Postal Bulletin, Published Since March 4, 1880. PB 22050, May 17, 2001.

Potter Says:I DO! Takes oath as 72nd PMG.  Potter is shown with his wife, father and children, taken the oath of office PMG on June 4 from Robert Rider, Chairman of the Board of Governors.

PMG remarks are on page 3.


The Postal Bulletin is also available on the World Wide Web at for customers and at for employees.

Remarks of John E. Potter, Postmaster General/CEO,
U.S. Postal Service - Swearing-In Ceremony,
June 4, 2001

Administrative Services

ASM Revision: Plaque Inscription Updated - New
Postmaster General

ASM Revision: Replacement Fee for Badges

ASM Revision: U.S. Burial Flags - Clarification

Child Alert Program

Missing Children Posters

Customer Relations

Mail Alert

Postal Managers: Guidance on Section 508 Accessibility
Issues After June 21, 2001

"Make It Three" Letter Rally

Domestic Mail

DMM Revision: Eligibility Requirements for Attachments
and Enclosures with Bound Printed Matter

DMM Revision: Mail Preparation Changes for First-Class
Mail, Standard Mail, and Bound Printed Matter

DMM Revision: Pallet Labels for Carrier Route Mail

DMM Revision: Adding Return Receipt for Merchandise
to Merchandise Return Service

DMM Revision: Pallet Minimums for Mail Dropped at
Delivery Units

DMM Revision: Loose Enclosures at Periodicals

DMM Revision: Magnetized Materials - Mailability Via
Air Transportation

DMM Revision: Additional Entry for Periodicals

Pilot Test: Priority Mail Drop Shipment With Delivery


Handbook Revision: F-15, Travel and Relocation - Local
Travel Reimbursements

Fee Increase: New Money Order Fee and COD Trust
Account, Action Required Prior to July 1

Stamped Card: New Postage Rate and Selling Price for
Stamped Cards

Fraud Alert

Withholding of Mail Orders

Invalid Express Mail Corporate Account Numbers

Missing, Lost, or Stolen U.S. Money Order Forms

Missing, Lost, or Stolen Canadian Money Order Forms

Counterfeit Canadian Money Order Forms

800 Number Available to Verify Canadian Money

International Mail

IMM Revision: International Mail - Mailing to

IMM Revision: International Mail - Mailing to Bosnia-Herzegovina

IMM Revision: International Mail - Miscellaneous

ICM Update: International Customized Mail

New Form: PS Form 5626, Global Express Mail™
ServiceŽ - Delivery Receipt for Inbound EMS


Migratory Waterfowl Survey - Duck Stamp Cards

Updated Announcement 01-D: 2001 Stamps and Postal

Pictorial Cancellations Announcement

Special Cancellation Die Hubs

Post Offices

Notice and Correction: Proper Identification of Damaged
Mail Transport Equipment Rolling Stock

Notice and Correction: Removal of Trash From Mail
Transport Equipment

Independence Day Posters

Postal Employees

Handbook Revision: Handbook EL-814, Postal Employee's Guide to Safety

2001 U.S. Postal Service National Awards Program for
Diversity Achievement

Purchasing and Materials

PM Revision: Purchasing Manual 4.6.5 and
Appendix B


Dinero Seguro System Access Process Change

Rate Modification - Retail Update

What's in Store

Postal Bulletin Distribution

Pro Cycling Team

Postal Bulletin Index

2000 Annual Index PB 22042 (1-25-01)

Ordering Information: Following is the list of postal stock numbers (PSNs) to use when ordering copies of the Postal Bulletin from the MDC:

PB 22052: 7690-04-000-5659

PB 22051: 7690-04-000-5658

PB 22050: 7690-04-000-5657

PB 22049: 7690-04-000-5656

PB 22048: 7690-04-000-5655

PB 22047: 7690-04-000-5654

PB 22046: 7690-04-000-5653

PB 22045: 7690-04-000-5652

PB 22044: 7690-04-000-5651

PB 22043: 7690-04-000-5650

PB 22042: 7690-04-000-5649

PB 22041: 7690-04-000-5648

PB 22040: 7690-04-000-5647

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PB 22038: 7690-04-000-5645

PB 22037: 7690-04-000-5644

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PB 22035: 7690-04-000-5642

PB 22034: 7690-04-000-5641

PB 22033: 7690-04-000-5640

PB 22032: 7690-04-000-5639

PB 22031: 7690-04-000-5638

PB 22030: 7690-04-000-5637

PB 22029: 7690-04-000-5636

PB 22028: 7690-04-000-5635

PB 22027: 7690-04-000-5634

PB 22026: 7690-04-000-5633

PB 22025: 7690-04-000-5632

The Postal Bulletin is published biweekly; information is effective for one year unless it changes a permanent directive or unless otherwise specified.


