Frequently Asked Questions
Stand-Up Talk
Sample Quiz Questions
Publicity Ideas to Interest the Community
Publicity Ideas - External
This kit is designed to assist you in increasing passport
revenue in your office by hosting events and publicizing
locations that accept passport applications. The kit emphasizes additional conveniences, such as taking photos
and Saturday hours. It offers a list of frequently asked
questions and a quiz to be given to our employees after a
stand-up talk. Also included are creative elements that
are available on Message Maker that can be used for signage in support of your promotional campaign. Message
Maker provides standard designs for promotional materials that can be customized with local messages. The
included Message Maker materials represent a direct
mailpiece of passport locations and hours, a poster to be
displayed at college campuses for onsite passport application acceptance, and a poster for lobby display.
Please contact your district Marketing/Retail offices for information on how to obtain Message Maker materials for
your office. Upon doing so, you will also find creative elements for window clings and banners, which will allow you
to advertise passport acceptance to passersby and vehicle traffic.
Q. Who should maintain a valid U.S. passport?
A. Passport Services recommends that the following
U.S. citizens maintain valid U.S. passports:
Those with family living or traveling abroad
Those thinking about a vacation abroad
Those with a job that could require international
In the event of an emergency, already having a valid
U.S. passport will save time, money, and stress.
Q. Do all Post Offices accept passport applications?
A. Although we are expanding acceptance sites, not
all Post OfficesTM are participating. Please call
800-ASK-USPS to get the location of a nearby
participating Post Office, or visit the Department of
State's Web site at www.travel.state.gov/passport_services to find out where to apply.
Q. Is an appointment required?
A. Some Post Offices will require an appointment;
therefore, you should call your local Post Office
before visiting. You can call 800-ASK-USPS for the
telephone number.
Q. Where can I get a passport application?
A. To save time, you can download applications from
Q. Where are the instructions for filling out the passport forms?
A. Instructions are on pages 1 and 2 of the application.
Q. I have never had a U.S. passport. Do I have to apply in person?
A. Yes, you must apply in person. You also must apply
in person if your passport was lost, stolen, or damaged, or if your previous U.S. passport has expired
and was issued more than 15 years ago.
Q. What do I have to bring when applying?
A. (1) Bring all pages of the application, but ensure
that page 3 is completed. Please do not sign the application until the retail associate instructs you to do
(2) Proof of citizenship with any one of the
- Previous U.S. passport
- Certified birth certificate issued by the city,
county, or state
- Naturalization certificate or certificate of
(3) Proof of Identity with any one of the following
- A previous U.S. passport
- Naturalization certificate
- Certificate of citizenship
- A current and valid driver's license, government ID, or military ID
For further details, visit www.travel.state.gov/passport_obtain.
Q. How do I renew my passport?
A. You can renew your passport through the mail. For
detailed instructions, please visit the Department of
State's Web site at www.travel.state.gov/passport_renewal.
Q. Where can I have photos taken?
A. Some Post Offices will take passport photos for
a fee. Call 800-ASK-USPS for a nearby par-
ticipating Post Office, or visit the Department of
State's Web site at www.travel.state.gov/passport_services.html; click on Where to Apply for
a Passport Nationwide; enter your ZIP CodeTM,
select "Photo On-Site" as your additional search criteria, then click "Search."
Q. What are the fees?
A. Fees total $85 for adults (16 years and older), with
separate payments of $30 to the U.S. Postal
ServiceŽ for its processing fee and $55 to the
Department of State for its passport application fee.
For those under 16, the total cost is $70, with separate payments of $30 to the U.S. Postal Service for
its processing fee and $40 to the Department of
State for its passport application fee.
Q. For how long is a passport valid?
A. Passports are valid for 10 years when issued to
those who are 16 or older. Passports are valid for 5
years when issued to those who are 15 or younger.
Q. I am traveling very soon. How can I get a passport
in a hurry?
A. In addition to the regular application fees, you can
pay $60 per application payable to the Department
of State, to expedite your application. Two-way
overnight delivery is strongly encouraged. In this
case, you must pay overnight (Express MailŽ
service) delivery costs, payable to the U.S. Postal
Service. Per the Department of State, you will ordinarily receive your passport in about 2 weeks with
expedited service.
