Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) is a popular and growing service that is especially appealing to customers when they are away from home in the summer and winter months. PFS is a personalized service designed for residential customers who want to receive all of their mail at a temporary address while away from their permanent address for an extended period — from 2 weeks up to 1 year. After the customer completes and submits the PFS application (PS Form 8176) and pays the required fees, the Postal Service™ bundles and reships mail to the temporary address for a customer or household. Most mail is reshipped once a week via Priority Mail® service.
We have updated the PFS promotional materials to reflect pricing based on the May 14, 2007, rate case implementation. All Post Offices™ should immediately remove and recycle previous editions of Publication 615 and Sign 615 and should confirm that current editions of the following PFS point-of-sale materials are on display on a writing table in the full-service lobby.
We have also updated PS Form 8176, Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) Application. Post Offices may use previous editions of PS Form 8176 until they receive the revised editions — however, in paragraph 6 under “Terms and Conditions” (on the original and all copies of the application), Postal Service personnel should use a pen to mark out the old weekly reshipping price of $10.40 and write in the new weekly reshipping price of $11.95.
The ordering information for these items is included later in this article.
Here are some tips to help employees responsible for processing PFS applications and shipments:
We will publish another article on PFS, including detailed FAQs, in a future issue of the Postal Bulletin.
You can order Publication 615, Sign 615, and PS Form 8176 from the Material Distribution Center (MDC) by using touch tone order entry (TTOE): Call 800-273-1509.
Note: You must be registered to use TTOE. To register, call 800-332-0317, option 1, extension 2925, and follow the prompts to leave a message. (Wait 48 hours after registering before placing your first order.) For complete TTOE ordering instructions, you can visit the Materials Customer Service Web site at or call National Materials Customer Service at 800-332-0317, option 2.
Use the following information to place your orders:
Each Post Office should order only one copy of Sign 615 (the PFS countercard), which has a pocket to hold copies of Publication 615 (the PFS brochures).
Remember that PFS has replaced all informal “snowbird” arrangements that may have been set up in the past.
PFS is a great service. Make sure your office promotes PFS to potential residential customers so they can stay connected when they are away from home.
— Product Management,
Product Development, 5-24-07