The authorized market test for Customized Postage™ entered Phase IV on May 17, 2007. Phase IV includes the addition of First-Class Mail® presort postage on a limited basis.
Listed below are some of the restrictions that apply:
1. Providers are only authorized to sell Customized Postage in the appropriate denominations to customers who have a permit to enter presorted mail at an acceptance unit.
2. All mailpieces in a particular customer’s mailing must be identical-weight pieces.
3. The format of the Customized Postage label for the First-Class Mail presort rate differs from those for Customized Postage at full rates in that the label is not treated with fluorescence for facing.
4. Mailpieces bearing First-Class Mail presort Customized Postage are not eligible for value-added rebates (VARs) and may not be included in any such mailing for any purpose.
The following illustrations are examples of Customized Postage showing presort postage. All employees need to be aware that customized postage can now be used on First-Class Mail presort items so that mail that is properly prepared bearing First-Class Mail presort Customized Postage does not encounter delays when presented at an acceptance unit.

— Postage Technology Management, Product Development, 5-24-07