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International Rate and Fee Charts

Global Express Guaranteed (GXG)

Global Express Guaranteed (GXGTM) is an international expedited delivery service providing high-speed, guaranteed, and time- definite service from selected Post OfficesTM to many international destinations. GXG is available for documents (correspondence) and merchandise. Overall, GXG rates increase approximately 5.3 percent.

GLOBAL EXPRESS GUARANTEED - Document Service Rates/Groups

Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
0.5 $25.25 $26.25 $33.75 $33.75 $47.50 $34.75 $35.75 $68.50
1 34.75 35.75 41.00 47.50 54.75 49.50 48.50 79.00
2 40.00 42.25 48.50 54.75 68.50 58.00 54.75 93.75
3 42.25 48.50 55.75 62.25 83.25 65.25 63.25 106.50
4 45.25 52.75 63.25 69.50 98.00 71.75 71.75 118.00
5 48.50 58.00 70.50 77.00 111.75 79.00 79.00 130.75
6 50.50 61.25 76.00 84.25 125.50 84.25 86.50 143.25
7 53.75 64.25 80.00 90.75 138.00 90.75 93.75 156.00
8 55.75 68.50 84.25 98.00 150.75 96.00 101.25 168.75
9 58.00 71.75 89.50 105.50 164.50 101.25 108.50 181.25
10 61.25 73.75 93.75 109.50 174.00 107.50 116.00 189.75
11 63.25 77.00 97.00 115.00 184.50 110.75 122.25 201.25
12 65.25 80.00 101.25 121.25 195.00 115.00 128.50 214.00
13 68.50 83.25 104.25 126.50 205.50 119.00 133.75 226.50
14 70.50 85.25 108.50 131.75 216.00 123.25 139.25 238.25
15 72.75 88.50 111.75 137.00 225.50 127.50 144.50 250.75
16 76.00 91.75 115.00 143.25 235.00 131.75 149.75 262.50
17 78.00 93.75 119.00 148.50 243.50 136.00 155.00 274.00
18 80.00 97.00 122.25 154.00 250.75 140.25 161.25 285.75
19 83.25 100.25 126.50 159.25 259.25 144.50 167.50 297.25
20 85.25 102.25 129.75 164.50 266.75 148.50 174.00 308.75
21 87.50 105.50 132.75 169.75 274.00 151.75 180.25 318.25
22 89.50 107.50 137.00 175.00 282.50 156.00 185.50 327.75
23 91.75 110.75 140.25 180.25 289.75 160.25 190.75 335.25
24 94.75 113.75 144.50 185.50 298.25 164.50 196.00 342.50
25 97.00 116.00 147.50 190.75 305.75 168.75 201.25 351.00
26 99.00 119.00 150.75 196.00 314.00 172.75 206.50 358.25
27 101.25 121.25 155.00 200.25 321.50 177.00 211.75 365.75
28 103.25 124.25 158.00 205.50 330.00 181.25 217.00 374.25
29 105.50 126.50 161.25 210.75 337.25 185.50 222.50 381.50
30 108.50 130.75 166.50 218.25 348.75 191.75 227.75 393.25
31 110.75 133.75 170.75 223.50 356.25 196.00 233.00 401.50
32 112.75 136.00 174.00 228.75 364.75 200.25 238.25 409.00
33 115.00 138.00 178.25 234.00 372.00 204.50 243.50 417.50
34 118.00 139.25 181.25 239.25 380.50 208.75 248.75 424.75
35 120.25 141.25 184.50 244.50 389.00 213.00 254.00 433.25
36 122.25 143.25 188.75 248.75 396.25 217.00 259.25 440.50
37 124.25 145.50 191.75 254.00 404.75 221.25 264.50 449.00
38 126.50 147.50 196.00 259.25 412.00 225.50 269.75 456.50
39 128.50 149.75 199.25 264.50 419.50 229.75 275.00 463.75
40 130.75 151.75 202.25 269.75 425.75 234.00 280.25 472.25
41 132.75 154.00 206.50 275.00 433.25 238.25 285.75 479.50
42 137.00 156.00 209.75 280.25 440.50 242.50 291.00 488.00
43 139.25 158.00 214.00 285.75 448.00 246.75 296.25 495.50
44 141.25 159.25 217.00 291.00 455.25 250.75 301.50 503.75
45 144.50 161.25 221.25 295.00 462.75 255.00 306.75 511.25
46 146.50 163.25 224.50 300.50 470.00 259.25 312.00 518.50
47 148.50 164.50 227.75 305.75 476.50 263.50 317.25 527.00
48 150.75 166.50 232.00 311.00 483.75 267.75 322.50 534.50
49 154.00 168.75 235.00 316.25 491.25 272.00 327.75 542.75
50 156.00 171.75 241.25 324.75 503.75 278.25 333.00 556.50
51 160.25 174.00 244.50 330.00 511.25 278.25 338.25 572.25
52 162.25 176.00 248.75 335.25 518.50 286.75 343.50 572.25
53 164.50 178.25 252.00 340.50 526.00 291.00 348.75 589.25
54 167.50 179.25 256.00 345.75 533.25 295.00 354.25 589.25
55 168.75 181.25 259.25 351.00 540.75 298.25 359.50 603.00
56 170.75 182.25 263.50 356.25 548.00 303.50 364.75 603.00
57 171.75 184.50 266.75 361.50 555.50 306.75 370.00 615.50
58 172.75 185.50 269.75 366.75 561.75 312.00 375.25 615.50
59 175.00 187.50 274.00 372.00 569.25 315.25 380.50 629.25
60 176.00 189.75 277.25 377.25 576.50 320.50 385.75 629.25
61 178.25 190.75 281.50 382.50 584.00 323.50 391.00 645.00
62 179.25 191.75 284.50 386.75 590.25 330.00 396.25 645.00
63 180.25 194.00 288.75 392.00 598.75 332.00 401.50 660.75
64 181.25 195.00 292.00 397.25 601.75 338.25 406.75 660.75
65 182.25 197.00 296.25 402.75 613.50 340.50 412.00 676.75
66 183.50 198.25 299.25 408.00 613.50 346.75 417.50 676.75
67 184.50 200.25 302.50 413.25 625.00 348.75 422.75 692.50
68 185.50 202.25 306.75 418.50 627.25 355.25 428.00 692.50
69 186.50 203.50 310.00 423.75 636.50 357.25 433.25 708.25
70 187.50 204.50 314.00 429.00 636.50 363.75 438.50 708.25

