This year’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), the world’s largest annual charity drive, began Monday, September 10, 2018, and runs through Friday, January 11, 2019. The CFC, led by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), provides the Postal Service™ and other federal employees with the opportunity to contribute to more than 8,000 charitable organizations. Once more, the theme is “Show Some Love,” which OPM introduced in 2016.
For 2018, OPM has made the following changes:
n Multiple online pledges. Employees can make multiple pledges through the online giving portal
( from one CFC account, which eliminates the need to create separate accounts.
n Federal retiree contributions. Retirees are no longer restricted to one-time donations. Now, they can make recurring pledges through deductions from retirement accounts or by donating volunteer hours.
n New hire contributions. Employees who start work after the campaign ends can contribute using the online giving portal ( within their first 30 days of employment, if the employee’s start date occurs from February 1 through August 1.
“Every year, our employees answer a very important call to help those in need,” said Chief Human Resources Officer Jeff Williamson. “I’m proud of our commitment to serve and the generous support we continue to show for CFC charities.”
USPS® wants employees to follow ethics rules (see when planning CFC kick-offs and other events. Employees with questions can email the USPS CFC team at
—Content Management,
Corporate Communications, 9-27-18