Publication 205 Revisions: Electronic Verification System

Effective August 2, 2007, the following sections of Publication 205, Electronic Verification System Business and Technical Guide, are revised to reflect clarifications to postage calculation, the use of the permit imprint required for eVS mailings, and modifications to the layout and design of certain eVS reports that mailers and Postal Service™ employees can view:

Publication 205, Electronic Verification System Business and Technical Guide

1 The Basics

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1-4 Required and Optional Use of eVS

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1-4.4 Postage Computation

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a. Postage Amount.***

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[Revise 1-4.4a(1) to read as follows:]

(1) Postage Amount in Manifest Record. The recorded postage amount in Detail Record 1 posi­tions 038-044 is a single amount that does not include the subtraction of discounts or the addi­tion of surcharges, nonincidental enclosure post­age, and Extra Services.

* * * * * 

1-5 eVS Permit Imprint Indicia 1-5.1 Requirement

[Revise 1-5.1 to read as follows:]

Each parcel included in an eVS mailing must bear a permit imprint indicia following the standards in DMM 604.6.0 on use and format with these two options:

a. Company Permit Imprint Indicia. A company permit imprint indicia displays the name or abbreviation of the company name, with or without a permit account number. This is the required style for eVS parcel mail unless the mailer has received authorization from the Business Mailer Support manager to use the permit style in 1-5.1b.

b. Regular Permit Imprint Indicia. A regular permit im­print indicia displays the permit account number and city and state where the permit account is held, with­out the company name or abbreviation of the compa­ny name. This style requires authorization from the Business Mailer Support manager.

1-5.2 Company eVS Permit Imprint Indicia

[Revise the first sentence of 1-5.2 by changing “(or the alternatives “EVS” or “eVS”)” to “(or the alternatives “EVS” or “e-VS”),” to read as follows:]

The marking “eVS” (or the alternatives “EVS” or “e-VS”) must appear by itself as the last line in the company eVS permit imprint indicia.

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1-5.3 Regular eVS Permit Imprint Indicia

[Revise the first sentence of 1-5.3 by changing “(or the alternatives “EVS” or “eVS”)” to “(or the alternatives “EVS” or “e-VS”)” and add a second sentence, to read as follows:]

The marking “eVS” (or the alternatives “EVS” or “e-VS”) must appear by itself as the last line in the regular eVS per­mit imprint indicia, below the city and state line. eVS mail­ers wishing to use this indicia style must receive authorization from the Business Mailer Support manager.

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4 Postage Verification and Adjustment 4-1 Online Information

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4-1.2 Information Access

[Revise 4-1.2 to read as follows:]

Information for the current month is displayed on the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary page. This summary report consolidates financial data from manifest files, postage statement generation, and sampling data.

The eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary con­sists of three distinct but related sections:

a. Mailer Information.

b. Monthly Account Summary.

c. Monthly Sampling Summary.

Various links on the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary provide access to other important eVS reports used for checking data flow and postage payment. Chapter 6 describes these reports generated and posted on the eVS Web site for the mailer and the Postal Service.

4-2 Sampling Data

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[Revise the heading and text of 4-2.3 to read as follows:]

4-2.3 Sampling Summary Information

Information about the continuous sampling reconciliation — sample data matched with the corre­sponding manifest data — appears on the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary page in the Monthly Sam­pling Summary section. For parcels sampled and used to compute the postage adjustment factor (PAF), the Monthly Sampling Summary displays two running postage amounts that reflect the ongoing sampling process. The eVS mailer can view and analyze the detailed information for the fol­lowing two totals by checking the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary page on the eVS Web site:

a. Actual Postage of Pieces Sampled. This amount re­flects the total postage computed from the sampling data input by the Postal Service sampler.

b. Manifest Postage of Pieces Sampled. This amount reflects the total manifest postage computed for the corresponding parcel records. The Postal Service uses the postage elements reported in the mailer’s manifest parcel records for recalculating the manifest postage.

4-3 Postage Adjustments 4-3.1 Postage Adjustment Factor (PAF)

[Revise 4-3.1 to read as follows:]

A postage adjustment factor (PAF) is calculated by dividing the total postage for the samples by the total postage recalculated by the Postal Service for the corresponding parcel records in the mailer’s manifest file. The Postal Ser­vice recalculates manifest postage using rate-specific data elements exactly as coded in the mailer’s manifest.