Remarks of John E. Potter, Postmaster General/CEO, U.S. Postal Service - Swearing-In Ceremony, June 4, 2001

Good morning and thank you, Chairman Rider. And to each of the governors, my thanks for your confidence and trust.

And thanks to all of you who are here with me today. And a special thanks to the 800,000 men and women who deliver the magic to our customers everyday.

This is a great day, a great day for me and my family. I'm also pleased to share the day with my friends, coworkers, a few of my mentors, such as former chief operating officer Clarence Lewis, and everyone in the field who has the opportunity to watch on USPS-TV. The Postal Service family is a great team, and it truly is a family.

My selection as postmaster general is an endorsement of what the postal family can do when it pulls together. It's also an endorsement that anyone, even a kid from the Bronx, can make it from P-T-F, part time flexible, to PMG, postmaster general.

Speaking of family, I want to take a moment to thank my mother and father. Mom, dad, you're the reason I am here and a key to my success. I will always be grateful for the sacrifices you've made for me. I really appreciate it.

And I want to thank the three most important people in my life, my wife Maureen, my inspiration and best friend, and my children Jack and Meaghan, who keep me young and are the source of many of my stories.

When I was selected for this job, some people questioned whether I was too young to take on such a responsibility. Well, I don't know if 45 is all that young, but back in 1978, when I was 22, and I walked into the Westchester Post Office for the first time, it felt like I'd already spent 20 years there!

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the work. It was the fact that my dad slept, ate, and dreamt postal blue. You know, my dad wasn't alone, he was like tens of thousands of others who joined the Post Office then and the Postal Service now. They wanted to make better lives for themselves and their families.

Like me, he started in the craft and worked his way up. After 40 years, he retired as director of Station Operations in the New York City Post Office. All of his children, my sister and four brothers and I, learned a lot about the mail from him. You couldn't help but learn.

While the rest of my family moved on to other careers, I'm still in the family business and my dad still works for the Postal Service. He's my unpaid consultant. (And I emphasize "unpaid.") He's the first one I call when times are tough. Dad, thanks for being there for me.

We weren't the only folks touched by my father. There was also a young guy named Vince Sombrotto, who carried mail with my dad at Grand Central Station, back in the 50s. Who could have imagined that both of them would be sitting here today?

While we're on that subject, I have to mention a note I received from Billy Quinn. He reminded me of Moe Biller's pride in outlasting 20 postmasters general. That's a big piece of postal history. But Moe, since you'll be retiring in a few months, I hope you won't outlast me!

To the leaders of our unions and management associations, thanks for being here with me today. To each of them, Moe, Vince, Billy and to Vince Palladino, Steve Smith, Charlie Moser and Joe Cinadr, we may have had our differences over the years, but I've always respected your viewpoints and we've always found a way to work together. I know that you all care deeply about the success of the Postal Service - both today and in the future.

But let's look back for a moment.

As young employees, it's the informal lessons from people, people we later realize were our mentors, that we remember best. Over the years, I learned a very important lesson about the human side of management. Those who taught me showed that caring for employees and getting the job done are not mutually exclusive. I was taught that things must be kept in perspective and that your priorities are your health, your family - whatever form that family takes - and then the job.

One who taught me was John Powell, my general foreman in Westchester. He didn't think he'd have much of an impact on me. But he did. Although he's retired now, I called him last week to tell him about a conversation we'd had many years ago.

I had just applied for a position and I was meeting with John, who was reading over my application. "Potter," he asked, "What do you want to be in the Postal Service." His question caught me by surprise and he repeated, "Potter, what do you want to be?"

I was young. I had big dreams - at least for that time and place. So I answered, "Gee, in ten, fifteen years, I'd like to be tour superintendent."

John looked at me, shook his head, and said, "No, Potter. You're a college graduate. You want to aspire to be Postmaster General. And you know what else? Every employee should aspire to be the Postmaster General."

