Vaccines help protect us and our community from serious diseases. That’s why the United States Postal Service® is a proud participant of National Immunization Awareness Month. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect yourself and others from diseases that can kill.
National Immunization Awareness Month is a great time to remind family, friends, and co-workers to talk to their healthcare providers about staying up-to-date on their shots.
Here are some important facts about immunization:
n All adults need a tetanus diphtheria booster shot every 10 years.
n Adults aged 65 and older are encouraged to get immunizations to prevent pneumonia and other serious diseases, like shingles.
n Both boys and girls can get the HPV vaccines, which protect against certain forms of cancer.
n Adults may need to get follow-up shots (called boosters) for immunizations they received as children.
n International travel may require vaccinations.
n Many vaccines are covered by health insurance plans.
Talk to your health care provider to ensure that everyone in your family gets the shots they need. Also, as a health tip, keep a record of any vaccinations you receive. For more information about immunization, visit
For more information about health and wellness topics, visit the Wellness LiteBlue page at
— Benefits and Compensation,
Human Resources, 8-15-19