GLOBAL EXPRESS GUARANTEED - Non-Document Service Rates/Groups

Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
1 $38.00 $40.00 $46.50 $50.50 $62.25 $54.75 $58.00 $86.50
2 43.25 47.50 53.75 58.00 76.00 63.25 61.25 101.25
3 46.50 53.75 61.25 67.50 90.75 70.50 66.50 115.00
4 49.50 58.00 68.50 74.75 105.50 77.00 73.75 126.50
5 52.75 63.25 76.00 82.25 119.00 84.25 81.25 141.25
6 54.75 66.50 81.25 89.50 132.75 89.50 88.50 154.00
7 58.00 69.50 85.25 96.00 145.50 96.00 96.00 166.50
8 60.00 74.75 90.75 103.25 158.00 101.25 103.25 179.25
9 62.25 78.00 96.00 110.75 171.75 106.50 110.75 191.75
10 65.25 81.25 100.25 117.00 186.50 112.75 118.00 200.25
11 67.50 84.25 105.50 122.25 197.00 118.00 124.25 217.00
12 69.50 87.50 109.50 128.50 207.75 122.25 129.75 229.75
13 72.75 90.75 112.75 133.75 218.25 126.50 136.00 242.50
14 74.75 92.75 117.00 139.25 228.75 130.75 141.25 254.00
15 77.00 96.00 120.25 144.50 241.25 138.00 146.50 266.75
16 80.00 99.00 123.25 150.75 250.75 142.25 151.75 278.25
17 82.25 102.25 127.50 156.00 259.25 146.50 157.00 289.75
18 84.25 105.50 130.75 161.25 266.75 150.75 163.25 301.50
19 87.50 108.50 135.00 166.50 275.00 155.00 169.75 313.00
20 91.75 112.75 138.00 174.00 282.50 159.25 176.00 324.75
21 93.75 116.00 141.25 179.25 289.75 162.25 182.25 334.00
22 96.00 118.00 145.50 184.50 298.25 166.50 187.50 343.50
23 98.00 121.25 148.50 189.75 305.75 170.75 193.00 351.00
24 101.25 124.25 152.75 195.00 314.00 175.00 198.25 358.25
25 103.25 126.50 156.00 200.25 321.50 179.25 203.50 366.75
26 105.50 128.50 161.25 205.50 330.00 183.50 208.75 374.25
27 107.50 129.75 165.50 209.75 337.25 187.50 214.00 381.50
28 109.50 132.75 168.75 215.00 345.75 191.75 219.25 390.00
29 111.75 135.00 171.75 220.25 353.00 196.00 224.50 397.25
30 115.00 139.25 177.00 227.75 364.75 202.25 229.75 409.00
31 117.00 142.25 181.25 233.00 372.00 206.50 235.00 417.50
32 119.00 144.50 184.50 238.25 380.50 210.75 240.25 424.75
33 121.25 146.50 188.75 243.50 387.75 215.00 245.50 433.25
34 124.25 148.50 191.75 248.75 396.25 219.25 250.75 440.50
35 126.50 150.75 195.00 254.00 404.75 223.50 256.00 454.25
36 128.50 152.75 199.25 258.25 412.00 227.75 261.50 461.75
37 130.75 155.00 202.25 263.50 420.50 232.00 266.75 470.00
38 132.75 157.00 206.50 268.75 428.00 236.00 272.00 477.50
39 135.00 159.25 209.75 274.00 435.25 240.25 277.25 484.75
40 137.00 161.25 213.00 282.50 441.75 244.50 282.50 493.25
41 139.25 163.25 217.00 287.75 449.00 248.75 287.75 500.75
42 143.25 165.50 220.25 293.00 456.50 253.00 293.00 509.00
43 145.50 167.50 224.50 298.25 463.75 257.25 298.25 516.50
44 147.50 168.75 227.75 303.50 471.25 261.50 303.50 525.00
45 150.75 170.75 232.00 311.00 478.50 265.50 308.75 532.25
46 152.75 172.75 235.00 316.25 486.00 269.75 314.00 534.50
47 155.00 174.00 238.25 321.50 492.25 274.00 319.25 542.75
48 157.00 176.00 242.50 326.75 499.50 278.25 324.75 550.25
49 159.25 178.25 245.50 332.00 507.00 282.50 330.00 558.50
50 160.25 181.25 252.00 337.25 519.50 288.75 335.25 572.25
51 164.50 183.50 255.00 342.50 525.00 291.00 340.50 588.25
52 166.50 185.50 259.25 347.75 532.25 297.25 345.75 588.25
53 168.75 187.50 262.50 353.00 539.75 301.50 351.00 605.00
54 171.75 188.75 266.75 358.25 547.00 305.75 356.25 605.00
55 172.75 190.75 269.75 363.75 554.50 308.75 361.50 618.75
56 175.00 191.75 274.00 369.00 561.75 314.00 366.75 618.75
57 176.00 194.00 277.25 374.25 569.25 317.25 372.00 631.25
58 177.00 195.00 280.25 379.50 575.50 322.50 377.25 631.25
59 179.25 197.00 284.50 384.75 582.75 325.75 382.50 645.00
60 179.25 199.25 287.75 390.00 590.25 331.00 387.75 645.00
61 181.25 203.50 292.00 395.25 597.50 334.00 393.25 660.75
62 182.25 204.50 295.00 399.50 604.00 340.50 398.50 660.75
63 183.50 206.50 299.25 404.75 612.25 342.50 403.75 676.75
64 184.50 207.75 302.50 410.00 615.50 348.75 409.00 676.75
65 185.50 209.75 306.75 415.25 627.25 351.00 414.25 692.50
66 186.50 210.75 310.00 420.50 627.25 357.25 419.50 692.50
67 187.50 213.00 313.00 425.75 638.75 359.50 424.75 708.25
68 188.75 215.00 317.25 431.00 640.75 365.75 430.00 708.25
69 189.75 216.00 320.50 436.25 650.25 367.75 435.25 724.00
70 190.75 217.00 324.75 441.75 650.25 374.25 440.50 724.00

Global Express Mail (EMS)

Global Express Mail (EMS®) is an international expedited delivery service provided to approximately 180 countries. EMS rates increase 5.7 percent. For most country groups, the increase is an across-the-board 5.4 percent, rounded to the nearest $0.05. However, with enhanced service and operational changes, rates to certain Pacific Rim and European destinations increase more than 5.4 percent to cover costs.


Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
0.5 $16.25 $17.75 $21.00 $18.25 $20.00 $18.00 $24.25
1 17.15 21.10 26.10 22.55 24.00 20.20 27.40
2 17.90 25.00 30.30 26.85 27.45 22.80 30.55
3 19.25 29.10 34.50 31.15 32.15 26.30 33.75
4 20.30 32.80 37.70 35.45 36.80 29.65 36.90
5 21.60 36.05 40.85 39.45 41.30 33.55 40.05
6 24.00 38.35 44.00 43.00 45.80 36.85 43.40
7 26.35 40.70 47.15 46.55 50.30 40.10 46.80
8 28.70 43.00 50.35 50.10 54.75 43.35 50.15
9 31.10 45.30 53.50 53.65 59.25 46.65 53.55
10 33.45 47.65 56.65 57.20 63.70 49.90 56.90
11 35.85 49.95 59.80 60.75 68.20 53.15 60.30
12 38.20 52.30 63.00 64.30 72.65 56.45 63.65
13 40.60 54.60 66.15 67.80 77.15 59.70 67.05
14 42.95 56.90 69.30 71.35 81.65 63.00 70.40
15 45.30 59.25 72.45 74.90 86.10 66.25 73.80
16 47.70 61.55 75.60 78.45 90.60 69.50 77.15
17 50.05 63.85 78.80 82.00 95.05 72.80 80.55
18 52.45 66.20 81.95 85.55 99.55 76.05 83.90
19 54.80 68.50 85.10 89.10 104.05 79.30 87.25
20 57.20 70.85 88.25 92.65 108.50 82.60 90.65
21 59.55 73.15 91.45 96.20 113.00 85.85 94.00
22 61.90 75.45 94.60 99.70 117.45 89.10 97.40
23 64.30 77.80 97.75 103.25 121.95 92.40 100.75
24 66.65 80.10 100.90 106.80 126.45 95.65 104.15
25 69.05 82.40 104.10 110.35 130.90 98.90 107.50
26 71.40 84.75 107.25 113.90 135.40 102.20 110.90
27 73.80 87.05 110.40 117.45 139.85 105.45 114.25
28 76.15 89.40 113.55 121.00 144.35 108.70 117.65
29 78.50 91.70 116.75 124.55 148.80 112.00 121.00
30 80.90 94.00 119.90 128.05 153.30 115.25 124.35
31 83.25 96.35 123.05 131.60 157.80 118.50 127.75
32 85.65 98.65 126.20 135.15 162.25 121.80 131.10
33 88.00 100.95 129.40 138.70 166.75 125.05 134.50
34 90.40 103.30 132.55 142.25 171.20 128.30 137.85
35 92.75 105.60 135.70 145.80 175.70 131.60 141.25
36 95.10 107.95 138.85 149.35 180.20 134.85 144.60
37 97.50 110.25 142.05 152.90 184.65 138.15 148.00
38 99.85 112.55 145.20 156.45 189.15 141.40 151.35
39 102.25 114.90 148.35 159.95 193.60 144.65 154.75
40 104.60 117.20 151.50 163.50 198.10 147.95 158.10
41 107.00 119.50 154.65 167.05 202.60 151.20 161.45
42 109.35 121.85 157.85 170.60 207.05 154.45 164.85
43 111.70 124.15 161.00 174.15 211.55 157.75 168.20
44 114.10 126.50 164.15 177.70 216.00 161.00 171.60
45 116.45 128.80 167.30 181.25 220.50 164.25 174.95
46 118.85 131.10 170.50 184.80 225.00 167.55 178.35
47 121.20 133.45 173.65 188.35 229.45 170.80 181.70
48 123.60 135.75 176.80 191.85 233.95 174.05 185.10
49 125.95 138.05 179.95 195.40 238.40 177.35 188.45
50 128.30 140.40 183.15 198.95 242.90 180.60 191.85
51 130.70 142.70 186.30 202.50 247.35 183.85 195.20
52 133.05 145.05 189.45 206.05 251.85 187.15 198.55
53 135.45 147.35 192.60 209.60 256.35 190.40 201.95
54 137.80 149.65 195.80 213.15 260.80 193.65 205.30
55 140.20 152.00 198.95 216.70 265.30 196.95 208.70
56 142.55 154.30 202.10 220.20 269.75 200.20 212.05
57 144.95 156.60 205.25 223.75 274.25 203.45 215.45
58 147.30 158.95 208.45 227.30 278.75 206.75 218.80
59 149.65 161.25 211.60 230.85 283.20 210.00 222.20
60 152.05 163.60 214.75 234.40 287.70 213.30 225.55
61 154.40 165.90 217.90 237.95 292.15 216.55 228.95
62 156.80 168.20 221.10 241.50 296.65 219.80 232.30
63 159.15 170.55 224.25 245.05 301.15 223.10 235.65
64 161.55 172.85 227.40 248.60 305.60 226.35 239.05
65 163.90 175.15 230.55 252.10 310.10 229.60 242.40
66 166.25 177.50 233.70 255.65 314.55 232.90 245.80
67 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 235.65 249.55
68 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 238.40 253.30
69 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 241.15 257.05
70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 243.90 260.80

GLOBAL EXPRESS MAIL (Rate Groups 8-12)

Weight not over (lbs.) Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
0.5 $18.00 $20.00 $24.00 $30.00 $23.50
1 21.60 23.20 26.60 32.95 26.10
2 25.30 27.40 29.80 37.40 29.50
3 29.50 31.60 34.25 42.70 33.75
4 33.75 36.90 38.45 47.15 37.95
5 37.95 42.15 42.95 52.45 42.15
6 42.35 47.05 47.45 57.45 46.40
7 46.80 51.95 51.90 62.45 50.60
8 51.20 56.85 56.40 67.45 54.80
9 55.65 61.75 60.85 72.45 59.00
10 60.10 66.65 65.35 77.45 63.25
11 64.50 71.55 69.85 82.50 67.45
12 68.95 76.45 74.30 87.50 71.65
13 73.35 81.35 78.80 92.50 75.90
14 77.80 86.25 83.25 97.50 80.10
15 82.20 91.15 87.75 102.50 84.30
16 86.65 96.05 92.25 107.50 88.55
17 91.05 100.95 96.70 112.50 92.75
18 95.50 105.85 101.20 117.50 96.95
19 99.90 110.80 105.65 122.55 101.20
20 104.35 115.70 110.15 127.55 105.40
21 108.75 120.60 114.60 132.55 109.60
22 113.20 125.50 119.10 137.55 113.85
23 117.65 130.40 123.60 142.55 118.05
24 122.05 135.30 128.05 147.55 122.25
25 126.50 140.20 132.55 152.55 126.50
26 130.90 145.10 137.00 157.55 130.70
27 135.35 150.00 141.50 162.60 134.90
28 139.75 154.90 146.00 167.60 139.15
29 144.20 159.80 150.45 172.60 143.35
30 148.60 164.70 154.95 177.60 147.55
31 153.05 169.60 159.40 182.60 151.80
32 157.45 174.50 163.90 187.60 156.00
33 161.90 179.40 168.40 192.60 160.20
34 166.30 184.30 172.85 197.65 164.40
35 170.75 189.20 177.35 202.65 168.65
36 175.15 194.10 181.80 207.65 172.85
37 179.60 199.00 186.30 212.65 177.05
38 184.05 203.90 190.75 217.65 181.30
39 188.45 208.80 195.25 222.65 185.50
40 192.90 213.70 199.75 227.65 189.70
41 197.30 218.60 204.20 232.65 193.95
42 201.75 223.50 208.70 237.70 198.15
43 206.15 228.40 213.15 242.70 202.35
44 210.60 233.30 217.65 247.70 206.60
45 215.00 238.20 222.15 252.70 210.80
46 219.45 243.10 226.60 257.70 215.00
47 223.85 248.00 231.10 262.70 219.25
48 228.30 252.90 235.55 267.70 223.45
49 232.70 257.80 240.05 272.70 227.65
50 237.15 262.70 244.55 277.75 231.90
51 241.60 267.60 249.00 282.75 236.10
52 246.00 272.50 253.50 287.75 240.30
53 250.45 277.40 257.95 292.75 244.55
54 254.85 282.30 262.45 297.75 248.75
55 259.30 287.20 266.95 302.75 252.95
56 263.70 292.10 271.40 307.75 257.20
57 268.15 297.00 275.90 312.75 261.40
58 272.55 301.90 280.35 317.80 265.60
59 277.00 306.80 284.85 322.80 269.80
60 281.40 311.70 289.30 327.80 274.05
61 285.85 316.60 293.80 332.80 278.25
62 290.25 321.50 298.30 337.80 282.45
63 294.70 326.40 302.75 342.80 286.70
64 299.15 331.30 307.25 347.80 290.90
65 303.55 336.25 311.70 352.85 295.10
66 308.00 341.15 316.20 357.85 299.35
67 313.00 346.15 320.95 363.10 303.85
68 318.00 351.15 325.70 368.35 308.35
69 323.00 356.15 330.45 373.60 312.85
70 328.00 361.15 335.20 378.85 317.35

