Dog Bite Prevention Background

The Victims

How to Avoid Being Bitten

How to Be a Responsible Dog Owner

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: [Insert Your Name]
[Insert Date] [Insert Your Phone Number]

Media Advisory
Letter Carriers at [City Name] Post Office Set Up a Very Special Chorus Line
for a Very Special Reason

WHAT: Letter carriers of the [Name] Post Office™ will line up chorus line style and display their dog bite scars to promote dog bite prevention. Postmaster [Name] and [Name] of [Any Other Partic­ipating Health or Animal Protection Agency] will speak about the problem of dog bites to the Postal Service™ and the community.

Media can also obtain tips on how to avoid dog bites and learn what dog owners can do to reduce the chances that their pet will injure someone.

WHEN: [Date and Time. Preferably no earlier than 10:00 a.m., or just before letter carriers depart for their routes.]

WHERE: [Post Office Location]

BACKGROUND: Three thousand one hundred eighty-four letter carriers were bitten by dogs last year but this number pales in comparison to the more than two million children who were needlessly victimized by dogs. The owners of many of the canines involved in those attacks believed their pet would never bite. This year, the Postal Service and its letter carriers are working to prevent these painful, sometimes fatal, injuries by promoting community awareness and responsible pet ownership.

CONTACT: [Name], postmaster at [Telephone].

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