Information Security

Keep Your Eyes Open for Phishing Emails

For Postal Service™ employees and contractors, email security is a high priority since roughly 94 percent of malware is delivered through email. Users must stay vigilant and report any suspicious communications or alleged threats to the Corporate Information Security Office (CISO).

The average office employee receives around 121 emails a day. With so much daily volume, Postal Service employees must follow these simple steps to ensure the safety of their inbox and the USPS® network:

n Slow down. Pause and evaluate messages before acting. Be wary of “urgent” requests.

n Verify senders. If an email is from an “[EXTERNAL]” address, proceed with caution.

n Hover, don’t click. Check that all hyperlinked descriptions match their destination by hovering your mouse over the link.

n Beware of attachments. Don’t open or click anything attached to a suspicious email.

n Spell check. Spelling and grammar mistakes often indicate a phishing attempt.

If you think you’ve received a suspicious email, report it to CISO. Select the suspicious email in your inbox — multiple messages can be selected, if necessary — and click the “Report to CyberSafe” button on the Outlook toolbar. If the email is already open, the button will appear in the email toolbar as well.

If you don’t see the “Report to CyberSafe” button in your Outlook toolbar, you can find instructions for installing the add-on at