I share these stories because I'm the product of some fine teachers, managers, and leaders, such as John Powell, Clarence Lewis, my dad, and so many others.

I encourage everyone in the Postal Service to listen and learn from each other. I urge you to practice that long-held postal trait of sharing and helping fellow employees. It doesn't matter if they're rookie kids from the Bronx or 20-year veterans. Everyone can use a little help. We all need to help one another. If you do that, one of those you help will be standing here in the future.

As we all know, we have a challenging future. That's why we have to take the occasional look back. We have to identify what makes us strong. We have to hold on to those values and carry them with us as we move forward.

The simple fact is, we are at a crossroads. Competition and new technology are forcing us to reexamine everything - everything - we are doing. While we do that, there are some things we have to keep front and center.

We have to keep our focus on service, service, service. Service is the heart of the postal brand. That's what we promise and that's what we have to deliver.

We have to keep our focus on costs. Every penny we spend is a penny that we have to get back from our customers. They're facing the same tough economy we are and we have to show them that we're doing everything possible to hold down our costs - and theirs.

We have to keep our focus on growth. Every penny below our revenue plan is a penny less to support the infrastructure that makes our service possible.

And we have to keep our focus on reform. Working with all of our stakeholders, we have to reach consensus on the changes that will keep the Postal Service strong for many years to come. I'm going to do everything I can to bring all the parties together to work toward this goal. I'm not a rookie at this. I've been around a long time. I've been the COO and I've negotiated contracts. I'm convinced we can do this.

Success in the future is also going to require some changes internally. We'll be organizing around actions, but we're not going to turn the organization on its head. Changes will be focused and they'll make sense.

We're going to simplify as much as we can. We're going to eliminate duplication and unnecessary effort. We're going to make sure that everyone understands their role. And, going back to one of the earliest lessons I learned, no matter what your role is, there's only one job in the Postal Service and that's helping the Postal Service to succeed.

While we do that, there will be a lot of individual success stories as we serve our customers everywhere, every day. Good things happen in the Postal Service and because of the Postal Service. We're going to make sure your stories are heard.

I mentioned change, that's something we have to deal with, but I also believe, very strongly, that the Postal Service has a bright future. The mail mix will definitely change as it has before, but hard copy mail is not going to disappear. We have a $68 billion core business. We serve everyone, everywhere, every day. Our business is important to the economy. It's important to our customers and it's important to each of us as employees.

We'll continue to provide the best service possible to protect that business. In the same way, we'll focus on growing the business. We'll grow through improved service to our customers. We'll focus on more efficient and timely transportation. We'll generate better information, information that will be shared with our customers about their mail. We'll develop new services to help the nation's direct mailers and e-tailers.

As we do that, we have to be sensitive to rates. The prices we charge have a tremendous impact on the ability of our customers to be successful. That means that our pricing strategies have to be success strategies - for our customers and for the Postal Service.

We have to take those success strategies inside, as well. Our customers are not the only partners in our success, so are our employees and the organizations that represent them.

I want to be very clear about this. We fully support collective bargaining. We fully support unions. Together, we have tremendous potential for future success. To make the most of that potential, it's time we had a serious discussion - a discussion about what works and what doesn't. Our mutual commitment to the Postal Service will help guide us to the right answers.

So, in closing, let me add it all up.

For our customers, our direction is simple. We'll maintain our focus on the core business. We'll improve service and continue building our systems, working to provide you with the best value we can.

For our employees, we'll have plenty of time to talk and we will talk. For now, though, I'm asking you to do what you do best: deliver America's mail.

For all our stakeholders, I look forward to working with you to bring about positive, constructive change: change to our legislative framework, change to our regulatory framework and change within the framework we call "postal culture."

These are complex and challenging times. There are problems but there are also opportunities. As we roll up our sleeves to take them on, we have to avoid the trap that a wise writer once described, "For every problem, there is one solution which is simple, neat, and wrong."

We're going to take a look at the problems and the opportunities. Then we're going to examine all of the options. Only then will we know which road is the right road.

Chairman Rider, Governors, fellow employees, I ask you to join with me today, because I know my dad is going to be keeping an eye on me.

Together, we'll take the right road and make the United States Postal Service an even better place tomorrow than it is today.

Thank you very much.