Q. My child is too young to sign his/her own passport.
How do I sign my child's passport?
A. In the space provided for the signature, you (the
mother or father) must print the child's name and
sign your own name. Then, in parentheses by your
name, write the word "mother" or "father" so we
know who signed for the child. If you are the
legal guardian, write the words "legal guardian" in
Q. My child who is under 18 needs a passport. How do
I get it?
A. If your child is under 14, he/she must appear in person. New legislation requires both parents' or legal
guardians' consent on the application, and both
must show a current, valid ID. If your child is 14 to
17 years old, he/she must appear in person. Please
visit www.travel.state.gov/ppt_faq for additional
Q. Can I take care of my Postal Service business while
applying for my passport?
A. You may have to get in separate lines, depending
upon the Post Office.
Q. How do I find out about the status of my passport
A. Please contact the National Passport Information
Center via its Web site or by phone at 877-4USA-
PPT (877-487-2778). Unless using expedited service, expect to receive your passport within 6
Source: Department of State's Web site.
Internet: www.usps.com
The Postal Service Adds Passport Offices - More Travelers, More Passports,
More Service Revenue
[YOUR CITY] - The U.S. Postal ServiceŽ has made it much more convenient for customers to
travel internationally by increasing the number of Post OfficesTM that process passport applications
nationwide. And with more people each year needing to travel to foreign countries, there will be an
increased need for passports throughout the country.
And the more people need to travel abroad, the more applications the Postal ServiceTM accepts,
and the more revenue is generated. That's an important part of our Transformation Plan efforts.
Right now, customers can go to www.usps.com/passport to download a passport application and get
information on passport fees.
"We are getting smarter and more business savvy when it comes to making passports more of a
convenient and customer-friendly process," says [NAME], [POSTMASTER/OFFICER-IN-CHARGE],
[TOWN/CITY]. "Our employees should know how important it is to give our customers as many options as possible to do business with us."
Passports processed by the Postal Service can generate up to $30 per transaction, more if the
customer uses Express MailŽ service for quicker turnaround or has passport photos taken at the
Post Office. With more Post Offices providing this popular service, we are anticipating increased traffic flow and are working to accommodate the demand.
"Many of our offices are offering passport processing on Saturdays and by appointments," says
[POSTMASTER'S LAST NAME]. "It's a good way to schedule the day for yourself, your family or
your business staff."
[NOTE: Attach a list of nearby or district offices, if possible.]
# # #
The Postal ServiceTM is rapidly expanding its list of
products and services to meet our customers' needs. One
of the services that we are offering at more locations nationwide is Passport Services.
The summer months are popular for vacations. As we
approach summer, customers will visit our Post OfficesTM
to apply for passports. This creates an opportunity to increase revenue.
The Postal Service offers convenient locations and
hours for customers to apply for passports. Many of our
offices also offer Saturday hours and photo services. This
is an additional convenience for our customers and a
source of increased revenue for the Postal Service.
Passports are valid for 10 years and are normally processed within 6 weeks. Customers should apply for passports at least 2 months prior to the planned date of
departure in order to avoid extra charges to expedite
Normally it costs $85 total for adults (16 years and older), with separate payments of $30 to the U.S. Postal ServiceŽ for its processing fee and $55 to the Department of
State for the passport application fee. For those under 16,
the total cost is $70, with separate payments of $30 to the
U.S. Postal Service for its processing fee and $40 to the
State Department for the passport application fee. Expedited passport services require an additional $60 per application, payable to the Department of State.
Do your friends and family have their passports? Are
they thinking about this year's vacation? As a Postal Service employee, you can help by directing them to the Post
Office to apply for a passport. It's quick and convenient to
visit a Post Office and take advantage of the Passport
Here's what is required:
Proof of American citizenship. This must be either:
a certified birth certificate, a previous U.S. passport,
a certificate of citizenship, or a naturalization
Proof of identity. This must be either: a previous
U.S. passport; a naturalization certificate; a certificate of citizenship; or a current valid driver's
license, government ID, or military ID.
The passport application requires two recent identical photographs of you, which select Post Offices
will take for a fee.
To save time, friends and loved ones can download
a passport application at www.usps.com/passport
to complete their application beforehand.
