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From the Office of Emergency Preparedness

Registered Mail



Keep all Registered MailTM in a locked drawer, cabjnet or container. Allow only one person access.

Secure the key. The key to the locked drawer, cabinet, or container must be assigned to a single individual who must keep it in his or her possession and not share it with other employees.

Sign in and out of the registry section.

Immediately transfer Registered Mail received on the platform/dock to the registry section. When necessary, temporarily secure Registered Mail within a locked container attached to the building, for no more than 30 minutes.

Get signed receipts when transferring custody of Registered Mail. Use PS Form 3854, Manifold Registry Dispatch Book, to transfer custody.

On a route, place registered articles)n the pocket of your satchel if one is provided.

When leaving the route for lunch, lock undeliverable Registered Mail in a designated relay box or vehicle in accordance with existing practices.

Maintain individual accountabil!ty.


Leave the door to the registry section open or unlocked.

Leave the key to the locked drawer, cabinet, or container in the lock, hanging in the open, or otherwjse accessible to others.

Allow multiple employees access to the key to the drawer, cabinet, or container.

Transfer custody of Registered Mail without obtaining a signed receipt from the individual accepting custody.