out of sight.

n Don’t approach a strange dog, especially one that’s tethered or confined.

n While letter carriers are discouraged from petting animals, people who choose to pet dogs should always let a dog see and sniff them before petting the animal.

n If a dog is about to attack, try to place something between yourself and the dog, such as a backpack or a bicycle.

How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

n Obedience training can teach dogs proper behavior and help owners control their dog in any situation.

n When a letter carrier comes to the home, keep dogs:

n Inside the house or behind a fence,

n Away from the door,

n In another room, or

n On a leash.

n Dogs can be protective of their territory and may interpret the actions of letter carriers as a threat. Take precautions when accepting mail in the presence of your pet.

n Dogs that haven’t been properly socialized, receive little attention or handling, or are left tied-up for long periods frequently turn into biters.


National Dog Bite Prevention Week, April 8-14, 2018. Safety Depends on Me! In the right circumstance, any dog may bite. Be smart about your interactions with dogs.

United States Postal Service Postal News logo.


[Insert Date]

Contact: [Insert your name]
[Insert your phone number]

News Release
[City Name] Post Office and [Local Animal Shelter] Lead the Parade
for Dog Bite Prevention

[City] — They walk the streets of [City] every day, and Saturday, [Date] at [Time], [Your City] letter carriers are bringing friends and family along with them to deliver a very special message. The message they will deliver has received a lot of media attention lately, but it is one that letter carriers have been concerned about for decades. It is the need for the entire community to work together to avoid the cost and pain of dog bites.

Last year, 6,244 letter carriers were attacked by dogs. But that number pales in comparison to the more than 2 million children who received dog bite injuries in a single year.

“That’s why we’re coming out on a Saturday to deliver this important message,” says Postmaster [Postmaster Name]. “Several of our letter carriers know first-hand about both the prevention and the pain of animal attacks, and we want to do whatever we can to help educate the community — especially parents and pet owners.”

Letter carriers who are on the job after recovering from animal attacks will lead the parade and are available to talk about their experience. [Name of Health Care or Animal Protection Official] will join letter carriers along their route to talk about dog bite prevention and responsible pet ownership. A sample of some important facts that officials can share is attached. [Attach Dog Bite Prevention Background]

The parade route will be [Describe the parade’s route so reporters can catch up with you if they miss the beginning of the parade].

# # # 

United States Postal Service Postal News logo.


[Insert Date]

Contact: [Insert your name]
[Insert your phone number]

Media Advisory
[City Name] Post Office and [Local Animal Shelter] Deliver a Very Special
Message This

ATTENTION: News Editors

WHAT: Letter carriers of the [Name] Post Office will be joined by their friends, family, children and even some of their pets as they deliver a very important message to the community. [THE APPEARANCE OF A WELL-TRAINED DOG OWNED BY ONE OF YOUR LETTER CARRIERS WILL HELP DISPEL THE MYTH THAT POSTAL Service EMPLOYEES DON’T LIKE DOGS.] Postmaster [Name] and [Name] of the [Local Health or Animal Protection Agency] will speak about the prevention of dog bites to the Postal Service and the community as they travel a parade route through the [Name] community.

Letter carriers who lead the parade have recovered from animal attacks and will share their stories to help others avoid the pain they have gone through.

Media can also obtain tips on how to avoid dog bites and learn what dog owners can do to reduce aggressive pet behavior.

WHEN: Saturday, [Date and Time, preferably no earlier than 10:00 a.m.].

WHERE: The parade will begin at [Describe Parade Route] and end at [Picnic Location].

BACKGROUND: The 6,244 letter carriers attacked by dogs in 2017 pales in comparison to the number of children who were victimized by dogs. The owners of many of the canines claimed their pet “would never bite” or “wouldn’t hurt a fly.” The Postal Service and its letter carriers work to prevent these painful, sometimes fatal, injuries by promoting community awareness and responsible pet ownership.

CONTACT: Postmaster [Postmaster Name] at [Phone].

# # # 



[Insert Date]

[Insert your name]
[Insert your phone number]

Public Service Announcement
April 814 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week

The Postal Service offers three public service announcements (PSAs) for your consideration. Spring is here and more people and dogs will be on the street. This is the perfect time to participate in an education campaign aimed at reducing these painful and costly attacks.

