After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked by June 22, 2001. Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day covers for new stamp issues and postal stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog. Customers may request a free catalog by telephoning 1 800 STAMP-24 or writing to: INFORMATION FULFILLMENT First day covers remain on sale for at least 1 year after the stamp's issuance. Philatelic ProductsThere are no philatelic products for this stamp issue. DistributionThe Honoring Veterans stamp will be distributed in two waves. The first distribution will start on March 27 and will be completed on April 19, 2001. The second distribution will begin on May 1 and will be completed by May 24, 2001. Stamp Distribution Offices (SDOs) will receive one-half of their standard automatic distribution quantities in the first wave. Distributions are rounded up to the nearest master carton size (40,000 stamps). Initial Supply to Post OfficesSDOs will make a subsequent automatic distribution to Post Offices for one-half of their standard automatic distribution quantities using PS Form 3309, Advice of Shipment/Stamp Invoice, and PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition. SDOs must not distribute stamps to Post Offices before May 16, 2001. Additional SupplyPost Offices requiring additional stamps must requisition them from their designated SDO using a separate PS Form 17. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate accountable paper depository (APD) using PS Form 17. Philatelic RequirementSDOs with authorized philatelic centers will receive an automatic distribution of these stamps in nine positions for subsequent distribution to each philatelic window.
Sales PolicyAll Post Offices must acquire and maintain a supply of each new commemorative as long as customer demand exists, as long as supplies last, or until the stamp is officially withdrawn from sale. If supplies run low, Post Offices must reorder additional quantities using their normal ordering procedures. - Stamp Services, Public Affairs and Communications, 4-19-01 STAMP ANNOUNCEMENT 01-30 Acadia National Park International Rate Stamp
The Postal Service will issue a 60-cent Acadia National Park international rate stamp (Item Number 561300) in Bar Harbor, ME 04609, on May 30, 2001. The stamp, designed by Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, MD, is based on a photograph by Carr Clifton of Taylorsville, CA. There is no first day ceremony, and the stamp goes on sale nationwide May 31, 2001. This pane may be split, and the stamps can be sold individually. Acadia National Park in Maine encompasses more than 45,000 acres across several islands, including Mount Desert Island and the Schoodic Peninsula. As the first national park created east of the Mississippi River, it was first established as Sieur de Monts National Monument in 1916 and then as Lafayette National Park by President Woodrow Wilson in 1919. It received its current name in 1929. With mountains, rocky shorelines, lakes, and forests, the park draws more than 3 million visitors a year. Forty-five miles of rustic carriage roads - a legacy of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. - provide bicyclists, horse riders, runners, and hikers freedom from automobile traffic. More than 273 species of birds have been identified in the Mount Desert Island area. Each year park naturalists anticipate the return of peregrine falcons, which have been known to nest in the cliffs overlooking Frenchman Bay and Jordan Pond. How to Order the First Day of Issue PostmarkCustomers have 30 days to obtain the first day of issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office, by telephone at 1 800 STAMP-24, and at the Postal Store Web site at They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to: ACADIA NATIONAL PARK STAMP
After applying the first day of issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark. All orders must be postmarked by June 29, 2001. Stamp Fulfillment Services (SFS) also offers first day covers for new stamp issues and postal stationery items postmarked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has an individual catalog number and is offered in the quarterly USA Philatelic catalog. Customers may request a free catalog by telephoning 1 800 STAMP-24 or writing to: INFORMATION FULFILLMENT First day covers remain on sale for at least 1 year after the stamp's issuance. Philatelic ProductsThere are no philatelic products for this stamp issue. DistributionThe 60-cent Acadia National Park, pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) stamp will be automatically distributed to stamp distribution offices (SDOs) in the following quantities. Master carton size is 40,000 stamps.