EMS corporate account: 5 percent discount from single-piece rates.

Global Priority Mail (GPM)

Global Priority Mail (GPM) is an expedited airmail letter service for documents, printed material, and uninsured merchandise up to 4 pounds to approximately 50 countries. Global Priority Mail rates increase 5.4 percent across-the-board, rounded to the nearest $0.25.


Destination Small Large
Canada and Mexico $4.25 $7.50
Other Countries 5.25 9.50


Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
0.5 $6.25 $7.50 $8.50 $9.50 $8.50
1 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.75
1.5 9.50 10.50 12.75 13.75 14.75
2 11.50 13.75 15.75 16.75 18.00
2.5 12.75 16.75 19.00 20.00 22.25
3 14.75 20.00 22.25 23.25 25.25
3.5 16.75 23.25 24.25 25.25 29.50
4 19.00 26.25 27.50 28.50 32.75

Air Letters

Air letters are personal correspondence, statements of account, printed material, and uninsured merchandise weighing up to 4 pounds. Air letters rates increase 5.2 percent.


Weight not over (ozs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
1 $0.63 $0.63 $0.84 $0.84 $0.84
2 0.90 0.90 1.70 1.80 1.65
3 1.15 1.30 2.55 2.75 2.40
4 1.40 1.75 3.35 3.70 3.20
5 1.70 2.15 4.20 4.65 4.00
6 1.95 2.60 5.05 5.60 4.80
7 2.20 3.00 5.90 6.55 5.60
8 2.50 3.45 6.75 7.50 6.40
12 3.25 4.20 7.95 8.85 8.05
16 3.95 5.45 9.15 10.20 9.75
20 4.65 6.65 10.40 11.60 11.45
24 5.30 7.85 11.60 12.95 13.10
28 6.00 9.05 12.80 14.35 14.80
32 6.70 10.30 14.00 15.70 16.50
36 7.40 11.55 15.30 17.15 18.30
40 8.05 12.80 16.55 18.55 20.10
44 8.75 14.05 17.80 19.95 21.85
48 9.45 15.35 19.10 21.40 23.65
52 10.15 16.65 20.40 22.85 25.50
56 10.90 17.95 21.70 24.35 27.35
60 11.65 19.30 23.05 25.80 29.20
64 12.40 20.60 24.35 27.30 31.05

Postcards and Postal Cards

Postcards and postal cards are unsealed personal and business correspondence similar to First-Class Mail® domestic postcards. These rates increase 7.8 percent. The change represents a 5.4 percent increase, rounded to the nearest $0.05. Postcards are predominantly a retail service, and we rounded rates for customer convenience.


Canada & Mexico Other Countries
$0.55 $0.75


Aerogrammes are designed for personal correspondence and consist of a single page that folds into a self-sealing envelope. There is no domestic equivalent to this service. Rates for aerogrammes increase 7.1 percent. The change represents a 5.4 percent increase, rounded to the nearest $0.05. Aerogrammes are predominantly a retail service, and we rounded rates for customer convenience.


All Countries $0.75

Air Parcels

Air parcels resemble and are treated similar to heavier-weight domestic Priority Mail® items. Air parcel rates increase 5.4 percent.


Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
1 $14.00 $13.75 $16.75 $17.25 $16.00 $14.75 $17.50
2 14.00 16.35 21.10 21.60 20.80 16.35 20.05
3 15.00 18.70 25.30 25.80 25.80 18.45 22.90
4 16.35 21.35 29.50 30.55 31.35 21.35 25.80
5 17.65 24.25 33.75 35.30 36.90 24.00 28.70
6 18.80 26.35 36.90 38.80 41.35 27.05 31.90
7 19.95 28.45 40.05 42.25 45.85 30.10 35.05
8 21.15 30.55 43.20 45.75 50.35 33.15 38.20
9 22.30 32.65 46.40 49.20 54.80 36.20 41.35
10 23.45 34.80 49.55 52.70 59.30 39.25 44.55
11 24.60 36.90 52.70 56.20 63.75 42.30 47.70
12 25.75 39.00 55.85 59.65 68.25 45.35 50.85
13 26.95 41.10 59.00 63.15 72.75 48.45 54.00
14 28.10 43.20 62.20 66.60 77.20 51.50 57.20
15 29.25 45.30 65.35 70.10 81.70 54.55 60.35
16 30.40 47.45 68.50 73.55 86.15 57.60 63.50
17 31.55 49.55 71.65 77.05 90.65 60.65 66.65
18 32.75 51.65 74.85 80.55 95.10 63.70 69.85
19 33.90 53.75 78.00 84.00 99.60 66.75 73.00
20 35.05 55.85 81.15 87.50 104.10 69.85 76.15
21 36.20 57.95 84.30 90.95 108.55 72.90 79.30
22 37.35 60.10 87.50 94.45 113.05 75.95 82.50
23 38.50 62.20 90.65 97.90 117.50 79.00 85.65
24 39.70 64.30 93.80 101.40 122.00 82.05 88.80
25 40.85 66.40 96.95 104.85 126.50 85.10 91.95
26 42.00 68.50 100.15 108.35 130.95 88.15 95.10
27 43.15 70.60 103.30 111.85 135.45 91.20 98.30
28 44.30 72.75 106.45 115.30 139.90 94.30 101.45
29 45.50 74.85 109.60 118.80 144.40 97.35 104.60
30 46.65 76.95 112.80 122.25 148.90 100.40 107.75
31 47.80 79.05 115.95 125.75 153.35 103.45 110.95
32 48.95 81.15 119.10 129.20 157.85 106.50 114.10
33 50.10 83.25 122.25 132.70 162.30 109.55 117.25
34 51.30 85.35 125.45 136.20 166.80 112.60 120.40
35 52.45 87.50 128.60 139.65 171.30 115.70 123.60
36 53.60 89.60 131.75 143.15 175.75 118.75 126.75
37 54.75 91.70 134.90 146.60 180.25 121.80 129.90
38 55.90 93.80 138.05 150.10 184.70 124.85 133.05
39 57.05 95.90 141.25 153.55 189.20 127.90 136.25
40 58.25 98.00 144.40 157.05 193.65 130.95 139.40
41 59.40 100.15 147.55 160.50 198.15 134.00 142.55
42 60.55 102.25 150.70 164.00 202.65 137.05 145.70
43 61.70 104.35 153.90 167.50 207.10 140.15 148.90
44 62.85 106.45 157.05 170.95 211.60 143.20 152.05
45 64.05 N/A 160.20 174.45 216.05 146.25 155.20
46 65.20 N/A 163.35 177.90 220.55 149.30 158.35
47 66.35 N/A 166.55 181.40 225.05 152.35 161.55
48 67.50 N/A 169.70 184.85 229.50 155.40 164.70
49 68.65 N/A 172.85 188.35 234.00 158.45 167.85
50 69.85 N/A 176.00 191.85 238.45 161.55 171.00
51 71.00 N/A 179.20 195.30 242.95 164.60 174.15
52 72.15 N/A 182.35 198.80 247.45 167.65 177.35
53 73.30 N/A 185.50 202.25 251.90 170.70 180.50
54 74.45 N/A 188.65 205.75 256.40 173.75 183.65
55 75.60 N/A 191.85 209.20 260.85 176.80 186.80
56 76.80 N/A 195.00 212.70 265.35 179.85 190.00
57 77.95 N/A 198.15 216.20 269.80 182.90 193.15
58 79.10 N/A 201.30 219.65 274.30 186.00 196.30
59 80.25 N/A 204.50 223.15 278.80 189.05 199.45
60 81.40 N/A 207.65 226.60 283.25 192.10 202.65
61 82.60 N/A 210.80 230.10 287.75 195.15 205.80
62 83.75 N/A 213.95 233.55 292.20 198.20 208.95
63 84.90 N/A 217.10 237.05 296.70 201.25 212.10
64 86.05 N/A 220.30 240.50 301.20 204.30 215.30
65 87.20 N/A 223.45 244.00 305.65 207.35 218.45
66 88.40 N/A 226.60 247.50 310.15 210.45 221.60
67 N/A N/A N/A N/A 314.60 213.50 224.75
68 N/A N/A N/A N/A 319.10 216.55 227.95
69 N/A N/A N/A N/A 323.60 219.60 231.10
70 N/A N/A N/A N/A 328.05 222.65 234.25

AIRMAIL PARCEL POST (Rate Groups 8-13)

Weight not over (lbs.) Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13
1 $13.25 $15.25 $16.75 $19.00 $14.75 $18.00
2 16.85 19.75 19.50 23.20 16.35 20.05
3 21.10 24.50 22.65 27.40 18.20 23.20
4 25.55 28.20 25.30 31.60 20.30 26.35
5 30.30 34.50 27.95 35.85 22.40 29.50
6 34.40 38.45 31.10 39.50 25.05 32.95
7 38.50 42.60 34.25 43.20 27.65 36.35
8 42.65 46.70 37.40 46.90 30.30 39.80
9 46.75 50.80 40.60 50.60 32.95 43.20
10 50.85 54.90 43.75 54.30 35.55 46.65
11 54.95 59.00 46.90 57.95 38.20 50.05
12 59.10 63.15 50.05 61.65 40.85 53.50
13 63.20 67.25 53.25 65.35 43.50 56.90
14 67.30 71.35 56.40 69.05 46.10 60.35
15 71.40 75.45 59.55 72.75 48.75 63.75
16 75.50 79.60 62.70 76.40 51.40 67.20
17 79.65 83.70 65.90 80.10 54.00 70.60
18 83.75 87.80 69.05 83.80 56.65 74.05
19 87.85 91.90 72.20 87.50 59.30 77.45
20 91.95 96.00 75.35 91.15 61.90 80.90
21 96.05 100.15 78.50 94.85 64.55 84.30
22 100.20 104.25 81.70 98.55 67.20 87.75
23 104.30 108.35 84.85 102.25 69.85 91.15
24 108.40 112.45 88.00 105.95 72.45 94.60
25 112.50 116.55 91.15 109.60 75.10 98.00
26 116.65 120.70 94.35 113.30 77.75 101.45
27 120.75 124.80 97.50 117.00 80.35 104.85
28 124.85 128.90 100.65 120.70 83.00 108.30
29 128.95 133.00 103.80 124.35 85.65 111.70
30 133.05 137.15 107.00 128.05 88.25 115.15
31 137.20 141.25 110.15 131.75 90.90 118.60
32 141.30 145.35 113.30 135.45 93.55 122.00
33 145.40 149.45 116.45 139.15 96.20 125.45
34 149.50 153.55 119.65 142.80 98.80 128.85
35 153.60 157.70 122.80 146.50 101.45 132.30
36 157.75 161.80 125.95 150.20 104.10 135.70
37 161.85 165.90 129.10 153.90 106.70 139.15
38 165.95 170.00 132.30 157.55 109.35 142.55
39 170.05 174.10 135.45 161.25 112.00 146.00
40 174.15 178.25 138.60 164.95 114.60 149.40
41 178.30 182.35 141.75 168.65 117.25 152.85
42 182.40 186.45 144.95 172.35 119.90 156.25
43 186.50 190.55 148.10 176.00 122.55 159.70
44 190.60 194.65 151.25 179.70 125.15 163.10
45 194.75 198.80 154.40 183.40 127.80 166.55
46 198.85 202.90 157.55 187.10 130.45 169.95
47 202.95 207.00 160.75 190.75 133.05 173.40
48 207.05 211.10 163.90 194.45 135.70 176.80
49 211.15 215.25 167.05 198.15 138.35 180.25
50 215.30 219.35 170.20 201.85 140.95 183.65
51 219.40 223.45 173.40 205.55 143.60 187.10
52 223.50 227.55 176.55 209.20 146.25 190.50
53 227.60 231.65 179.70 212.90 148.90 193.95
54 231.70 235.80 182.85 216.60 151.50 197.35
55 235.85 239.90 186.05 220.30 154.15 200.80
56 239.95 244.00 189.20 224.00 156.80 204.20
57 244.05 248.10 192.35 227.65 159.40 207.65
58 248.15 252.20 195.50 231.35 162.05 211.05
59 252.25 256.35 198.70 235.05 164.70 214.50
60 256.40 260.45 201.85 238.75 167.30 217.90
61 260.50 264.55 205.00 242.40 169.95 221.35
62 264.60 268.65 208.15 246.10 172.60 224.75
63 268.70 272.80 211.35 249.80 175.25 228.20
64 272.85 276.90 214.50 253.50 177.85 231.60
65 276.95 281.00 217.65 257.20 180.50 235.05
66 281.05 285.10 220.80 260.85 183.15 238.45
67 285.15 289.20 224.00 264.55 185.75 241.90
68 289.25 293.35 227.15 268.25 188.40 245.30
69 293.40 297.45 230.30 271.95 191.05 248.75
70 297.50 301.55 233.45 275.60 193.65 252.15