For decades, the U.S. Postal Service has taken a leadership role in preventing animal attacks because letter carriers are the third most likely group to be bitten or attacked by a dog. Children and the elderly rank number one and two, respectively. You can find more information on the attached Dog Bite Prevention Background and Tips sheet. [Attach Dog Bite Prevention Background and Tips sheet]

Please join the Postal Service in this important public education campaign by using these PSAs and by interviewing Postal Service, animal protection and public health officials during National Dog Bite Prevention Week.


It’s that time of year again, and the Postal Service, healthcare providers and animal protection professionals need your help. Last year, 6,244 letter carriers were bitten or attacked by dogs nationwide. But that pales in comparison to the more than 4.5 million people — most of them children and the elderly — who are bitten by dogs each year. You can help protect your letter carrier, meter reader, newspaper delivery person and neighbors’ children by making sure your pet is properly restrained. Be a responsible pet owner. Help prevent the injuries and deaths caused by animal attacks. This message is a public service of this station and your local Post Office.


At this point in our nation’s history, even the comedians know that “dog bites man” is no laughing matter. That’s why the nation’s letter carriers, who experienced 6,244 dog attacks last year, are reminding pet owners to restrain their dogs to protect letter carriers, meter readers, children and others who may come near their dogs. This message is a public service of this station and your local Post Office.


Pet owners, did you know that if your dog attacks a letter carrier, you could be held liable for all medical expenses and other costs, which can run into thousands of dollars? Don’t think your fence is the only protection you need — especially if a letter carrier or delivery person must enter your yard. The Postal Service is not anti-dog, but rather pro-responsibility. Responsible pet ownership includes making sure your pet is properly restrained. Last year, 6,244 letter carriers were attacked while delivering the mail. Help your letter carrier deliver safely for you. This message is a public service of this station and your local Post Office.

# # # 

Community Involvement

The postmaster is one of the key leaders in each community. Postmasters can use their influence to win support from other key leaders for the Postal Service campaign to reduce dog attacks. The suggestions in this section will help postmasters create cooperative campaigning for dog bite awareness.

Poster Contest

Sponsor a poster contest to get children involved in spreading the word about preventing dog attacks. Colorful posters from the contest are a great way to alert the public.

2018 Dog Bite Prevention Poster

Postmasters must display the poster above as follows:

n Use only a color image of the 2018 dog bite prevention poster. If you do not have a color printer, then have the poster printed at your district office. It is important that only color posters are displayed.

n Display the poster on community bulletin boards located in your PO Box lobby from April 8–14. Remove it from the bulletin board by April 15.

n Display the poster in the employees’ area through August 25.

n Get postmasters and station managers to hang or display the poster on bulletin boards at local, high-traffic grocery stores.

Sample Postmaster Columns

Use the following sample columns to help spread the word about the Postal Service’s efforts to protect letter carriers and children in the community. The message is that dog attacks are a serious matter and the public can help protect everyone by being responsible dog owners.

Place these columns on letterhead and distribute them to local newspapers. It’s a good idea to personalize the articles with experiences from local Post Offices or communities. Contact local newspaper editors to propose running the column weekly for 3 weeks. Post copies of these columns on information boards as well.

Although the material is designed specifically for use during the spring, use it to build community awareness throughout the summer months.

Postmaster Column No. 1

“Children Suffer Most Dog Attacks,” By [Name], Postmaster [City]

For every letter carrier bitten, hundreds of children suffer the pain and trauma of dog attacks. Whatever the reasons, dog attacks are a serious problem for the entire community, as Postal Service letter carriers experienced 6,244 dog attacks last year. That’s an average of 21 dog attacks every delivery day, and does not include the number of threatening incidents that did not result in injury. However, these numbers are far less than the 4.5 million people — mostly children and the elderly — who suffer injuries from dog attacks each year.

In [City] last year, dogs bit [number] letter carriers and interfered with a significant number of mail deliveries [or you can estimate a number if possible]. Fortunately, most dog bites can be prevented through responsible pet ownership.