The Dulles System Service Center (SSC) will receive 1,000,000, and the Kansas City SSC will receive 1,920,000 PSA panes of 20 of Item 561300. Initial Supply for Post OfficesThe Minneapolis Information System Service Center (MNISSC) will not use PS Form 3309, Advice of Shipment/Stamp Invoice, to automatically distribute this stamp to Post Offices. To obtain an initial supply of Item 561300, 60-cent Acadia National Park stamp, all Post Offices must immediately submit a separate PS Form 17, Stamp Requisition, to their designated SDO. SDOs must not distribute stamps to Post Offices or philatelic centers before May 23, 2001. Additional SupplyPost Offices requiring additional quantities of Item 561300 must requisition them from their designated SDO using PS Form 17. SDOs requiring additional stamps must order them from the appropriate accountable paper depository (APD), using PS Form 17. All APDs, with the exception of Denver, will receive 3,840,000 additional stamps for filling supplemental orders from SDOs. The Denver APD will receive 1,930,000 additional stamps. The Kansas City SSC will receive 15,360,000 additional stamps for filling supplemental orders from the APDs. Philatelic RequirementSDOs with authorized philatelic centers will receive an automatic distribution of this new stamp in nine positions for subsequent distribution to each philatelic window.
- Stamp Services,Public Affairs and Communications, 4-19-01 Pictorial Cancellations AnnouncementAs a community service, the Postal Service offers pictorial cancellations to commemorate local events celebrated in communities throughout the nation. A list of events for which pictorial cancellations are authorized appears below. If available, the sponsor of the pictorial cancellation appears in italics under the date. Also provided, as space permits, are illustrations of those cancellations that were reproducible and available at press time. People attending these local events may obtain the cancellation in person at the temporary post office station established there. Those who cannot attend the event, but who wish to obtain the cancellation, may submit a mail order request. Pictorial cancellations are available only for the dates indicated, and requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial cancellation date. All requests must include a stamped envelope or postcard bearing at least the minimum First-Class Mail postage. Items submitted for cancellation may not include postage issued after the date of the requested cancellation. Such items will be returned unserviced. Customers wishing to obtain a cancellation should affix stamps to any envelope or postcard of their choice, address the envelope or postcard to themselves or others,insert a card of postcard thickness in envelopes for sturdiness, and tuck in the flap. Place the envelope or postcard in a larger envelope and address it to: PICTORIAL CANCELLATIONS, followed by the NAME OF THE STATION,ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP + 4 CODE, exactly as listed below (using all capitals and no punctuation, except thehyphen in the ZIP + 4 code). Customers can also send stamped envelopes and postcards without addresses for cancellation, as long as they supply a larger envelope with adequate postage and their return address. After applying the pictorial cancellation, the Postal Service returns the items (with or without addresses) under addressed protective cover. The following pictorial cancellations have been extended for 30 days. March 16, 2001 DIABETES AWARENESS STATION POSTMASTER PO BOX 9998 REDFIELD SD 57469-9998 March 31-April 1, 2001 KEARNEY STATION POSTMASTER 2401 AVE E KEARNEY NE 68847-9998
- Stamp Services,Public Affairs and Communications, 4-19-01
POM REVISION Philatelic Policies and ProceduresEffective April 19, 2001, Postal Operations Manual (POM) 8, subchapter 21, Philatelic Policies and Procedures, is revised to reflect changes to the criteria that the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee uses to recommend all U.S. postage stamps and stationery. The changes reflect recent developments in the U.S. stamp program, including the issuance of semipostals. In addition to the substantive changes, we also corrected typographical errors, references to certain stamp products, and addresses. We will incorporate these revisions into the online POM 8, which is available via the Policies and Procedures Web page located at; select Manuals. We will also publish these revisions in the printed version of POM 9. Postal Operations Manual (POM) * * * * * 2 Philately 21 Philatelic Policies and Procedures * * * * * 212 Stamps and Stationery Subjects 212.1 Selection * * * * * [Add a new 212.2, renumber the current 