3-5 Restricted Illustrations, Wording, and Designs

The Postal Service places the following restrictions on illustrations, wording, and designs featured on a pictorial postmark:

  1. The illustrations, wording, and designs must directly reflect the event to be commemorated.
  2. The pictorial postmark cannot promote or endorse the following:
    1. The sale or use of non–Postal Service products.
    2. The beliefs, ideals, policies, or programs of any individual or organization.
    3. A political candidate or campaign.
  3. The pictorial postmark cannot feature illustrations, wording, or symbols (including religious or antireligious symbols or subject matter) that refer to, promote, or endorse the beliefs, ideals, policies, or programs of any individual or organization. However, the Postal Service may approve a pictorial postmark in which a symbol of this nature is merely incidental to the design, such as an event sponsor (see 4-2).