[If you did have dog attacks last year, use the previous paragraph and insert a paragraph or two here giving a few details, such as the seriousness of the incidents and the amount of lost time. If you had no dog attacks or cases of dogs interfering with mail delivery last year, omit the previous paragraph.]

If a letter carrier needs to deliver a certified letter or a package to you, put your dog into a separate room before opening your front door. Some dogs are strong enough to tear through screen doors or jump through plate-glass windows to get at strangers.

[Insert a letter carrier story here, if applicable.]

Nationally, the number of carriers attacked by dogs has declined over the years. This is because of greater cooper- ation from dog owners, stricter leash laws, and increased efforts to educate letter carriers and the public about deal- ing with the problem.

Our letter carriers are vigilant and dedicated, but we may be forced to stop mail delivery to an address where a letter carrier is threatened by a vicious dog. In some instances, Postal Service employees have sued and collected damages for dog attack injuries. Only dog owners can control their pets.

While some attribute attacks on letter carriers to dogs’ inbred aversion to uniforms, experts say the psychology actually runs much deeper. Every day that a letter carrier comes into a dog’s territory, the dog barks and the letter carrier leaves. Day after day the dog sees this action repeated. After a week or two, the dog appears to feel invincible against intruders. Once the dog gets loose, there’s a good chance it will attack.

Dog owners should remind their children about the need to keep the family dog secured. The Postal Service also recommends that parents ask their children not to take mail directly from letter carriers. A dog may see handing mail to a child as a threatening gesture.

These simple reminders and helpful tips can reduce the hazard of dog attacks. Help us to help you this spring and summer.

This is the first in a series of three columns by [City] Postmaster [Name] addressing the problem of dog attacks, both in the Postal Service and in the community. Next week: “Why Do Some Dogs Attack?”

# # # 

Postmaster Column No. 2

“Why Do Some Dogs Attack?” By [Name], Postmaster [City]

Would your dog attack? The American Veterinary Med- ical Association estimates that more than 4.5 million dog bites are reported to local authorities each year. Countless more go unreported.

Dog attacks can range from a relatively painless nip to a fatal mauling. Dog attack victims account for up to 5 per- cent of all hospital emergency room visits. Children are most often the victims. Dog attacks are the most com- monly reported childhood public health problem in the United States.

Though many people may feel confident that their dog won’t add to these statistics, they could be held liable for the victim’s pain, suffering, and medical expenses from a dog attack. Potential victims may include letter/rural carriers and neighborhood children. There are several ways to avoid liability. Reducing the likelihood that your dog will ever bite someone helps protect you, your canine companion, and everyone else in the community.

Why Do Some Dogs Attack?

Lack of socialization, improper training, excitement, and fear can all contribute to a dog attack. Even a nip on the leg is unacceptable behavior for a family dog.

Help Take the Bite Out of Your Dog:

n Teach your dog appropriate behavior. Don’t play aggressive games with your dog such as wrestling, tug of war, or “siccing” your dog on another person. It’s essential that your dog recognize members of your family as dominant figures.

n Be a responsible pet owner. For everyone’s safety, don’t allow your dog to roam. Make your pet a mem- ber of your family. Dogs that spend too much time tethered to a dog house or in the backyard have a much greater chance of developing aggressive behavioral problems.

n Stay on the safe side. Help your dog become accus- tomed to a variety of situations. If you don’t know how your dog will react to a new situation, be cautious. If you think your dog could panic in a crowd, leave him or her at home. If your dog may overreact to visitors or delivery people, keep him or her in another room.

This is the second in a series of three columns by [City] Postmaster [Name] addressing the problem of dog attacks, both in the Postal Service and in the community. Next week: “Protecting the Community.”

# # # 

Postmaster Column No. 3

“Protecting the Community,” By [Name], Postmaster [City]

Last year, 6,244 letter carriers were attacked nationwide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 2 percent of the American popu- lation is bitten by a dog each year, and most of the victims are children.

The most recent statistics from the 2012 U.S. Pet Own- ership and Demographic Sourcebook states that there are 70 million dogs in the United States; 43,346,000 house- holds own dogs in the U.S., which is about 36.5 percent of households.