International Priority Airmail (IPA)

International Priority AirmailTM (IPA®) is a bulk air letter service for letter-post mail weighing up to 4 pounds. Presorted mail and drop ship discounts are available. Volume discounts are available through the International Customized Mail program for customers who tender at least 1 million pounds of international letter-post mail or pay at least $2 million in international letter-post postage to the Postal Service (excluding Global Priority Mail). IPA rates increase 7.4 percent. For most country groups, the increase is an across- the-board 5.4 percent. However, because of cost increases to country group 3, rates increased more than 5.4 percent to cover costs.


Rate Group Per Piece Drop Shipment Per Pound Full Service Per Pound
1 (Canada) $0.30 $2.75 $3.75
2 (Mexico) 0.13 4.85 5.85
3 0.27 4.35 5.35
4 0.26 5.80 6.80
5 0.13 5.10 6.10
6 0.13 5.00 6.00
7 0.13 6.60 7.60
8 0.13 7.65 8.65
Worldwide 0.21 7.40 8.40

Economy Letters

Economy letters are personal correspondence and business correspondence similar to air letters, except that economy letters travel by surface transportation. Economy letter rates increase by 9.7 percent. For country groups 1 and 4, the increase is an across- the-board 5.4 percent. Because of cost increases to country groups 2, 3, and 5, rates increased more than 5.4 percent to cover costs.


Weight not over (ozs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
16 $2.85 $5.15 $4.10 $4.25 $6.00
20 4.25 6.10 4.85 4.95 6.90
24 4.80 7.00 5.55 5.65 7.85
28 5.30 7.90 6.20 6.30 8.85
32 5.90 8.85 6.85 7.00 9.80
36 6.30 9.60 7.50 7.65 10.60
40 6.75 10.40 8.15 8.25 11.35
44 7.15 11.15 8.80 8.90 12.15
48 7.60 11.90 9.45 9.55 12.95
52 8.00 12.70 10.10 10.15 13.75
56 8.45 13.45 10.75 10.80 14.50
60 8.85 14.20 11.40 11.45 15.30
64 9.30 15.00 12.05 12.05 15.75

Economy Parcels

Economy parcels resemble and are treated similar to domestic Parcel Post® items. Economy parcel rates increase 5.4 percent.


Weight not over (lbs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
5 $16.00 $20.50 $24.25 $24.50 $22.50 $19.25 $23.25
6 16.60 21.85 26.35 26.35 24.00 20.40 25.30
7 17.40 23.20 28.45 27.65 25.55 21.55 27.40
8 18.20 24.25 30.55 29.25 27.15 22.70 29.50
9 18.70 25.30 32.65 30.55 28.70 23.85 31.60
10 19.25 26.10 34.50 31.90 30.30 25.05 33.75
11 19.70 26.90 36.30 33.00 31.60 26.05 35.40
12 20.20 27.65 38.10 34.10 32.95 27.05 37.10
13 20.65 28.45 39.90 35.20 34.25 28.05 38.80
14 21.15 29.25 41.70 36.30 35.55 29.05 40.45
15 21.60 30.05 43.50 37.40 36.90 30.05 42.15
16 22.10 30.85 45.25 38.50 38.20 31.05 43.85
17 22.55 31.60 47.05 39.65 39.50 32.05 45.55
18 23.05 32.40 48.85 40.75 40.85 33.05 47.20
19 23.50 33.20 50.65 41.85 42.15 34.05 48.90
20 24.00 34.00 52.45 42.95 43.50 35.05 50.60
21 24.55 34.75 54.10 43.95 44.70 36.00 52.30
22 25.15 35.45 55.80 44.95 45.90 36.95 53.95
23 25.70 36.20 57.50 45.95 47.10 37.90 55.65
24 26.30 36.95 59.20 46.95 48.35 38.85 57.35
25 26.90 37.70 60.85 47.95 49.55 39.80 59.00
26 27.45 38.40 62.55 48.95 50.75 40.75 60.70
27 28.05 39.15 64.25 49.95 51.95 41.70 62.40
28 28.60 39.90 65.95 50.95 53.15 42.65 64.10
29 29.20 40.65 67.60 51.95 54.40 43.60 65.75
30 29.80 41.35 69.30 52.95 55.60 44.55 67.45
31 30.35 42.10 70.90 53.90 56.75 45.45 69.05
32 30.95 42.85 72.45 54.85 57.90 46.30 70.60
33 31.50 43.60 74.05 55.80 59.10 47.20 72.20
34 32.10 44.30 75.60 56.75 60.25 48.10 73.80
35 32.65 45.05 77.20 57.70 61.40 49.00 75.35
36 33.25 45.80 78.80 58.65 62.55 49.90 76.95
37 33.85 46.55 80.35 59.60 63.70 50.80 78.50
38 34.40 47.25 81.95 60.55 64.85 51.70 80.10
39 35.00 48.00 83.55 61.50 66.05 52.60 81.70
40 35.55 48.75 85.10 62.45 67.20 53.50 83.25
41 36.15 49.50 86.70 63.40 68.35 54.40 84.85
42 36.75 50.20 88.25 64.35 69.50 55.30 86.45
43 37.30 50.95 89.85 65.30 70.65 56.20 88.00
44 37.90 51.70 91.45 66.25 71.85 57.05 89.60
45 38.45 N/A 93.00 67.20 73.00 57.95 91.15
46 39.05 N/A 94.60 68.15 74.15 58.85 92.75
47 39.65 N/A 96.20 69.10 75.30 59.75 94.35
48 40.20 N/A 97.75 70.05 76.45 60.65 95.90
49 40.80 N/A 99.35 71.00 77.65 61.55 97.50
50 41.35 N/A 100.90 71.95 78.80 62.45 99.10
51 41.95 N/A 102.50 72.90 79.95 63.35 100.65
52 42.55 N/A 104.10 73.85 81.10 64.25 102.25
53 43.10 N/A 105.65 74.80 82.25 65.15 103.80
54 43.70 N/A 107.25 75.75 83.40 66.05 105.40
55 44.25 N/A 108.85 76.70 84.60 66.95 107.00
56 44.85 N/A 110.40 77.65 85.75 67.80 108.55
57 45.45 N/A 112.00 78.60 86.90 68.70 110.15
58 46.00 N/A 113.55 79.50 88.05 69.60 111.70
59 46.60 N/A 115.15 80.45 89.20 70.50 113.30
60 47.15 N/A 116.75 81.40 90.40 71.40 114.90
61 47.75 N/A 118.30 82.35 91.55 72.30 116.45
62 48.35 N/A 119.90 83.30 92.70 73.20 118.05
63 48.90 N/A 121.45 84.25 93.85 74.10 119.65
64 49.50 N/A 123.05 85.20 95.00 75.00 121.20
65 50.05 N/A 124.65 86.15 96.20 75.90 122.80
66 50.65 N/A 126.20 87.10 97.35 76.80 124.35
67 N/A N/A N/A N/A 98.50 77.70 125.95
68 N/A N/A N/A N/A 99.65 78.60 127.55
69 N/A N/A N/A N/A 100.80 79.45 129.10
70 N/A N/A N/A N/A 101.95 80.35 130.70

