Upon arrival, drivers must check in at the designated area, provide a driver’s license if requested, and present a form from the PS Form 8125 series (hereafter often referred to as just “PS Form 8125,” although it could be PS Form 8125, 8125-C, 8125-CP, or 8125-CD, or in some cases PS 8017). The requirement to present PS Form 8125 does not apply to mailings presented under the electronic verification system (eVS) or eInduction. A valid Appointment ID must be provided.
If presenting a mailing with PS Form 8125, the driver must provide an Appointment ID number (which appears on the form). If presenting an eVS or eInduction mailing, the driver must know the Appointment ID number. If no appointment was made, the destination office may accept the shipment as an unscheduled arrival, if operationally feasible. However, the driver must provide a FAST Scheduler ID.
While on Postal Service property, drivers are required to adhere to the following:
- The driver must stage the vehicle as assigned by Postal Service personnel. Drivers must adhere to all instructions while driving on Postal Service premises.
- When driver unloading or assistance is required, the driver must stay with and continue to unload the vehicle until the unload process is complete.
- For a vehicle containing multiple mailings, the driver must separate and designate each non-EVS or non-eInduction mailing with the appropriate PS Form 8125.
- Parcel mailings presented under eVS will have no PS Form 8125. Mailings presented under eInduction will have no PS Form 8125.
- The driver must obey all applicable Postal Service and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations while on Postal Service premises.
- The driver must remove the vehicle from Postal Service premises immediately after unloading when directed by Postal Service personnel.
- The driver is not permitted access to the Postal Service facility except for the dock and designated driver rest areas.