Interim Internal Purchasing Guidelines > 1 Authority, Responsibility and Policy > 1.3 Deviations
1.3.1 General
1.3.1.a Conformance with these guidelines promotes consistency and integrity
throughout Postal Service purchasing. There are circumstances, however,
when departures are necessary or desirable. Deviations from the mandatory
requirements of these guidelines may be authorized in such circumstances.
1.3.1.b The following are examples of deviations requiring authorization:
1. Omitting or modifying a provision or clause required by these
guidelines, supplementing a required provision or clause with another
which modifies its substance or intent, or using a provision or clause
that differs from a required clause covering the same subject. However,
using provisions or clauses included in these guidelines to replace
selected text contained in Provisions 4-1, Standard Solicitation
Provisions, and 4-2, Evaluation, and Clause 4-1, General Terms and
Conditions, does not constitute a deviation and does not require
authorization (see also 4.2.2.e and 4.2.7.d).
2. Using a clause that is inconsistent with the substance or intent of a
clause covering the same subject, or inconsistent with the discussion of
the subject, even when the clause is not required to be used verbatim.
3. Any procedure, method, or practice which is inconsistent with the these
guidelines, and any variance from the guidelines' limitations on the use
of clauses, procedures or types of contracts.
1.3.1.c The following are not deviations from these guidelines:
1. Clauses drafted specifically to meet unique requirements when not
inconsistent with the substance or intent of a clause covering the same
2. Procedures or instructions that are (a) developed to meet specific
operational needs or the needs of specialized commodity areas and (b)
approved by the VP, SM.
3. Interim procedures or instructions to (a) test new purchasing
techniques or methods, or (b) promote Postal Service efficiency.
1.3.2 Authorization of Deviations
1.3.2.a Request for Authorization. Deviations must be authorized in advance of their
use. Contracting officers must forward a request through organizational levels
to an individual authorized deviation approval authority (see 1.3.2.b). Each
request must include:
1. Identification of the guideline from which deviation is sought.
2. A full description of the deviation and the period of time and
circumstances under which it will be used.
3. An explanation of why the deviation is necessary or desirable.
4. Copies of any documents involved, such as forms, clauses,
memoranda of negotiations, or correspondence.
1.3.2.b Approval
1. The VP, SM, may approve any request for deviation regarding a single
purchase or series of purchases.
2. Deviations concerning a single purchase may be approved regardless
of commodity group (supplies, services and equipment, design and
construction and related services, and mail transportation and related
services) by any of the following:
(a) The manager, Facilities Portfolio.
(b) The manager, Mail Equipment Portfolio.
(c) The manager, Supply Management Operations.
(d) The manager, Services Portfolio.
(e) The manager, Supplies Portfolio.
(f) The manager, Supply Chain Management Strategies.
(g) The manager, Supply Management Infrastructure.
(h) The manager, Transportation Portfolio.
3. Deviations concerning a single purchase of facility design, construction
and related services may be approved by the manager, Major Facilities
Purchasing (this authority may be redelegated).
4. Deviations concerning a single purchase of mail transportation may be
approved by the manager, National Mail Transportation Purchasing
(this authority may be redelegated).
1.3.2.c Records. Approval officials must keep copies of all deviation approvals.