4-4.2 Using the Daily Appointment Tracking Sheet

Follow the instructions below to reconcile the daily appointment tracking sheet (DATS) with the appointments and 8125s received on a given day.

  1. Organize the DATS by tour.
  2. Reconcile the appointments listed with the PS Form 8125s by matching the appointment number on the 8125 against the appointment number on the DATS. If an appointment is listed and the corresponding 8125(s) cannot be found, take every measure to locate the form(s) that belong to that appointment.
  3. Reconcile the number of 8125s on the DATS against the actual count for each appointment. If the actual count of 8125s does not match what is claimed on the DATS, follow these resolution steps:
    1. If 8125 counts do not match, set aside the forms and hold until the closeout process is completed; the missing form(s) may be found within another group of 8125s from the DATS.
    2. If the 8125 discrepancy cannot be resolved after completing the closeout process, contact the employee who completed the DATS.
  4. When the actual container count does not match the 8125, input the irregularity into FAST and ensure it was also input into eMIR.
  5. Enter your name and date at the bottom of the DATS following the FAST closeout.