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Fighting Fraud

Fighting fraud is a family matter. Scam artists consider seniors easy targets, but everyone’s at risk. Do your part to protect yourself and your loved ones against fraud. Ask questions. Demand answers. And always be on guard. Learn more during National Consumer Protection Week — February 5-11. For a free DVD call 1-877-987-3728 or visit

U.S. Postal Inspectors: Protecting you from fraud.
Did you know…?
Every year American consumers lose billions of dollars to fraud. Today’s popular fraud schemes range from simple work-at- schemes to credit card and investment scams; from identity fraud to Internet scams; from medical “cures” to fraudulent prizes, sweepstakes, and foreign lotteries.
You or any member of your family can become a victim of a fraud scheme. Fraudsters can approach you by email, telephone, or through the mail.

  • Protect yourself and your family by following these tips:
  • Check out all offers before making a decision.
  • Get all information in writing.
  • Don’t give personal information to people or companies you don’t know.

Older Americans are particularly vulnerable to scams. Protect your parents or older relatives by sharing this information with them.
Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
For more information on fraud schemes and to order a free fraud prevention DVD, go to inspectors.
National Consumer Protection Week, February 5-11, 2006
Fighting Fraud. It’s a Family Affair.
