Cover Story

Removing MTE Labels Makes a Big Difference

The U.S. Postal Service® collects, processes, transports, and delivers mail across the nation. Mail moves through the network in sacks, trays, and tubs. A “little” label identifies the destination for each container, which means a misplaced label can send the mail to the wrong destination.

Postal Service™ employees are responsible for removing all labels and tags from sacks, trays, and tubs when they empty the mail. The Mail Transport Equipment Service Centers do not remove labels or processing tags from Mail Transport Equipment (MTE).

Old tray labels must be thrown away, and any tags must be collected and reused as stated in the following excerpt from the MTE Standard Operating Procedure for processing facilities and delivery units:

“All tray labels must be removed as the tray is emptied of its contents. The label holder must be replaced with a new one if it has been damaged, torn, or has been rendered unusable in any manner. Once emptied, trays must be separated and stacked on pallets by type. All labels, placards, and residual signage (i.e., HAZMAT, Code Red, etc.) must be removed from all MTE when emptied.”

Our customers rely on us to correctly move and deliver mail. Old labels left in empty MTE increase the possibility of mistakes when this equipment is reused. Just the small act of “removing the label” can make a big impression on our mailers when they receive clean, useable MTE ready for their mail.

Steps for removing MTE Labels: Empty it. Pull It Out. Stack it.