Postal Bulletin 22203a >
Field Implementation Kit > Automated Postal Centers
Retail Access Channels — Stamps by Mail Customers Template for Postal Service Letterhead, Attachment B
Dear Stamps by Mail Customer:
The Postal Service has changed prices and fees for all classes of mail and extra services effective Monday, May 14, 2007.
We received your Stamps by Mail order after the price change. Rather than return your order to you unfulfilled, we have enclosed the value of new stamps equal to your payment. We are also enclosing an order form with the new prices. When you are ready to place another order, please use the enclosed order form.
Thank you for the continued use of our Stamps by Mail program. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Name Title
Retail Access Channels — Stamps by Mail General Information for Retail Managers and Postmasters, Attachment C
The first Stamps by Mail (SBM) order forms to support the new prices will be available between April 1 and April 30, 2007. The old SMB order forms should not be used after the price changes effective, Monday, May 14, 2007, unless you have included a template with the rate or a rate change (brochure) order form.
If the SBM form with the new prices is not available on time, there are several things to be done to ensure customers can continue to use this service and are aware of the price changes: