August 2013
Dear Member of Congress:
The United States Postal Service<superscript>® understands that mail is a critical tool that helps keep you in touch with your constituents. We created our Discount “Postal Customer” Mailings: A Guide for the House of Representatives with your needs in mind. It contains important information to assist your staff and mail service provider to prepare “Postal Customer” mailings.
The Guide contains detailed mail preparation and entry requirements. I hope the Guide will prove to be a valuable tool to assist you in preparing trouble–free saturation mailings. An electronic version has been provided to the HouseNet website and the House Franking Commission for posting on their intranet sites. If you need additional copies — either hard copy or electronic — please let us know.
Along with assisting you and your office on Postal Service™-related legislative and public policy issues — including constituent case work — your Postal Service Government Relations representative is available to help you with your “Postal Customer” mailing or other mass mailings.

Sheila T. Meyers
Manager, Government Liaison