Interim Internal Purchasing Guidelines > 1 Authority, Responsibility and Policy > 1.2 Publication and Changes
1.2.1 Publication
1.2.1.a Issuance. These guidelines are issued and maintained by the VP, SM, and
are published and available to users on the World Wide Web at
1.2.2 Changes
1.2.2.a Proposed Changes. Individuals interested in proposing changes to these
guidelines may do so by sending the proposed change to the manager,
Supply Management Infrastructure. Proposed changes should address the
following areas (supporting documentation should be included as necessary):
1. The text (chapter, part, etc.) in which the change is sought.
2. The proposed wording.
3. The rationale for the change.
4. Potential effects of the change in terms of cost and personnel.
5. Other documents or directives which will be affected by the proposed
6. Any other relevant information.
1.2.2.b Issuance. Changes to these guidelines are made to the online version when
approved by the VP, SM.