The article entitled “Publication 52 Revision: Hemp-based Products Update,” published in Postal Bulletin 22579 (8-26-21, page 5), listed the maximum mailable limit for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration at .03 percent for hemp-based products, which was incorrect.
The correct concentration limit for THC regarding mailable hemp-based products is 0.3 percent. The text change for 453.37 will read as follows:
“Hemp and hemp-based products, including cannabidiol (CBD) with the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of such hemp (or its derivatives) not exceeding a 0.3 percent limit are permitted to be mailed in domestic mail only when:”
As stated in the previous article, the Postal Service™ will incorporate the corrected revision into a later edition of online Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, which is available via Postal Explorer® at
— Product Classification,
Product Solutions, 9-23-21