For more information about passports - including
locations and office hours of Post Offices offering Passport Services - visit the State Department's Web site at
1. What service are we currently expanding locations
a. Passport
b. Express MailŽ
c. Business Reply Mail
d. Hold mail
2. Typically, what season is the most popular for
a. Winter
b. Spring
c. Summer
d. Fall
3. For how long are passports valid?
a. 14 years
b. 10 years
c. 5 years
d. 2 years
4. What is the total cost for adults (16 years and
a. $100
b. $70
c. $85
d. $55
5. Of that total, what amount represents the Postal
Service's processing fee?
a. $40
b. $30
c. $15
d. $55
6. As a U.S. citizen, what do you need as proof of
a. Certificate of citizenship
b. Previous official U.S. passport
c. Officially acceptable state or government ID
(e.g., driver's license)
d. Any of the above
7. Where can customers download a passport
a. www.usps.com/passport
b. www.blue.usps.gov
c. www.travel.state.gov/passport_services
d. a and c
There are many ways to rally interest in the new Passport Services, both within the Postal ServiceTM and out in
the community. Following are some methods you can use
to capture internal and external attention. A good example
of a publicity success story occurred in Chicago. The retail revenue team organized a spring travel fair, to be held
on a Saturday, so that parents could bring their children.
Light refreshments consisted of snacks, juice, and water.
Eighty-five thousand direct mail pieces - targeting five
ZIP CodesTM - were mailed out 10 days in advance. The
fair was held at the Uptown Post OfficeTM, since it had the
largest lobby and parking lot. Five days before the event,
retail associates at each ZIP Code handed out flyers to retail customers. The result was that they drew 1,000 customers, had seven Postal Service sales and service
associates working nonstop, and generated $14,000 in
Contact the major travel agencies in your area and ask
them to place flyers listing your passport office locations
and hours in their travel packages. Nearly 50 percent of
travel is booked via travel agencies. Also, ensure that the
agency is familiar with the location of their nearby passport Post Office. To acquire a list of travel agents, visit the
Web site of the American Society of Travel Agents
(www.astanet.com). Type in the first three digits of your
ZIP Code to do a search of all ASTA members in your
area. Of course, the Yellow Pages are always an option -
let your fingers do the walking.
Partner with travel agencies by participating in their
conferences or high-traffic trade shows. Arrange to have
a booth or kiosk to accept passport applications. You
could also sell Greetings from America stamps at these
shows. The Chamber of Commerce is another resource
for finding out about local travel trade shows. When approaching the event coordinator, highlight how your presence will be beneficial to their event. The goal is to acquire
their buy-in, so that it will be viewed as a necessary extension of their function - which may result in a no-cost
booth or presence for the Postal Service.
Many colleges and high schools have programs that
require students to travel abroad for courses related to international studies. Contact the school official about setting up a table during school hours so that you can
process their passport applications onsite. Suggest that
the school send letters to the parents 2 weeks prior to the
drive since at least one parent or guardian will need to be
present for children 14 and under.
Host travel fairs at your Post Office. You may want to
ask a travel agent to provide international travel packages
for your fair. In planning the fair, be sure to have activities
for children while their parents are taking care of the application process. One idea would be to create sample
passports for the children and have them visit various
tables to get their passports stamped. In hosting the fair,
focus on a theme, such as a single country or several
countries. For example, if the theme is Europe, set up displays with cultural information related to a few European
countries. Our employees could be in the costume of
those countries. It may also be a good idea to arrange for
a local bakery or restaurant to come out and serve food
samples representative of the country or countries. Many
bakeries/restaurants will do this at no cost, as they consider it an advertising expense. Suggested prizes, which
could be donated by businesses, include gift certificates
to internationally themed restaurants or to a theme park
that highlights other countries.

Internet: www.usps.com
[INSERT CITY, STATE][DATE] - For those planning a trip out of the country soon, the Post
OfficeTM can assist in accepting passport applications. There are [ENTER NUMBER OF POST
OFFICES] Post Offices in [INSERT STATE] that offer passport application service. A list of these
passport Post Offices and the passport customer service hours is provided. [ATTACH LIST OF
Customers can also call 800-ASK-USPS to get the location of nearby passport Post Offices and
their passport customer service hours, or they can visit the Department of State's Web site at
The Post Office recommends coming in as early as possible to apply for a passport - at least 2
months or earlier before your departure - to avoid any extra costs to expedite an application.
