During October 2021, the Postal Service™ observed National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM) by helping Postal Service employees and contractors become more aware of cybersecurity best practices and the resources available at CyberSafe at USPS®. Each week, we highlighted a cybersecurity topic using videos, held cybersafe activities, and showed best practices and fun facts.
n Visit the NCSAM (blue.usps.gov/cyber/awareness-fair.htm) page on Blue for information and resources provided during each week of NCSAM.
n Spread the word! Let your teams and networks know about CyberSafe resources available year-round.
Take the NCSAM survey (forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=iFeq-TPrSUqK0HYQGRDKw1rCr2I2cFtEqPYctnEWdopURExJMlpJQks0SUtQMU41MUFGNkVHWlY2Uy4u) to share your thoughts on this year’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Remember: Stay CyberSafe.
— Corporate Information Security Office, Chief Information Officer, 11-18-21