212.2 as 212.3, revise 212.3, and add a new 212.4 to read as follows:] 212.2 Criteria for Eligibility The Postal Service and the members of the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee (CSAC) use the following basic criteria to determine the eligibility of subjects for commemoration on U.S. stamps and stationery: a. It is a general policy that U.S. postage stamps and stationery primarily feature American or American- related subjects. b. No living person is honored by portrayal on U.S. postage. c. Commemorative stamps or postal stationery items honoring individuals usually are issued on or in conjunction with significant anniversaries of their birth, but no postal item is issued sooner than 10 years after the individual's death. The only exception to the 10-year rule is the issuance of stamps honoring deceased U.S. presidents. They may be honored with a memorial stamp on the first birth anniversary following death. d. Events of historical significance are considered for commemoration only on anniversaries in multiples of 50 years. e. Only events and themes of widespread national appeal and significance are considered for commemoration. Events or themes of local or regional significance may be recognized by a philatelic or special postal cancellation, which may be arranged through the local postmaster. f. Stamps or stationery items are not issued to honor fraternal, political, sectarian, or service and charitable organizations. Stamps or stationery are not issued to promote or advertise commercial enterprises or products. Commercial products or enterprises might be used to illustrate more general concepts related to American culture. g. Stamps or stationery items are not issued to honor cities, towns, municipalities, counties, primary or secondary schools, hospitals, libraries, or similar institutions. Due to the limitations placed on annual postal programs and the vast number of such locales, organizations, and institutions in existence, it would be difficult to single out any one for commemoration. h. Requests for observance of statehood anniversaries are considered for commemorative postage stamps only at intervals of 50 years from the date of the state's first entry into the Union. Requests for observance of other state-related or regional anniversaries are considered only as subjects for postal stationery, and again only at intervals of 50 years from the date of the event. i. Stamps or stationery items are not issued to honor religious institutions or individuals whose principal achievements are associated with religious undertakings or beliefs. j. Stamps or postal stationery items with added values, referred to as semipostals, are issued every 2 years in accordance with Public Law 106253. Semipostals are not considered part of the commemorative program, and separate criteria apply. k. Requests for commemoration of universities and other institutions of higher education are considered only for stamped cards and only in connection with the 200th anniversaries of their founding. l. No stamp will be considered for issuance if one treating the same subject has been issued in the past 50 years. The only exceptions to this rule are traditional themes such as national symbols and holidays. 212.3 Submission Ideas for subjects must be submitted at least 3 years in advance of the proposed date of issue. This allows the committee enough time to consider the idea and to design and produce the stamps, if the subject is approved. Send ideas for stamp subjects that meet the criteria to the following address: CITIZENS' STAMP ADVISORY COMMITTEE 212.4 Approval and Design Once a subject is approved, the Postal Service usually relies on design coordinators to help select artists who execute the designs. The Postal Service does not review or accept unsolicited artwork. [Renumber 212.3 as 213 and revise the title to read as follows:] 213 Stamp Distribution and Requisition [Renumber 212.31 and 212.32 as 213.1 and 213.2, revise the first paragraph in 213.1, and revise the address in 213.2 to read as follows:] 213.1 Stamp Distribution Offices All Post Offices receive initial supplies of new stamp issues without requisition. Stamp products such as annual, commemorative stamp yearbooks, and the Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps are generally distributed automatically to stamp distribution offices (SDOs) and accountable paper depositories (APDs). These distribution destinations must: 213.2 Post Office Accountable Paper Custodians MANAGER STAMP DISTRIBUTION - Stamp Services,Public Affairs and Communications, 4-19-01 UPDATED ANNOUNCEMENT 01-C 2001 Stamps and Postal Stationery"2001 Stamps and Postal Stationery" (Announcement 01-C, April 