ECONOMY PARCEL POST (Rate Groups 8-12)

Weight not over (lbs.) Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
5 $22.75 $30.25 $23.00 $27.75 $21.25
6 24.05 32.60 24.75 30.30 23.20
7 25.40 34.95 26.35 32.65 25.05
8 26.75 37.25 28.20 35.05 26.90
9 28.15 39.60 30.55 37.40 28.70
10 29.60 41.90 33.75 39.80 30.45
11 31.00 43.90 35.20 41.95 32.20
12 32.35 45.90 36.70 44.10 33.95
13 33.75 47.90 38.15 46.25 35.70
14 35.10 49.90 39.65 48.45 37.40
15 36.45 51.90 41.10 50.60 39.15
16 37.85 53.90 42.60 52.75 40.90
17 39.20 55.90 44.05 54.90 42.65
18 40.60 57.90 45.55 57.05 44.35
19 41.95 59.90 47.00 59.25 46.10
20 43.30 61.90 48.50 61.40 47.85
21 44.70 63.70 49.80 63.40 49.40
22 46.05 65.50 51.10 65.40 50.90
23 47.45 67.30 52.45 67.40 52.45
24 48.80 69.10 53.75 69.40 53.95
25 50.15 70.90 55.05 71.40 55.50
26 51.55 72.65 56.40 73.40 57.00
27 52.90 74.45 57.70 75.40 58.55
28 54.30 76.25 59.00 77.40 60.10
29 55.65 78.05 60.35 79.40 61.60
30 57.00 79.85 61.65 81.40 63.15
31 58.40 81.60 63.00 83.25 64.60
32 59.75 83.30 64.30 85.10 66.10
33 61.15 85.05 65.60 86.95 67.55
34 62.50 86.80 66.95 88.80 69.05
35 63.85 88.55 68.25 90.65 70.50
36 65.25 90.30 69.55 92.50 72.00
37 66.60 92.00 70.90 94.35 73.45
38 68.00 93.75 72.20 96.20 74.95
39 69.35 95.50 73.50 98.00 76.40
40 70.70 97.25 74.85 99.85 77.90
41 72.10 98.65 76.15 101.70 79.35
42 73.45 100.10 77.45 103.55 80.85
43 74.85 101.50 78.80 105.40 82.30
44 76.20 102.90 80.10 107.25 83.80
45 77.55 104.35 81.40 109.10 85.25
46 78.95 105.75 82.75 110.95 86.75
47 80.30 107.20 84.05 112.80 88.20
48 81.70 108.60 85.35 114.60 89.70
49 83.05 110.05 86.70 116.45 91.15
50 84.45 111.45 88.00 118.30 92.65
51 85.80 112.90 89.35 120.15 94.10
52 87.15 114.30 90.65 122.00 95.60
53 88.55 115.75 91.95 123.85 97.05
54 89.90 117.15 93.30 125.70 98.55
55 91.30 118.60 94.60 127.55 100.00
56 92.65 120.00 95.90 129.40 101.50
57 94.00 121.40 97.25 131.20 103.00
58 95.40 122.85 98.55 133.05 104.45
59 96.75 124.25 99.85 134.90 105.95
60 98.15 125.70 101.20 136.75 107.40
61 99.50 127.10 102.50 138.60 108.90
62 100.85 128.55 103.80 140.45 110.35
63 102.25 129.95 105.15 142.30 111.85
64 103.60 131.40 106.45 144.15 113.30
65 105.00 132.80 107.75 146.00 114.80
66 106.35 134.25 109.10 147.80 116.25
67 107.70 135.65 110.40 149.65 117.75
68 109.10 137.05 111.70 151.50 119.20
69 110.45 138.50 113.05 153.35 120.70
70 111.85 139.90 114.35 155.20 122.15

International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)

International Surface Air LiftTM (ISAL®) is a bulk advertising and publications mail service for mail weighing up to 4 pounds. There is a 50-pound minimum per mailing except for the direct shipment option, which requires a minimum of 750 pounds to a single country destination. Presorted mail and drop ship discounts are available. Volume discounts are available through the International Customized Mail program for customers who tender at least 1 million pounds of international letter-post mail or pay at least $2 million in international letter-post postage to the Postal Service (excluding Global Priority Mail). ISAL rates increase 5.3 percent.


