Environmental Management

Required Procedures for Environmental Regulatory Agency Site Visits and Notices of Violation

United States Postal Service® policy requires compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal environmental regulations, and full cooperation with environmental regulators.

Environmental Agency Inspections and Site Visits

The site installation head must immediately report visits and site inspections by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or any state or local environmental regulatory agency, to the appropriate USPS® regional manager, Environmental Compliance and Sustainability, regardless of whether the site visit is pre-scheduled or unannounced.

In addition, the installation head, or his or her designee, must follow the guidelines in Standard Operating Procedure for Environmental Agency Inspections and Site Visits to ensure appropriate support and facility compliance during environmental agency inspections at Postal Service™ facilities. The Standard Operating Procedure is available at blue.usps.gov/sustainability/environmental/facility-inspection.htm.

Environmental Notices of Violation and Similarly Entitled Notices

A notice of violation (NOV) or similarly entitled notice, such as a warning letter, request for information, request to show cause, or notice of non-compliance, can be issued to the Postal Service for failure to comply with an environmental regulation. Notices, issued from the EPA or a state or local agency, may occur as the result of a regulator site visit or inspection.

After becoming aware of an NOV or similarly entitled notice, the site installation head (or the Facilities project manager, if applicable) must immediately notify the appropriate regional manager, Environmental Compliance and Sustainability, and send an electronic copy of the notice. Reporting NOVs and similar notices ensures a timely and necessary response to critical items or anything that must be referred to the Law Department.

USPS Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Points of Contact

The Office of Sustainability has a team of internal environmental compliance professionals available to assist sites by interacting with regulators, developing corrective action plans, and providing compliance solutions.

Timely reporting of environmental agency site visits and notices can minimize operational and financial issues for the Postal Service. Report an environmental regulatory agency visit or NOV (or similarly entitled notice) by sending an email to the appropriate regional manager, Environmental Compliance and Sustainability. The regional manager will then assign a Postal Service environmental specialist to assist you:

n For the Northeast, Eastern, and Capital Metro Areas, and Headquarters-related facilities, contact Nicholas DeCarlo at nicholas.decarlo@usps.gov.

n For the Great Lakes, Western, Southern, and Pacific Areas, contact Judy Wingo-Stalinger at judy.wingostalinger@usps.gov.