Clearly, parents must never leave a defenseless infant with a dog and must make sure that older children know how to properly interact with a dog, along with any potential danger associated with handling a dog. It is also important to know that studies have shown that dogs are three times more likely to be involved in a biting incident if they have not been spayed or neutered.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has found that the breed of animal most commonly involved in dog attacks can change from year to year, and from one part of the country to another, depending on the popularity of the breed. According to the HSUS, while some breeds are more likely to bite, other factors like whether the animal has been spayed or neutered, and whether the animal has been properly socialized, safely confined, properly super- vised, and humanely trained play great roles in a dog’s ten- dency to bite. Dog owners can prevent serious injuries to others by realizing their important role in dog bite preven- tion.

This concludes a series of three columns by [City] Post- master [Name] addressing the problem of dog attacks, both in the Postal Service and in the community.

# # # 

Postmaster Speech

Dog Attack Prevention Speech for School Children

[Make the presentation light and fun. Even though this is a serious subject, children will respond to a friendly and approachable adult.]

Good morning boys and girls.

My name is [Name] and I’m your postmaster.

[Tell the children what a postmaster is/does.]

How many of you have dogs at home or have friends who own a dog? [Listen to responses.] Have you or any of your friends ever been bitten by a dog? [Listen to responses, and if so, add comment: “Well, I’ll bet you didn’t like it, did you?”]

At the Post Office where I work, the people who deliver your mail are occasionally bitten, too. That means that sometimes they have to go to the hospital and can’t do their job for a long time. The dog’s owner may have to pay a big hospital bill, and the mail may not be delivered to that house until the owners promise to keep the dog fenced in.

I don’t want anybody at work to be attacked, and I don’t want any of you to get attacked, either. That’s why I’m here today, because I need your help.

First, I want all of you to be safe. Do you know how many people are bitten by dogs every year? [Children guess.] I heard some good guesses. The correct answer is 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year, and guess what? A lot of those people are children — and that’s not good.

In fact, the attacks usually come from the family pet or from a dog owned by a neighbor. Can you believe it?

There are several things you can do to help out. Be nice to your dog and to all dogs. Don’t tease them. Don’t play roughly with them. Instead, teach your dog good manners. A trained dog is a happy dog. Remember to give dogs space when they are eating, sleeping, tired, sick, or caring for puppies. Remember: Dogs get cranky just like people, and they may bite if they are suddenly surprised or hurt. If you see a dog running loose in your neighborhood, tell your parents. Never, ever approach a strange dog.

You can also help your letter carrier, too. The most important thing is to stop your dog from getting outside and running loose. When you go outside, be sure to close the door behind you. When you are playing with your dog in the yard, be sure to close the gate so he or she does not get out.

When you see the letter carrier coming down your street, look around and make sure your dog is either inside or securely fenced away from the mailbox.

When the letter carrier gets to your house, let him or her put the mail in your mailbox. Never take the mail from the letter carrier because your dog might think he or she is a threat to you, even though we know that isn’t true.

After the letter carrier has delivered the mail and gone, you still need to watch out for loose dogs. Never step too close to a strange dog. Even if the dog looks friendly, he or she might still bite.

I am going to give each of you a list of things you can do to help keep dogs from attacking your letter carrier, your friends, and yourself. I want you to take this list home and talk to your parents about it.

If you do that, your letter carrier won’t have to worry about going to the hospital for a dog bite, and we can help ensure that everyone’s mail is safely and quickly delivered.

Most importantly, we want you to be safe. So, please remember to take care of your dog and use good safety habits even around dogs you know. Don’t be one of those 2 million children who experience the pain of a dog bite.

Thank you.

Information for All Mail Carriers

April 2018

Dog Attack Prevention Tips for Mail Carriers — How to Help Prevent Dog Attacks

Remember these simple rules:

1. If approached by a dog, resist the impulse to scream and run away. Running will trigger a chase response.

2. Remain still, with hands at your sides and avoid eye contact with the dog.

3. Once the dog has calmed down, back away. Do not turn your back on a dog because a fearful dog may unexpectedly bite.

Be aware of your surroundings to protect yourself:

1. Stay alert at all times:

a. Observe the area carefully.

b. Take quick glances in common places dogs may be (e.g., under parked cars, under hedges, or on porches).

