3-5 Drop Shipment Appointments

3-5.1 Types of Appointments

Based on load types, the following appointments exist in FAST:

  1. Pallet: Mailing is containerized on pallets.
  2. Speedline: All mail is on pallets; total does not exceed six pallet positions. A pallet position is defined as the floor space occupied by one pallet.
  3. Drop-and-Pick: Restricted to NDC entry for bedload Parcel Select (Postal Service unload) and approved by the NDC manager. Perishable loads cannot be scheduled as drop-and-pick appointments.
  4. Bedload: Sacks, trays, bundles or parcels stacked directly on the floor of a vehicle (driver unload).

Note: If bedload and pallets are combined, the shipment is categorized as bedloaded.

All appointments require completion of content information that describes the mailing associated with each PS Form 8125 or each line of a consolidated PS Form 8125 or with eInduction. Mail class and mail shape are required fields under content information.