National Dog Bite Prevention Week, May 19–26, 2007

SUBJECT: Dog Attack and Dog Bite Prevention and Publicity Kit for Postmasters
The Postal Service™ calls attention to — and continues its crusade against — one of the nation’s most commonly reported public health problems: dog attacks and dog bites. From nips to bites to actual attacks, violent dog behavior continues to pose a serious threat to our employees. Last year, a reported 3,184 employees were victimized by dogs. While this is a slight decline from the previous year, it’s a far cry from the 7,000 plus annual dog incidents of the mid-1990s when the Postal Service assertively began promoting National Dog Bite Prevention Week.
This year’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week is May 19–26. Using the tools in this prevention and publicity kit for postmasters will let our employees know that their safety is our number one concern. This information is designed to bring awareness to this problem and assist you with controlling and reducing dog bites and attacks.
Attached, you will find the materials you need to help you make the most of Dog Bite Prevention Week in your community — from educating your employees to holding a press conference. We urge you to take full advantage of our field communications professionals in assisting you with this initiative. They look forward to hearing from you.

Patrick R. Donahoe
Deputy Postmaster General and Chief Operating Officer

Joanne B. Giordano
Vice President, Public Affairs and Communications
cc: Vice Presidents, Area Operations