Management Instructions

Management Instruction AS-280-2021-7: Integrated Emergency Management Supporting Field Business Continuity

Effective November 2021, the Postal Service™ published Management Instruction (MI) AS-280-2021-7, Integrated Emergency Management Supporting Field Business Continuity, to reestablish the Postal Service’s commitment to the all-hazards integrated emergency management concept that protects its employees and infrastructure, and enables continuity of operations. The guidance in MI AS-280-2021-7 supersedes the previous management instruction, MI AS-280-2018-1.

MI AS-280-2021-7 is available on the PolicyNet website:

n Go to

n In the left-hand column, click Essential Links, and then click PolicyNet.

n Go to the right-hand side under “Published Forms and Directives.”

n Click Management Instructions.

The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is