An unsolicited proposal is the offer to sell to the Postal Service the rights to ideas, concepts, products, processes, or technology. Such offers address improvements in Postal Service operations, and are not entrepreneurial marketing efforts intended to increase market share. They are considered unsolicited because they are not submitted in response to a solicitation or request for proposal or any other Postal Service initiated solicitation or program. Offers to sell commercially- available goods and services to the Postal Service are not unsolicited proposals unless the goods or services are uniquely configured for the Postal Service or the proposal offers for further development the use of commercially-available goods or services. Entrepreneurs interested in marketing efforts should consult our Publication 5, Let’s Do Business, which provides comprehensive information regarding Postal Service requirements, purchasing policies and procedures, and buying locations throughout the country.
Entrepreneurs should also be aware that the Postal Service, like any other concern operating in a competitive business environment, is constantly exploring new ways to provide its customers new and better services and innovative methods to improve the services we offer. It is, therefore, possible that ideas and concepts submitted under the UPP are being, or have been, considered by the Postal Service or have already been adopted.
Unsolicited proposals must be submitted in writing and must include enough technical and cost information to allow an effective initial evaluation of what is being proposed and its potential overall benefits to the Postal Service. Unsolicited proposals are accepted for initial evaluation only when they do not contain confidential or proprietary information not protected by copyright or patent. Therefore, they must include a signed copy of the “Confidential Disclosure Disclaimer” from this publication certifying that the unsolicited proposal does not contain any confidential or proprietary information not protected by copyright or patent. Unsolicited proposals that do not contain a signed copy of the disclaimer will be returned to the submitter.