
©2022 USPS
On June 24, 2022, in Fairfax, VA, the U.S. Department of the Interior will issue the $25 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp for the 2022–2023 waterfowl hunting season. The pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) stamp will go on sale nationwide June 24, 2022, and is valid through June 30, 2023.
Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) will not make an automatic distribution to Post Offices. To allow postmasters to order the 2022–2023 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamp in quantities approximating customer demand, there is no minimum ordering quantity. Postmasters must review their previous year’s sales records to determine the appropriate number of the 2022-2023 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamps to order. Postmasters must order sufficient quantities of Item 336700 to meet the expected demand for this item by stamp collectors, conservationists, and hunters. Post Offices must not sell these stamps before the first-day-of-issue, but will be able to preorder them through SFS Web at sfsweb.usps.gov/sfsweb.
The 2022–2023 $25.00 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation PSA Pane of 20 will only be distributed by SFS in Kansas City, MO, and by consignment via Amplex Corporation.
Before June 30, 2022, all sales and service associates must return unsold 2021–2022 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamps (also known as Duck stamps) to the unit reserve. Unit reserve stock custodians must ship unsold migratory bird stamps to the SFS destruction vault during their next scheduled return cycle. All postal retail units are required to return unsold Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation stamps annually.
Locally produced items are not authorized. Only merchandise that has been approved and assigned an item number by Headquarters Retail Marketing may be produced and sold.
Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp
Item Number:
Denomination & Type of Issue:
$25.00, Special
Pane of 1 (1 design)
Federal Duck
Issue Date & City:
June 24, 2022, Fairfax, VA 22031
Art Director:
Suzanne Fellows, FWS
James Hautman
Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process:
Intaglio, Offset
Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type:
Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane:
Print Quantity:
2,387,180 stamps
Paper Type:
Nonphosphored Type III
Adhesive Type:
Processed at:
Banknote Corporation of America
Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Pantone 2965, Invisible UV
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
1.762 x 1.289 in./44.754 x 32.740 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
1.92 x 1.45 in./48.768 x 36.83 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h):
6.125 x 2.625 in./155.575 x 66.675 mm
Plate Size:
16 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
Marginal Markings:
Selvage Text: 2022–2023 Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service • Celebrating our Waterfowl and Hunting Heritage • Informative text • Artist: James Hautman, Redheads© • If applicable, sign your stamp
Verso-text • Ordering information • Barcode • U.S. Department of the Interior logo • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service logo
Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp
Item Number:
Denomination & Type of Issue:
$25.00, Special
Pane of 20 (1 design)
Federal Duck
Issue Date & City:
June 24, 2022, Fairfax, VA 22031
Art Director:
Suzanne Fellows, FWS
James Hautman
Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process:
Intaglio, Offset
Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type:
Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane:
Print Quantity:
55,600 stamps
Paper Type:
Nonphosphored Type III
Adhesive Type:
Processed at:
Banknote Corporation of America
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 2965, Invisible UV
Stamp Orientation:
Image Area (w x h):
1.762 x 1.289 in./44.754 x 32.740 mm
Overall Size (w x h):
1.92 x 1.45 in./48.768 x 36.83 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h):
8.25 x 8.25 in./209.55 x 209.55 mm
Plate Size:
40 stamps per revolution
Plate Numbers:
Marginal Markings:
Selvage Text: “Artist: James Hautman” (4 positions) • “Department of the Interior 20 x $25.00” (2 positions) • Silhouetted image of duck printed in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 2965, Invisible UV • Plate number (4 positions)
Verso-text behind each stamp • Barcodes (4 positions) • Plate position
— Stamp Services, Marketing, 6-2-22