Rate Group Per Piece Full Service Per Pound M-Bag Full Service Direct Ship Per Pound M-Bag Direct Ship Drop Ship Per Pound M-Bag Drop Ship
1 (Canada) $0.30 $3.15 $1.60 $2.65 $1.60 $2.15 $1.50
2 (Mexico) 0.13 4.55 1.70 4.05 1.70 3.55 1.60
3 0.26 3.55 1.85 3.05 1.85 2.55 1.60
4 0.26 3.90 2.65 3.40 2.65 2.90 2.65
5 0.13 4.85 2.35 4.35 2.35 3.85 2.10
6 0.13 4.75 2.35 4.25 2.35 3.75 2.10
7 0.13 4.85 2.60 4.35 2.60 3.85 2.35
8 0.13 6.80 3.40 6.30 3.40 5.80 3.15

Publishers' Periodicals

Publishers' Periodicals, like domestic periodicals, include magazines, newspapers, journals, and other publications. Publishers' Periodicals rates increase 28.4 percent. We increased rates more than 5.4 percent because this mail does not cover costs.


Weight not over (ozs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
1 $0.61 $0.80 $0.70 $0.68 $0.81
2 0.69 1.01 0.82 0.81 1.00
3 0.77 1.21 0.95 0.93 1.19
4 0.85 1.41 1.08 1.06 1.38
5 0.93 1.61 1.21 1.19 1.57
6 1.01 1.81 1.33 1.31 1.76
7 1.09 2.01 1.46 1.44 1.94
8 1.17 2.21 1.59 1.56 2.13
12 1.55 2.85 2.10 2.06 2.73
16 1.93 3.50 2.61 2.57 3.32
20 2.15 4.14 3.12 3.07 3.92
24 2.36 4.78 3.63 3.57 4.51
28 2.58 5.43 4.14 4.07 5.10
32 2.79 6.07 4.65 4.57 5.70
36 5.22 6.71 5.16 5.07 6.29
40 5.39 7.36 5.67 5.57 6.89
44 5.55 8.00 6.18 6.08 7.48
48 5.71 8.64 6.69 6.58 8.07
52 5.93 9.29 7.20 7.08 8.67
56 6.14 9.93 7.71 7.58 9.26
60 6.36 10.57 8.22 8.08 9.86
64 6.57 11.22 8.73 8.58 10.45

Books and Sheet Music

Books and Sheet Music include printed sheet music and books with no advertising and consisting wholly of reading matter or scholarly bibliography. This mail is similar to domestic Media Mail® items and is transported by surface transportation. The rates for Books and Sheet Music increase 15.1 percent. For country groups 2, 3, and 4, the increase is an across-the-board 5.4 percent. Because of cost increases to rate groups 1 and 5, rates increased more than 5.4 percent.


Weight not over (ozs.) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
0.5 $2.30 $3.00 $2.80 $2.75 $3.35
1 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
2 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
3 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
4 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
5 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
6 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
7 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
8 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
12 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
16 2.30 3.00 2.80 2.75 3.35
20 2.50 3.60 3.35 3.25 4.00
24 2.70 4.15 3.95 3.80 4.65
28 2.90 4.75 4.50 4.30 5.30
32 3.10 5.25 5.00 4.85 5.95
36 4.05 5.75 5.40 5.25 6.45
40 4.95 6.20 5.80 5.65 7.00
44 5.85 6.70 6.20 6.05 7.55
48 6.75 7.10 6.55 6.45 7.95
52 7.00 8.05 6.95 6.85 8.50
56 7.30 9.00 7.40 7.25 9.05
60 7.55 9.95 7.80 7.75 9.55
64 7.85 10.85 8.20 8.15 10.00

Direct Sacks of Printed Matter to One Addressee (M-Bags)

M-Bags include pieces of printed material and uninsured merchandise weighing up to 4 pounds and accompanying printed material destined to a single address. M-Bags can be sent by airmail, economy mail, or ISAL (see the ISAL table for ISAL M-Bag rates). M-Bag rates increase 7.8 percent. For most country groups, the increase is an across-the-board 5.4 percent. However, because of cost increases, rates for airmail M-Bags for country group 2 and economy M-Bags for country group 1 increased more than 5.4 percent.


Weight of Mailing Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Weight not over 11 lbs. $17.60 $22.55 $29.15 $40.70 $40.70
Each Additional Pound or Fraction of a Pound 1.60 2.05 2.65 3.70 3.70


Type and Weight of Mailing Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Regular blank
Weight not over 11 lbs. $14.30 $14.85 $17.05 $17.60 $17.60
Each additional pound or fraction of a pound 1.30 1.35 1.55 1.60 1.60
Books and Sheet Music and
Publishers' Periodicals
Weight not over 11 lbs. $11.00 $9.35 $10.45 $11.55 $11.55
Each additional pound or fraction of a pound 1.00 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.05

Special Services


Parcel Post Indemnity Not Over Canada All Other Countries
$50 $1.35 $1.95
100 2.30 2.75
200 3.35 3.80
300 4.40 4.85
400 5.45 5.90
500 6.50 6.95
600 7.55 8.00
675 8.60 N/A
700 N/A 9.05
Add'l $100 N/A 1.05
Global Express Guaranteed Indemnity All Countries
Not over $100 No fee
Each additional $100 or fraction. See individual country listings for maximum indemnity 0.75
Service Fee
International Postal Money Orders $3.45
International Reply Coupons 1.85
International Business Reply Card 0.85
International Business Reply Envelope (up to 2 oz.) 1.25
Customs Clearance and Delivery Fee 4.75
Certificate of Mailing 0.95
Recorded Delivery 2.40
Express Mail Merchandise Insurance over $100 1.05
Restricted Delivery 3.70
Registered Mail 7.90
Return Receipt 1.85

EMS and Airmail Parcel Post Rate Group Assignments

Some countries are reassigned from one country group to another because of changes in EMS and air parcel operations. The changes are as follows:


Country From Group To
Andorra 6 7
Australia 8 5
France 6 7
Hong Kong 8 5
Ireland 6 7
Korea, Republic of (South) 8 5
Luxembourg 6 7
Slovak Republic (Slovakia) 6 7
Spain 6 7


Country From
Australia 9 5
Belgium 6 7
Denmark 6 7
Finland 6 7
France 6 7
Germany 6 7
Gibraltar 6 7
Greece 6 7
Hong Kong 9 5
Ireland 6 7
Italy 6 7
Korea, Republic of (South) 9 5
Liechtenstein 6 7
Luxembourg 6 7
Netherlands 6 7
Norway 6 7
San Marino 9 7
Slovak Republic (Slovakia) 6 7
Switzerland 6 7
Vatican City 6 7

Republic of the Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia

Under agreements negotiated by the United States government with the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia, mail destined to those two countries will now use the international rate schedules. The new rates will be phased in over at least 5 years. We published new country listings for the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia in the November 23, 2005, Federal Register. The notice is available on our Rapid Information Bulletin Board System (RIBBS) at (click on Federal Register Notices in the left-hand column). We also will include the new country listings in the International Mail Manual (IMM) on Postal Explorer® at beginning January 8, 2006.

- Mailing Standards, Pricing and Classification, 12-1-05

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