San Francisco International Service Center achieves worldwide recognition

San Francisco ISC Plant Manager Ana Hilario and USPS International Operations Executive Director Mike Nappi with the Certificate of Excellence.The San Francisco International Service Center (ISC) recently became the 13th office of exchange worldwide to receive the coveted Certificate of Excellence in Management and Processing of Interna­tional Letter Mail. International Post Cor­poration (IPC) President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Herbert-Michael Zapf presented the certificate to the San Francisco ISC employees.

Plant Manager Ana Hilario praised her employees, say­ing the road to certification is long and arduous. “The men and women of the ISC, through hard work and team spirit, earned this recognition from the international postal com­munity,” said Hilario. “Obtaining IPC certification shows our global partners that the Postal Service is committed to mail processing excellence.”

The San Francisco ISC employs more than 450 workers and processes more than 150 million pieces of mail each year.

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