Verify that the shipment is destined for your facility. If the shipment is destined for a different post office, return the shipment to the driver. If requested, sign the driver’s “Signature Record” (electronic diode) or Bill of Lading if the shipment is destined for your facility.
As part of the cursory review for eVS mailings, delivery units must scan one parcel from each eVS shipment. This procedure requires the DDU to scan one parcel using the “DC/eVS Arrive” scan. The "DC/eVS Arrive" scan must be performed at the time the shipment is received by the delivery unit. Any eVS parcel that does not belong to the delivery unit must be scanned as Mis–shipped and redirected to the correct office using the Postal Service outgoing mailstream. The Postal Service will collect additional funds from the mailer based on Mis-shipped scan events performed at the delivery unit.