Effective July 29, 2021, the Postal Service™ is revising Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM®), section 274.2, to note that the marking requirements for Free Matter for the Blind items must include the phrase “Envois pour les Aveugles” (a French phrase meaning “mailings for the blind”) as well as the phrase “Free Matter for the Blind.”
This revision is based on the Universal Postal Union regulations Article 16-002.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, International Mail Manual (IMM)
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2 Conditions for Mailing
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274 Mail Preparation
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274.2 Markings
[Revise the first sentence to read as follows:]
In addition to the markings required in 234.2 for Priority Mail International parcels, in 244.2 for First-Class Mail International items, and in 254.2 for First-Class Package International Service items, the mailer must mark the item in the upper right-hand corner of the address side of the mailpiece with both of the following phrases: “Envois pour les Aveugles” and “Free Matter for the Blind.” ***
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Although effective July 29, 2021, the Postal Service will incorporate this revision into the next edition of the online IMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com.
— Product Classification,
Product Solutions, 7-29-21