Normally, it costs $85 total for adults (16 years and older), with separate payments of $30 to the
U.S. Postal ServiceŽ for its processing fee and $55 paid to the Department of State for the passport
application fee. For persons under 16, the total cost is $70 with separate payments of $30 to the
U.S. Postal Service for its processing fee and $40 to the Department of State for the passport application fee. For expedited passport service, add $60 for each application, payable to the Department of State. Two-way overnight delivery is strongly encouraged. In such cases, the applicant pays
overnight (Express MailŽ service) delivery costs to the U.S. Postal Service.
The Postal ServiceTM recommends keeping in mind the following, to help the passport application
process go smoothly and efficiently:
Bring in proper proof of American citizenship. This must be either: a certified birth certificate issued by the city, county or state; a previous U.S. passport; a certificate of citizenship; or a naturalization certificate. (Please note: a hospital-issued birth certificate alone is not acceptable.)
Bring in proof of identity. This must be either: a previous U.S. passport; a naturalization certificate; a certificate of citizenship; or a current valid driver's license, government ID or military
photo ID.
The passport application requires two recent identical photographs, which select Post Offices
will take for a fee.
To save time, you can download a passport application at www.usps.com/passport to complete
your application beforehand.
# # #
Internet: www.usps.com
The [NAME] Post Office at [ADDRESS OF OFFICE] now offers passport application service and
is hosting a "Travel Fair" with the [NAMES] travel agencies on [DATE] from [TIME] to [TIME]. "The
Postal ServiceTM has made it much more convenient for customers to travel internationally by increasing the number of offices that process passport applications nationwide," said Postmaster
[NAME]. "We wanted to celebrate our new service by partnering with local travel agencies to let our
customers see what international travel options are available to them."
[If the travel agencies are offering giveaway or discount travel packages, or if there is a
door prize for customers who visit the agencies' booths, mention that in this paragraph.]
Customers can call 800-ASK-USPS or go to www.usps.com/passport to get information on passport application costs and to download a passport application form.
[NAME OF POSTMASTER] recommends customers come in as early as possible to apply for
their passports - at least 2 months or earlier before your departure - to avoid any extra costs involved in expediting your application.
# # #
On behalf of the U.S. Postal ServiceŽ, I want to thank you for partnering with us in promoting the value
and convenience of owning a United States passport. It was a wonderful event for [NAME OF COMMUNITY], and your participation helped make it a success.
The Postal ServiceTM is always looking for ways to let our customers know of the many convenient
products and services we have to offer. Joining business and community leaders in special events such
as the one we recently co-sponsored is a perfect way to educate customers on what services are
available in their local area, some of which they may not be aware of. Partnerships like these are a
"win/win" for everyone and we certainly enjoyed the success of our combined effort.
I look forward to working with you on future community events. If I can be of assistance with any Postal
Service matter, please contact me at [TELEPHONE NUMBER].
U.S. Postal Service
Public Affairs and Communications Managers/Contacts
Please refer media calls from national media to Public Relations at 202-268-2155.
Onsite Publicity Coordination: Below is a list of the Public Affairs and Communications managers serving our area offices.
Telephone and Fax Numbers
Paul Smith
PO BOX 40593
215-931-5066 Fax
Capital Metro
Deborah Yackley (CPS)
301-548-1471 Fax
Great Lakes
Jim Mruk
630-539-7171 Fax
New York Metro
Diane Todd
421 EIGHTH AVE RM 5114
NEW YORK NY 10199-9681
212-330-3498 Fax
Debra Hawkins
WINDSOR CT 06006-9876
860-285-7396 Fax
Don Smeraldi
LOS ANGELES CA 90052-9641
323-586-3656 Fax
Earl C. Artis Jr.
MEMPHIS TN 38166-0832
901-747-7627 Fax
Stephen Seewoester (A)
DALLAS TX 75247-4220
214-819-7194 Fax
Scott Budny
1745 STOUT ST STE 1075
DENVER CO 80299-7500
303-313-5127 Fax
- Field Communications,
Public Affairs and Communications, 6-24-04