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PUBLICITY KIT week — March 27–31, 2006

How To: Host a My Desktop Post Office (MDTPO) Event

Steps to prepare for event

1. Set date and location. Make sure the event location has an Internet connection and there is a PC available to demonstrate the application's full capabilities.

Helpful Hint: Review Business Connect Kit for more information on My Desktop Post Office.

2. Order event invitations from Message Maker 3 (MM3) or 4 weeks before the event. This will allow time for production and mailing in order to have the event postcards in s 10 days prior to the event.

Note: MDTPO is intended for Business Customers only.

3. Order any take-away items you would like to give to event attendees.

a. My Desktop Post Office (MDTPO) Take Ones (available to order on MM3).

Please Note: Take Ones are only to be distributed at events and on Take One racks. Do not leave on counters for distribution.

b. MDTPO CDs (order on www.uspsbusiness

c. MDTPO Monitor Flags (also available on

What to present:

• How to install My Desktop Post Office.

a. Via the CD.

b. From the Internet.

• How MDTPO works and what it can do.

a. Click on the Postal Service logo in the system tray.

b. Click on the service desired.

• The services available on MDTPO.

At this time, demonstrate some of the services available, such as get shipping supplies, calculate rates, print shipping labels, schedule pickups, track packages, create Direct Mail online, find ZIP Codes, and buy stamps.

• Show how MDTPO can be customized by user. Demonstrate how the menu is fully customizable so users can equip their Desktop Post Office with the services they use/need most.

• Let participants use the program and ask questions.

4. Before participants leave, offer to demonstrate how to use the APC machine in the lobby (if applicable).

5. Thank participants for their time and leave them with any take away items ordered (Take Ones, CDs, monitor flags).

Things to mention during the event:

• My Desktop Post Office is compatible with Windows XP/2000. This application does not run with Apple Macintosh computers.

• No personal information is required to download, install, or run this application.

• This application is available at no cost.

• This application occupies only about 2 MB.

Good luck with your events!