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John E. Potter
Postmaster General, CEO

February 21, 2006

Postal Service Policy Statement on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identification, and Gender Stereotyping

The Postal Service™ is committed to ensuring a workplace that is free of discrimination and to fostering a climate in which all employees may participate, contribute, and grow to their fullest potential. We recognize and value our diverse workforce and are committed to fair treatment of all employees.

Harassment and disparate treatment based on actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identification, or gender stereotypes will not be permitted or condoned in the Postal Service. Managers and supervisors must take appropriate steps to maintain a workplace free of discrimination against any person based on his or her sexual orientation or identity.

Each of us should:

  • Treat every coworker, customer, and supplier with respect and dignity.
  • Examine our attitudes and actions toward people who are different from us.
  • Speak out when we see harassment and discrimination in our work environment.

Consistent with this policy statement, the Postal Service encourages employees to report any variance from this policy to a management official at the earliest opportunity. Managers and supervisors must ensure that a prompt and thorough investigation is conducted when such conduct comes to their attention and take prompt and remedial action when warranted. Conduct investigations in accordance with the Initial Management Inquiry Process materials available in Publication 552, Managers' Guide to Understanding Sexual Harassment.

John E. Potter

475 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington DC