2001), which appears on page 19, is intended to replace the quarterly announcement of the same name, previously printed and sent to customers on request through Stamp Fulfillment Services in Kansas City. The announcement is a listing of stamps and postal stationery items scheduled for issuance during calendar year 2001. Post Offices may wish to post this schedule on their bulletin boards. Customers also may be directed to the Postal Store Web site at to access this information through the Postal Service link to the Postal Bulletin. This announcement will be updated every 2 to 3 months, as changes warrant. How to Order First Day of Issue Cancellations and CoversCustomers may purchase new stamps or postal stationery items at their Post Office, from the USA Philatelic catalog, online at the Postal Store at, or by calling 1 800 STAMP-24. Then they should prepare their own covers by affixing new stamps to the upper right corner of envelopes or postcards of their choice, and address those envelopes, postcards, or postal stationery items to themselves or others. (Postage must equal the current First-Class Mail rate.) For sturdiness, include a card of postcard thickness in each cover (envelopes only) submitted, and tuck in the flap. Place the cover in a larger envelope addressed to: NAME OF ISSUE, POSTMASTER, CITY, STATE, and ZIP CODE (followed by -9991). Covers submitted for first day of issue cancellations may include additional uncancelled stamps only if the uncancelled stamps were issued before the first day of issue of the new stamps or postal stationery items. All orders must be postmarked on or before the deadline indicated below. The U.S. Postal Service offers uncacheted first day covers for new stamp issues and postal stationery items post- marked with the official first day of issue cancellation. Each item has its own catalog number in USA Philatelic, issued quarterly. Customers may request a free catalog by phoning 1 800 STAMP-24 or writing to: INFORMATION FULFILLMENT, DEPT 6270, US POSTAL SERVICE, PO BOX 219014, KANSAS CITY MO 64121-9014. - Stamp Services,Public Affairs and Communications, 4-19-01 2001 STAMPS AND POSTAL STATIONERY This is a periodic announcement of new stamps and postal stationery items being issued during the calendar year. For
additional information on stamps and stamp products visit our Postal Store Web site at
C: Change in previously announced date and/or site
1989 Jan.-Dec. % | 31.03 | 13.89* | 8.81 |
1990 | -3.15 | 8.00* | 8.90 |
1991 | 30.77 | 15.75 | 8.15 |
1992 | 7.70 | 7.20 | 7.23 |
1993 | 10.13 | 9.52 | 6.14 |
1994 | 1.33 | -2.96 | 7.22 |
1995 | 37.41 | 18.31 | 7.03 |
1996 | 22.85 | 3.66 | 6.76 |
1997 | 33.17 | 9.60 | 6.77 |
1998 | 28.44 | 8.70 | 5.74 |
1999 | 20.95 | -0.85 | 5.99 |
2000 | -9.14 | 11.67 | 6.42 |
blank | blank | blank | blank |
2000 MONTHLY RETURNS | C | F | G |
APRIL | -2.98 | -0.29 | 0.52 |
MAY | -2.05 | -0.03 | 0.54 |
JUNE | 2.44 | 2.07 | 0.53 |
JULY | -1.56 | 0.89 | 0.53 |
AUGUST | 6.19 | 1.46 | 0.52 |
SEPTEMBER | -5.27 | 0.64 | 0.49 |
OCTOBER | -0.40 | 0.66 | 0.51 |
NOVEMBER | -7.87 | 1.65 | 0.48 |
DECEMBER | 0.50 | 1.86 | 0.48 |
blank | blank | blank | blank |
2001 MONTHLY RETURNS | C | F | G |
JANUARY | 3.55 | 1.65 | 0.46 |
FEBRUARY | -9.12 | 0.87 | 0.42 |
MARCH | -6.33 | 0.51 | 0.45 |
LAST 12 MONTHS | -21.63 | 12.61 | 6.09 |
*Through 1990 the F Fund was Invested in the Wells Fargo Bond Index Fund.
The C Fund is invested in the Barclays Equity Index Fund, which tracks the S&P 500 stock index. The F Fund is invested in the Barclays U.S. Debt Index Fund, which tracks the Lehman Brothers Aggregate Bond index. Because of expenses and changing balances in the C and F Funds, their returns vary from Barclays' returns. The G Fund is invested in special issues of U.S. Treasury securities.
Future performance of the three funds will vary and may differ significantly from the returns shown above. See the "Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan" for detailed information about the funds and their investment risks.
The monthly C, F, and G Fund returns represent net earnings after deduction of accrued administrative expenses. The C and F Fund returns also reflect the deduction of trading costs and accrued investment management fees.
The C, F, and G Fund monthly returns are dollar-weighted: they
reflect net earnings on the changing balances invested during the
month. The C, F, and G Fund returns for the last 12 months assume,
except for the crediting of earnings, unchanging balances (time-
weighting) from month to month and that earnings are compounded
on a monthly basis.
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
Please post on bulletin boards.
Recycle all previous notices.