If the results of the monthly sampling indicate that total manifest postage — as recalculated by the Postal Service for the sampled parcels — is underpaid by more than 1.5% (that is, the PAF is greater than 1.015), the Postal Service assesses additional postage due by multiplying total recalculated manifest postage for the month by the PAF multiplier (the PAF minus 1). For example, if the PAF equals 1.021, the PAF multiplier applied against the manifest post­age for the additional postage due is 0.021. This additional postage due is not collected until 21 days after the end of the month upon completion of the 10-day mailer investiga­tion (see 4-3.4) and during the 10-day joint Mailer/Postal Service sampling data review (see 4-3.5).

Incorrectly rated parcels, unmanifested parcels without Confirmation Services, and mis-shipped DBMC and DSCF parcels can contribute toward possible additional postage due. If postage is overpaid, no postage adjustment is made for the month, although overpayments made during a month offset underpayments. The mailer can minimize the potential for both overpayments and additional postage assessments by monitoring the results of samplings and taking corrective action on subsequent mailings.

[Revise the heading and text of 4-3.2 to read as follows:]

4-3.2 Unmanifested Confirmation Services Parcels

Unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels are parcels accepted and scanned by the Postal Service for which the Product Tracking System never received or successfully processed electronic manifest records representing the parcels or individual parcel records. These unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels are linked in databases to eVS mailers through the 9-digit mailer ID or DUNS number within the 22-digit package identification code (PIC) on the mailing label affixed to the parcels.

For eVS parcels identified by the Product Tracking System as unmanifested, postage due is collected on the 21st day after the last day of the monthly accounting period using the following calculations to determine the amount:

a. Fewer Than 10 Unmanifested Confirmation Services Samples. If fewer than 10 unmanifested parcels are sampled during the monthly accounting period, the postage due for those unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels is calculated using a per-unit post­age rate derived from the actual postage of pieces sampled divided by the total number of pieces sam­pled for the PAF as displayed in the Monthly Sam­pling Summary. The total number of pieces sampled for the PAF does not include samples that are filtered for technical or business reasons, dropped by the Postal Service because of inaccuracy, or identified as unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels.

b. 10 or More Unmanifested Confirmation Services Samples. If 10 or more unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels are sampled during the monthly accounting period, the postage due for all unmani­fested Confirmation Services parcels is calculated using a per-unit postage rate derived from the aver­age postage of the sampled unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels. Pieces sampled that are unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels are not included in the total pieces sampled for the PAF.

The total calculated sample postage for unmani­fested Confirmation Services parcels is divided by the total number of those sampled pieces to derive the average per unit cost. The total identified unman­ifested Confirmation Services parcels, which includes the samples, is multiplied by the average per unit cost to compute the total postage due for all unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels.

If a mailer submits a manifest containing parcel records matching the package identification codes of the sampled unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels, those sampled pieces then become part of the total pieces sampled for the PAF.

[Revise the heading and text of 4-3.3 to read as follows:]

4-3.3 Mis-shipped Parcels

Parcels deposited by an eVS mailer at an incorrect entry facility are termed “mis-shipped” parcels and are handled as follows:

a. Destination Delivery Unit Parcels. Mis-shipped desti­nation delivery unit (DDU) rate parcels are each charged additional postage derived from the differ­ence between the manifest postage for the parcel and the applicable nondestination-entry single-piece rate for the mis-shipped DDU parcel as defined in the Domestic Mail Manual. In the case of a Standard Mail parcel, the mailer is charged the difference between the manifested postage and the appropriate First-Class Mail single-piece rate or the unzoned 1-pound Priority Mail rate for a parcel weighing more than 13 ounces.

Postage for mis-shipped Confirmation Services par­cels is tracked and made available to the mailer via the DDU Confirmation Services Mis-shipped Report in eVS. The mailer’s PostalOne! postage payment account is debited on the 21st day of the following month for the additional mis-shipped postage accu­mulated during the previous month. Mis-shipped DDU parcels are not included in the postage adjust­ment factor described in 4-3.1.

b. Destination Bulk Mail Center and Destination Sec­tional Center Facility Parcels. Mis-shipped destina­tion bulk mail center (DBMC) and destination sectional center facility (DSCF) parcels are not indi­vidually charged as mis-shipped parcels as done for mis-shipped DDU parcels. Instead, the difference in postage between the postage recalculated by the Postal Service for the data elements in the manifest record and the postage calculated for any sampled mis-shipped DBMC or DSCF parcel becomes part of the postage adjustment factor for sampled parcels. Sample postage for mis-shipped DBMC and DSCF parcels is calculated at the appropriate nondestina­tion entry rate, including rezoning as necessary.

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[Revise the heading and text of 4-3.5 to read as follows:]

4-3.5 10-Day Joint Mailer/Postal Service Data Review

After the 10-day mailer investigation, the Postal Service and the mailer review the data for the monthly accounting period to determine whether any samples used to calculate the postage adjustment factor, unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels, or mis-shipped DDU parcels should be removed from the final reconciliation for any additional postage due.

4-3.6 Appeals and Refunds

[Revise 4-3.6 to read as follows:]

All appeals and refund requests must be submitted in writ­ing with appropriate documentation to the Business Mailer Support manager within 30 days following the end of the 10-day joint mailer/Postal Service data review.

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6 eVS Reports

[Revise chapter 6 to read as follows:]

6-1 General Information 6-1.1 Online Viewing

The eVS reports available on the eVS Web site allow each mailer to monitor the accuracy of mailings and postage pay­ments and take any necessary corrective action to minimize the potential for additional postage payment. Mailers can access reports for their eVS mailings through the PostalOne!/eVS Web site at

6-1.2 Access and Format

The Reports Menu link on the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary page described in 6-2, provides access to monthly eVS reports derived from manifest and sampling data. Information in these reports can be used as diagnostic tools to identify quality issues in eVS manifest mail preparation, rate calculations, and transportation operations.

Most reports contain hyperlinks to other data or reports, and are formatted to allow the user to sort the information in ascending or descending order by clicking on column headings. The user generally can download report data in these file formats: comma-separated value (CSV), Excel, and portable document format (PDF). Section 6-2 presents the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary and describes its three sections. Section 6-3 alphabetically pre­sents the main eVS reports and describes their use.

6-2 eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary Report 6-2.1 Overview

The eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary is the first report — the “landing page” — that the eVS mailer or Postal Service user sees when accessing the eVS Web site. The report presents three distinct but related sections, each enclosed within an individual ruled box:

a. Mailer Information.

b. Monthly Account Summary.

c. Monthly Sampling Summary.

The eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Summary pre­sents a dynamic view of the mailer’s account by consolidating manifest and sampling reconciliation data for eVS mailings entered during the current month. The report also provides ongoing calculations of the postage adjust­ment factor by comparing the information reported on each manifest with the results of the sampling process. The report allows reviewing data for the previous months.

6-2.2 Mailer Information

The upper section of the page displays Mailer Information. This section contains general information identifying the eVS mailer including address, mailer ID number, and permit account number. This section also lists the subclasses of mail that the mailer is authorized to prepare under eVS.

6-2.3 Monthly Account Summary

The middle section of the page displays the Monthly Account Summary. As shown in Exhibit 6-2.3, information in this section is organized in rows and columns, with num­bered text entries in the first column on the left for hyper­links to related reports and data sources, numeric entries in the second column for showing the number of pieces, and dollar amounts in the third column for showing postage. The top of the section includes a hyperlink to the Postage Statement Summary as described in 6-3.10.

The Monthly Account Summary specifically presents mail­ing activity and postage data to show how total postage is calculated. Total postage is the net amount of manifest postage (calculated as the original postage recorded in the mailer’s manifest files plus or minus a variance in postage from the Postal Service recalculation of the manifest post­age) and additional postage due subtotals.

The total postage calculation involves verifying postage declared in the mailer’s manifest and using sampling verifi­cations conducted throughout the monthly accounting period that can result in additional postage due:

a. Total Manifest Postage. Total manifest postage (line 1c) is derived by adding the manifest postage from the mailer’s files (line 1a) and the difference (“vari­ance”) (line 1b) between the recalculated postage by the Postal Service using the mailer’s data and the mailer’s declared postage in (line 1a). The display of data occurs as follows:

(1) Postage. Manifest postage amounts (lines 1a and 1c) and variance amount (line 1b) change dynam­ically each time a postage statement is success­fully generated from the processing of manifest files.

(2) Pieces. Manifest piece counts (lines 1a and 4a) and variance piece counts (line 1b) also change dynamically as manifest postage and variance amounts change.

b. Total Additional Postage Due. Total additional post­age due (line 2d) is calculated by adding the postage from the sampling postage adjustment factor (line 2a) with the unmanifested parcels postage as deter­mined by Confirmation Services barcode scans (line 2b), and the postage adjustments determined by mis-shipped DDU parcels Confirmation Services barcode scans (line 2c). The display of data occurs as follows:

(1) Postage. Any additional postage due (line 2a) from applying a postage adjustment factor exceeding 1.015 appears immediately. Any additional postage due for unmanifested parcels (line 2b) and for mis-shipped DDU parcels (line 2c) does not appear until the 11th day of the following month, after the 10-day mailer investigation period described in 4-3.4.