2. If you encounter a dog:

a. Never assume that a dog won’t bite, even if it has been friendly in the past. Any dog can bite.

b. Always keep your eye on the dog. Dogs are more likely to bite when you aren’t looking.

c. Never startle a dog. If it is asleep, make some kind of non-startling noise, such as a soft whistling or call its name if you know the dog. Do this before getting close to the dog, to ensure time and space for an “out.” Never reach out and pet the dog.

d. Stand your ground. Turn and face the dog. Hold something in front of you, like your satchel, and back away slowly to ensure you don’t stumble and fall. Never turn and run!

e. Keep at least one full can of dog repellent spray within reach at all times. If a dog attacks, use the repellent to protect yourself. Make sure that the can is not expired before going on your route.

3. Use these preventative measures:

a. No one likes a surprise. If necessary, fill out a Dog Warning Card for your route.

b. The Postal Service can suspend delivery of mail to a residence because of violent dog behavior.

Remember: Safety Depends on You!

Information for All Employees

Service Talk

Dog Attack Prevention Tips for Mail Carriers and Children — How to Help Prevent Dog Attacks

To help make the neighborhood safe for carriers and other people, remember these simple rules:

1. Find out what time the carrier usually brings the mail.

2. When the carrier is due to visit, check to be sure your dog is inside. Keep the dog inside until the letter carrier is gone.

3. If someone needs to open the door to sign for a letter, first put the dog in another room and close the door.

4. If you have a mail slot, keep your dog away from the slot to ensure the carrier’s fingers aren’t bitten.

5. If your mailbox is inside a fenced yard and your dog is too, keep the dog on a leash away from the mailbox when your letter carrier delivers the mail.

6. When your dog is outside, never walk up to the letter carrier and ask for your mail. Your dog may think you are being threatened.

7. If you see a dog running loose in your neighborhood, tell your parents or report it to the proper authorities.

8. Never, ever approach a strange dog. Only approach a dog that is with his owner and on a leash.

9. When a strange dog comes near you, be BORING! Stand like a tree, or if you are on the ground, curl up your legs, cup your hands over your ears and lay still like a rock.

10. Don’t go near a dog that is in a car, behind a fence, or tied up, even if you know him.

Information for Postal Managers

Progressive Warning Letters and Management Information

This section offers materials to help letter carriers safely perform their jobs. Use the progressive warning letters to alert dog owners to the possible loss of mail delivery if they do not restrain their pets. Also, don’t forget to send a letter of thanks when they do!

Warning letters, like collection letters, need to be handled tactfully. The first and second sample letters on the website tell customers what to do. The third tells them the Postal Service has taken corrective steps. The fourth and fifth letters detail customer options. Keep in mind that the purpose is not to police the neighborhood, but to ensure a safe environment for carriers to do their work. Though most customers will respond to the first polite request, be sure to follow up if they don’t. Management in associate offices can help drive down dog bites in the following ways:

n Verify that dog warning cards are placed in carrier cases for addresses with known dogs.

n Enter dog warnings into the Regional Intelligent Mail Server.

n Verify that carriers have dog spray and satchels at all times.

n Train carriers how to react to dog attacks using service talks and videos from safety resources.

n Provide sample dog letters for customers, dog bite prevention talks, and safety videos. These and other resources are available at

n Click A to Z Index.

n Click Dog Bite Prevention.

Nondelivery of Mail Policy

The availability and use of dog repellent does not replace the nondelivery of mail policy where there is animal interference.

Collection and delivery service personnel must report the name and address of the customer where animal interference occurs to the postmaster or authorized supervisor, who must immediately telephone the customer and request that the animal is confined during the usual neighborhood delivery hours. The postmaster or authorized supervisor must further inform the customer that:

1. No deliveries will be made until this is done, and

2. Service will be restored once assurance has been given that the animal will be confined during regular delivery hours.

Dog Owner’s Responsibility

It is the owner’s responsibility to control his or her dog. Most communities have ordinances for the control of dogs. Though postmasters frequently request that customers control their dogs, and discontinue service, injuries still continue.

