We appreciate your interest in the improvement of our services. While we accept for consideration proposals, inventions, suggestions, or ideas (referred to generally as suggestions) that you wish to send us, you should know that we get many suggestions gratuitously, some of which are duplicative, some of which we have already considered, and some of which we have developed on our own. However, we cannot receive them in confidence and we will consider suggestions under the following conditions:
- Your suggestion and all disclosures and materials concerning it that are provided to the Postal Service, whether printed, graphic, oral, digital, recorded or in any other form, are submitted to the Postal Service on a nonconfidential basis. The Postal Service does not promise or have any obligation to hold the suggestion and all disclosures and materials concerning it confidential.
- If you have obtained a patent/copyright, all of your rights and remedies (and those of your principals) arising out of the disclosure of such suggestions to, or their use by, the Postal Service are limited to the rights and remedies now or in the future accorded to you under United States patent or copyright laws. Our review of your suggestion does not imply or impose any obligations on us.
- All other claims of any nature whatever arising out of any disclosure by you to the Postal Service are hereby waived.
- The Postal Service is under no obligation to return to you any material submitted.
- These conditions will apply to any additional disclosures you make incidental to your original submission.
If you wish to submit your suggestion subject to these terms, along with related documents such as drawings, please submit it with a signed copy of this letter.
Because we receive a large number of suggestions and do not generally return them, we recommend that you keep a copy of your proposal.
Thank you for your interest in the United States Postal Service.
I have read the above and agree to these conditions.
_______________________________________ ________________
(Signature) (Date)