Policies, Procedures, and Forms Updates


DMM Revision: Addressing Military Mail

Effective January 22, 2023, the Postal Service™ will revise Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®), section 703.2.2.1, to clarify required delivery address line military address types.

Currently, DMM 703.2.2.1b provides three delivery address line military address types: “CMR” (Consolidated Mail Room), “PSC” (Postal Service Center), and “UNIT.” The Postal Service is renaming “CMR” as “CPR” (Consolidated Postal Room). The Postal Service is also adding “OPC” (Official Postal Center) and “UPR” (Unit Postal Room) to eligible delivery address line military address types listed in the DMM. This revision will provide consistency within Postal Service materials.

Although the Postal Service will not publish these revisions in the DMM until January 22, 2023, the standards are effective immediately.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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700 Special Standards

703 Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail and Other Unique Eligibility

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2.0 Overseas Military and Diplomatic Post Office Mail

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2.2 Addressing Military Mail

2.2.1 Overseas Address

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[Revise the text of item b. to read as follows:]

b. Line 2: The delivery line (the second line from the bottom in the address) must show one of the following military address types and number; and box number assigned, when applicable:

1. “CPR” (Consolidated Postal Room).

2. “OPC” (Official Postal Center).

3. “PSC” (Postal Service Center).

4. “UPR” (Unit Postal Room).

5. “UNIT.”

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The Postal Service will incorporate these revisions into the January 22, 2023, edition of the online DMM, which is available via Postal Explorer® at pe.usps.com.