Post Office Changes |
Old/ New |
Finance No. | ZIP Code | State | P.O. Name |
County/ Parish |
Station/Branch/Unit | Unit Type | Effective Date | Comments |
Old | 03-6290 | 85382 | AZ | Peoria | Maricopa | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | Establish a new ZIP Code for a delivery area. Use Peoria AZ 85383 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 85382. |
New | 03-6290 | 85383 | AZ | Peoria | Maricopa | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 03-3404 | 85236 | AZ | Gilbert | Maricopa | Val Vista | Classified Station | 07/01/2001 | Establish a new ZIP Code for a delivery area. Use Gilbert AZ 85297 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 85236. |
New | 03-3404 | 85297 | AZ | Gilbert | Maricopa | Val Vista | Classified Station | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 03-0259 | 85219 | AZ | Apache Junction | Pinal | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | Establish a new ZIP Code for a delivery area. Use Apache Junction AZ 85218 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 85219. |
New | 03-0259 | 85218 | AZ | Apache Junction | Pinal | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 16-6486 | 62301 | IL | Quincy | Adams | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | Realign ZIP Code boundaries. Use Quincy IL 62305 as last line of address for the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 62301. |
New | 16-6486 | 62305 | IL | Quincy | Adams | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 16-6024 | 60067 | IL | Palatine | Cook | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | Realign ZIP Code boundaries. Use Palatine IL 60074 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 60067. |
New | 16-6024 | 60074 | IL | Palatine | Cook | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 16-6486 | 62305 | IL | Quincy | Adams | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | This announcement expands the use of ZIP Code 62305 to include delivery. |
New | 16-6486 | 62305 | IL | Quincy | Adams | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 32-2640 | 03234 | NH | Epsom | Merrimack | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | Establish a new ZIP Code for a delivery area. Use Chichester NH 03258 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 03234. |
New | 32-2640 | 03258 | NH | Epsom | Merrimack | Main Office | Post Office | 07/01/2001 | |
Old | 33-8610 | 07087 | NJ | Union City | Hudson | Weehawken | Classified Branch | 07/01/2001 | Establish a new ZIP Code for a delivery area. Use Weehawken NJ 07086 as last line of address for a portion of the deliveries previously in ZIP Code 07087. |
New | 33-8610 | 07086 | NJ | Union City | Hudson | Weehawken | Classified Branch | 07/01/2001 |
- Address Management, 4-19-01 |
This office
will be closed
May 28, 2001,
to observe
Memorial Day.
This office
will be closed
May 28, 2001,
to observe
Memorial Day.
Effective May 1, 2001, Publication 247, Supply and Equipment Catalog, is revised to reflect changes pertaining to ordering rubber and steel hand canceling stamps.
These revisions will be incorporated into an incremental update of the online version of Publication 247 available on the corporate intranet at http://blue. (click on Publications) and in the next printed edition.
Publication 247, Supply and Equipment Catalog
1 Introduction
123 Requisitioning Special Orders
123.322 Rubber and Steel Hand Canceling Stamps
[Revise 123.3221 title and text to read as follows:]
123.3221 Essential Information
This procedure applies only to the following Postal Service Item Numbers (PSINs): 500, 502, 550, 550M, 552, 570, 577B, 579, 579A, 579B, 602, 602A, 603, 603B, 603C, 716, 718H, 762.
Note: Prices shown are valid for orders placed on or before 4/31/2003. For orders placed after 4/31/2003, consult the Postal Bulletin or call the supplier for current pricing.
PO BOX 10006
ERIE PA 16514-0006
TELEPHONE 814-898-2720
FAX 814-898-2825
PSIN | Description | Unit Price |
716 | Steel Stamp, completely assembled with handle. | $59.00 |
718H | Steel Stamp, completely assembled with handle. | $101.00 |
These stamps are shown on page 141 under Supplies, Postmarking Equipment. Delivery of these two items will be made 60 days after the order is received by Hanley Postal Supply Co. Inc.
LAUREL MD 20707-4617
TELEPHONE 301-317-3933
FAX 301-317-4012
PSIN | Description | Unit Price |
500 | Rubber Stamp, large hand index, permits four lines of lettering outside hand. | $3.05 |
502 | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle (specify with or without border). | $4.45 |
blank | Cost for each additional line over five, for PSIN 502. | $1.00 |
550 | Printing face only with killer bars (order handle PSIN O550H from the MDC). | $5.73 |
550M | Printing face only without killer bars (order handle PSIN O550H from the MDC). | $5.10 |
552 | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle (does not include type). | $8.56 |
570 | Printing face only without type (order handle PSIN O570R from the MDC). | $4.75 |
762 | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle. | $11.06 |
577B | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle (includes box of type and tweezers). | $17.25 |
579 | Facsimile signature, completely assembled with handle. | $8.13 |
579A | Title line below facsimile signature for Item 579. | $1.25 |
579B | Boxwood cut or die for making facsimile of signature stamp, Item 579 | $3.75 |
602 | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle. | $19.60 |
602A | Rubber face only for Item 602 | $4.63 |
603 | Rubber Stamp, completely assembled with handle. | $22.20 |
603B | Rubber face only for Item 603. | $3.70 |
603C | Date bands only for Item 603. | $3.50 |
These stamps are shown on pages 142-145 under Supplies, Postmarking Equipment. For your other rubber stamp needs, pre-inked and self-inked generic title stamps (including 16-piece kits) are available through the MDC. Ordering instructions are outlined on page 10, and these stamps are shown on pages 131-140 under Supplies, Stamps, Generic Title.
