Typically, life cycle support plans are used when the Postal Service purchases products, not services, and span the time from product conception to product retirement, with more than 80 percent of the TCO being in the postpurchase phases. The life cycle support plan is a component of the purchase plan, and is a dynamic document that guides the project throughout its entire duration and is revised as more detailed information becomes available.
The purchase/SCM team determines which products call for the development of a life cycle support plan in Section 2-11, Develop Life-Cycle Support Plan. It is essential to note that a life cycle support plan is not appropriate to all purchases, but should be developed for products of considerable nature, scope, and complexity (e.g., for high-level and very complex products). Whether such a product is purchased from a supplier or made by the Postal Service, during its life cycle development, quality, cost, schedule, and user requirements must be considered at all phases. The plan is continuously updated as more detailed information becomes available.
A life cycle support plan clarifies the project lifespan of the product. An effective implementation of a life cycle support plan: