Effective April 2022, the Postal Service™ revised PS Form 3294, Cash and Stamp Stock Count and Summary, to remove all references to PS Form 571, Discrepancy of $100 or More in Financial Responsibility.
PS Form 571 was obsoleted in September 2021 because the information that had been captured by the form is now captured by a comments field within the Retail Systems Software (RSS) and e1412 reporting technologies, as noted in the article titled “PS Form 571 is No Longer Required for Reporting Overages or Shortages” in Postal Bulletin 22582 (10-7-21, page 6).
PS Form 3294 is still required to document cash and stamp counts.
The April 2022 edition of PS Form 3294 is available on the PolicyNet website:
n Go to blue.usps.gov.
n In the left-hand column, click Essential Links, and then click PolicyNet.
n Go to the right-hand side under “Published Forms and Directives,” click Forms, and then click on the range 3000–3999.
n Scroll down to the form entry and click the PDF icon.
The direct URL for the Postal Service PolicyNet website is blue.usps.gov/cpim. PS Form 3294 is available only on the PolicyNet website; it is no longer available from the Material Distribution Center.
— Revenue and Field Accounting,
Controller, 4-7-22