Additional Resources

In addition to this kit and online materials, a number of resources are available to help educate employees, customers, and the entire community about the importance of dog bite prevention. While the Humane Society of America is not an official partner during this year’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week campaign, they are always willing to help organizations that promote safety around animals.

Dog bites are no laughing matter. Taking action can help reduce these costly and painful injuries. Stay alert and don’t be fooled by “My dog won’t bite.”

Area Corporate Communications Managers

For media or public relations questions, contact the Corporate Communications manager for your area using the following list:

Capital Metro

Tom Ouellette



Paul Smith

215-863-5055 (Eastern Area Office)

Great Lakes

Ed Moore



David L. Walton (A)



Maureen Marion



Polly Gibbs



John Freiss


2017 Dog Attack Rankings by City

Listed here are the 2017 Dog Attack Rankings — 43 cities comprise the top 25 rankings as some cities reported the same number of attacks:






Houston, TX



Los Angeles, CA



St. Louis, MO



Cleveland, OH



San Diego, CA



Baltimore, MD


San Antonio, TX


Columbus, OH



Dallas, TX



Louisville, KY



Chicago, IL



Denver, CO



Long Beach, CA


Detroit, MI

Kansas City, MO


Oakland, CA


Seattle, WA


Minneapolis, MN


Charlotte, NC

Philadelphia, PA


San Jose, CA


Fort Worth, TX


Miami, FL


Indianapolis, IN

Rochester, NY

Cincinnati, OH

Toledo, OH


Phoenix, AZ


Sacramento, CA

Portland, OR


Albuquerque, NM


Richmond, VA


Brooklyn, NY



Wichita, KS


Memphis, TN


Las Vegas, NV


Dayton, OH


Corpus Christi, TX


Norfolk, VA


Jamaica, NY


Pittsburgh, PA


Milwaukee, WI



Buffalo, NY


Government Relations Representative Listing

Government Relations representatives are here to help contact and invite elected officials for events. They can be reached at 202-268-XXXX. You can find (XXXX) using the following listing:

Alphabetical State/Representative Listing






James Cari



Mary Ann Simpson


American Samoa

David Coleman



David Coleman



Dimitry Pompée



Cathy Pagano



David Coleman



James Cari



James Cari


District of Columbia

James Cari



James Cari



James Cari



David Coleman



David Coleman



David Coleman



Michael A. Wilson



James Cari



Debra Blockinger



Debra Blockinger



Shaun Chang



Dimitry Pompée



Zahava Colicelli



James Cari



Zahava Colicelli



Debra Blockinger



Debra Blockinger



Dimitry Pompée



Shaun Chang



David Coleman



Debra Blockinger



David Coleman


New Hampshire

Zahava Colicelli


New Jersey

James Cari


New Mexico

Cathy Pagano


New York

Zahava Colicelli


North Carolina

James Cari


North Dakota

Shaun Chang


Northern Mariana Islands

David Coleman



Michael A. Wilson



Dimitry Pompée



David Coleman



Michael A. Wilson


Puerto Rico

Zahava Colicelli


Rhode Island

James Cari


South Carolina

James Cari


South Dakota

Shaun Chang



Shaun Chang



Dimitry Pompée



David Coleman



Zahava Colicelli


Virgin Islands

Zahava Colicelli



James Cari



David Coleman


West Virginia

Debra Blockinger



Debra Blockinger



David Coleman


Partner Contacts

These organizations can help obtain local support and find animal behavior experts for local events:

American Humane Association

Mark Stubis


American Veterinary Medical Association

Sharon Granskog


Insurance Information Institute

Jeanne Salvatore


State Farm Insurance

Heather Paul


More Resources

n PS Form 1778, Dog/Animal Warning Card.

n Publication 129, Safety Talks.

n Safety film, Dogs, They Come in All Sizes.
Contact your manager, training (district) for availability.

n Publication 174, How to Avoid Dog Bites; Dogs and Dog Repellent.

n Dog training video, Understanding Canine Behavior.
Contact your manager, training (district) for availability.

n MSDS for Back-Off Dog Repellent.

n Using Dog Repellent — Questions and Answers.