Human Resources

Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employment Policy

Effective immediately, all employees who are newly placed into or promoted within Executive and Administra­tive Service (EAS) positions and all employees who are newly placed into Postal Career Executive Service (PCES) positions must be given a copy of the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employment Policy Statement. This action:

In support of this policy:

  • The EAS Selection Toolkit sample letters to employ­ees selected for EAS positions either through promotion, non-competitive reassignment, or reassignment change to lower level have been revised to tell the selected employee that the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employ­ment Policy Statement is enclosed and ask the employee to read the policy statement.
  • The Interim EAS Selection Process Guide for Internal Recruitment and the Checklist for Interim Internal EAS Selection Policy have been updated to indicate that selection letters must include the Equal Employ­ment Opportunity and Affirmative Employment Policy Statement.
  • All newly placed PCES employees and externally selected EAS employees will receive the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Employ­ment Policy Statement as a standard part of their orientation packages.