123.3222 Ordering Procedures
[Revise 123.3222 to read as follows:]
Ordering procedures for rubber and steel hand canceling stamps are as follows:
a. Complete PS Form 1567, Requisition for Rubber and Steel Hand Canceling Stamps (see Exhibit 11 on page 50). A separate PS Form 1567 is required for each supplier from whom items are being ordered. It must contain the name and the 10-digit telephone number of the person placing the order and must legibly specify the exact engraving in the appropriate field. See the Supplier Item and Pricing Chart in Exhibit 12 on page 52 for details on supplier names, prices, and item numbers.
b. Prepare a check or money order (attach these to PS Form 1567) payable to the appropriate supplier for the total amount of the order, or enter your Postal Service International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card (I.M.P.A.C.) VISA credit card number and expiration date in block 12 of PS Form 1567.
c. Submit the completed PS Form 1567 and check or money order directly to the appropriate supplier at the address shown in Exhibit 12 on page 52.
d. The supplier will ship the items ordered about 30 days after receiving the order (60 days for orders from Hanley Postal Supply Co. Inc.). Shipping charges are included in the price of the items.
Note: To order PS Form 1567, submit PS Form 7380, MDC Supply Requisition, to:
TOPEKA KS 66624-9702
PSN: 7530-01-000-9360
PSIN: 5PS1567
Quick Pick #: 132
Unit of Issue: SH
Cost: $0.0193
Bulk Pack Qty: 4,000
PS Form 1567 (August 1998, PSN 7530-01-000-9360) is also available in F3Fill, via Touch Tone Order Entry (TTOE), on the corporate intranet at, or may be copied from Publication 247, Supply and Equipment Catalog, which is also available through the corporate intranet at
To order type sets (months, days, etc.), local maintenance departments must submit a request to the MDC using PS Form 4984, Repair Parts Requisition. Use the Federal Standard Requisition and Issue Procedure Address Activity Code (FEDSTRIP AAC).
- Materials, Purchasing and Materials, 4-19-01
Effective April 1, 2001, the price of 500 business cards has been reduced through the Minneapolis Purchasing and Materials Service Center's national contract with The Lighthouse for the Blind. Current prices are as follows:
Quantity | Price |
250 | $13.85 |
500 | $16.55 |
1000 | $20.50 |
Orders may be placed by completing the new order form on page 36 of this Postal Bulletin and sending both the order form and payment to The Lighthouse for the Blind at the address on the top of the form. Payment must be made by credit card, including credit card number and expiration date; check; or money order (attach check or money order to the order form). Credit card orders may also be faxed to 206-322-4419.
Additional copies of the official order form are available by calling The Lighthouse for the Blind, Customer Service, at 1-800-799-0402. Photocopies of the form, reproduced in the same size or larger, are also accepted for processing.
Contract No. 266351-99-T-0895 with The Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind is a 10-year national contract (September 1, 1999, through August 30, 2009).
The Lighthouse for the Blind, Inc., is a nonprofit agency affiliated with the National Industries for the Blind (NIB).
- Materials, Purchasing and Materials, 4-19-01
Listed below are items authorized for the Self Service Stamp Vending Program for calendar year 2001. Products not on this list (except FIRSTCLASS PHONECARDS and coils of 500 and 3,000) must not be placed in vending machines. Also, products ending in "11" are to be placed only in booklet machines and the booklet/stamp combination machines (PBSM-624). No "11" products may be placed in commodity machines. All stamp item numbers will now have six digits, and all products previously ending in "X" will now end in "11."
Item Number | Price ($) | Product |
215000 | 2.10 | 42c #10 EAGLE BANDED ENVELOPES |
268000 | 2.10 | 42c #6 3/4 EAGLE BANDED ENVELOPES |
217000 | 2.10 | 42c #10 LOVEBIRDS BANDED ENVELOPES |
267000 | 2.10 | 42c #6 3/4 LOVEBIRDS BANDED ENVELOPES |
315200 | 1.05 | 5-21c BISON 2ND OZ. |
314100 | 0.50 | 50-1c KESTREL STAMP PACKETS |
*315500 | 6.80 | 20-34c HONORING VETERANS/20 STAMP PACKET |
771301 | 34.00 | 100-34c STATUE OF LIBERTY PSA COIL |
* The first day of issue will be announced in a future Postal Bulletin.
Item Number | Price ($) | Product |
662000 | 2.00 | 10-20c RING-NECKED PHEASANT PC RATE |
666900 | 2.00 | 10-20c GEORGE WASHINGTON PC RATE |
669900 | 6.80 | 20-34c NON DENOM STATUE OF LIBERTY |
669300 | 6.80 | 20-34c NON DENOM FLOWERS |
669000 | 6.80 | 20-34c STATUE OF LIBERTY |
669400 | 6.80 | 20-34c FLOWERS |
666100 | 6.80 | 20-34c LOVE LETTERS |
669700 | 6.80 | 20-34c APPLES & ORANGES |
*665000 | 6.80 | 20-34c HOLIDAY SANTAS |
* The first day of issue will be announced in a future Postal Bulletin.
Item Number | Price ($) | Product |
662011 | 2.00 | 10-20c RING-NECKED PHEASANT PC RATE |
666911 | 2.00 | 10-20c GEORGE WASHINGTON PC RATE |
669911 | 6.80 | 20-34c NON DENOM STATUE OF LIBERTY |
669311 | 6.80 | 20-34c NON DENOM FLOWERS |
669011 | 6.80 | 20-34c STATUE OF LIBERTY |
669411 | 6.80 | 20-34c FLOWERS |
666111 | 6.80 | 20-34c LOVE LETTERS |
669711 | 6.80 | 20-34c APPLES & ORANGES |
*665011 | 6.80 | 20-34c HOLIDAY SANTAS |
314111 | 0.50 | 50-1c KESTREL VENDING PACKETS |
* The first day of issue will be announced in a future Postal Bulletin.
Self Service will not repackage the products listed in the table below after SDO inventories are exhausted. Vending personnel should check with their SDO for availability of the following products:
Item Number | Price ($) | Product |
228500 | 1.05 | 21c RED BARN BANDED STAMPED CARDS |
313000 | 3.00 | 60c RICKENBACKER |
663411 | 2.00 | 10-20c BLUE JAY PSA BOOK |
The National Stamp Vending Inventory and Vending Products Information are both posted on our Intranet Web site at
- Self Service,Retail, Consumers and Small Business, 4-19-01
PS Form 8185, Vending Equipment License Agreement, was revised in January 1999. Headquarters legal staff, along with Purchasing Policy and Self Service, updated the form to provide a consistent vehicle for placement of vending equipment at non-Postal Service locations.
District retail managers have the delegated authority to sign PS Form 8185. It offers flexibility for retail managers working with customers in placing, maintaining, and extracting Postal Service property. Additionally, the form is required for annual reporting to Purchasing Policy on placing equipment in minority- and women-owned businesses.
Remember to use PS Form 8185 in all instances where Postal Service equipment will be placed at non-Postal Service locations.
- Self Service,Retail, Consumers and Small Business, 4-19-01
Effective September 3, 1999, setting mechanical postage meters was discontinued. The withdrawal of mechanical meters remaining with customers and discontinuance of all settings is a result of the high security risk these meters pose to our revenue. Although no longer authorized, some offices have continued to set these meters, which is hindering our effort to eliminate the security risk. Our effort to withdraw mechanical meters from service relies on your cooperation in not setting mechanical meters.
Mechanical postage meters are those that require a Postal Service employee to open the meter and physically move registers to add postage.
The following are the models that you must not set:
Manufacturer | Model Number |
Postalia | MS5 and KF1501 |
Neopost | 922X and 923X |
Pitney Bowes | 53XX and 57XX |
Ascom | 133, 143, 13XXX, 25XXX, 43XX, 54XX, 55XXX,58XX, 62XX, 63XX, 75XXX, 76XXX, 92XX, 93XX, 96XX, 97XX, 98XX, 99XX |
"X" represents any additional number. |
You may still set meters with electronic registers that do not have the above model numbers.
- Postage Technology Management,Retail, Consumers and Small Business, 4-19-01