Labor Relations has published Management Instruction (MI) EL-110-2018-1, Administering Equal Employment Opportunity Official Time, to reflect the primary and alternative way to initiate EEO counseling and how Official Time is allocated for the counselee and the counselee’s representative.
The current vendor — Centralized Intake System — terminated the toll-free Interactive Voice Response telephone number and the Text Telephone number for initiating requests for EEO counseling. These numbers have been replaced by an online efile application.
This new MI replaces MI EL-110-2016-3 (formerly posted on the web). The only difference between the new MI and the old MI is the new information that appears in the section titled “Request for Pre-complaint Counseling.”
MI EL-110-2018-1 is available on the Postal Service™ PolicyNet website:
n Go to
n In the left-hand column under “Essential Links,” click PolicyNet.
n Click Management Instructions.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is
— EEO Compliance and Appeals,Labor Relations, 11-8-18