(2) Pieces. Piece counts change dynamically each week for unmanifested parcels (lines 2b and 4b) and mis-shipped DDU parcels (line 2c) when the extract data is received from the Product Tracking System. No piece counts appear for additional postage due from applying a postage adjustment factor.

Exhibit 6-2.3
Monthly Account Summary Section


Monthly Account Summary

Files and Postage Statements: Postage Statement Summary

Total Postage Calculation




1. Manifest Postage:



a. Manifest postage from mailer’s files



b. Variance postage from USPS recalculation of mailers data



c. Total manifest postage






2. Additional Postage Due:



a. Postage adjustment from sampling postage adjustment factor (PAF)



b. Unmanifested parcels from Confirmation Services scans



c. Mis-Shipped DDU parcels from Confirmation Services scans



d. Total additional postage due



3. Total Postage






4. Piece Count:



a. Manifested pieces



b. Unmanifested pieces



c. Total pieces




6-2.4 Monthly Sampling Summary

The lower section of the landing page displays the Sam­pling Summary. This section organizes monthly information on total number of pieces sampled for the postage adjust­ment factor (PAF), postage calculated for those sampled pieces, and the corresponding postage that was actually paid after the Postal Service recalculated the postage for those pieces using the data elements reported in the mailer’s manifest files. (Recalculation of postage generally results in a postage difference — variance — for Standard Mail and Bound Printed Matter because of rounding.) The postage adjustment factor is calculated as a ratio of the sample postage amount to the manifest postage amount and is displayed in this section of the report. Related reports based on sampling data can be accessed through the Reports Menu hyperlink.

At the top of the Sampling Summary is a drop-down menu listing 8-digit sequential numbers extracted from the 22–digit electronic file numbers in selected manifest header records that list mailer’s files submitted during the month. A file generally contains more than one manifest, consisting of a Header Record and one or more Detail Records 1 as described in 2-1.3. eVS selects one of the 22-digit manifest Header Record electronic file numbers to identify the entire file.

The 8-digit sequential numbers in the drop-down menu are hyperlinked to individual Postage Statement Detail pages. The upper part of a Postage Statement Detail page dis­plays the 22-digit electronic file number identifying the entire file and information for each postage statement generated from all the processed parcel records in the file. The lower part lists each manifest by its 22-digit electronic file number, including the one used to identify the entire file, in the Sub File Number column on the left.

6-2.5 Current and Past Data

The “Change Month and Year” menus in the upper right corner of the eVS Monthly Account and Sampling Sum­mary allow the use to select and view summary reports for previous months. After selecting the desired month, the user clicks the “Show Data” button. By default, the initial view of this page displays data for the current month and year. This functionality is available for most other eVS reports.

6-2.6 Links to Other Reports

The following reports can be accessed directly from the Monthly Account Summary:

a. DDU Confirmation Services Mis-shipped Report (from the hyperlink in line 2c).

b. Manifest Summary Report (from the hyperlink in line 1a).

c. Postage Discrepancy Report (from the hyperlink in line 2a).

d. Postage Statement Summary (from the hyperlink “Postage Statement Summary” and the hyperlinks in lines 1b and 1c).

e. Product Tracking System Unmanifested Records Report (from the hyperlink in line 2b).

6-3 Reports 6-3.1 Damaged/Missing Barcode Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists the parcels that the Postal Service cannot sample accurately because the required parcel barcode is missing or so damaged that it cannot be scanned or the human-readable data entered manually into the sampling device. As a result, eVS cannot match the sampling data with the corresponding manifest data in the manifest file to determine the accuracy of post­age payment for the parcel. The Damaged/Missing Bar­code Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.2 DDU Confirmation Services Mis-shipped Report

This report lists parcels identified as mis-shipped by the Product Tracking System (PTS) from data collected by Confirmation Services scans. The destination delivery ZIP Codes for these parcels reported in the mailer’s manifest records are not within the service area of the destination delivery units (DDUs) that initially received the parcels from the mailer. These mis-shipped parcels are ineligible for the DDU rates claimed in the mailer’s manifest records. Addi­tional postage due for these mis-shipped DDU parcels is calculated according to the eVS mailing standards in the Domestic Mail Manual and is withdrawn from the mailer’s account on the 21st day following the accounting month. The DDU Confirmation Services Mis-shipped Report is accessed from the Monthly Account Summary section from the hyperlink in line 2c or from the Reports Menu.

6-3.3 Delayed Transportation Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists parcels that are sampled 4 days or more after the mailing date in the asso­ciated manifest Header Record. The data for this report is obtained by comparing the date when sampling data is col­lected for each sampled parcel with the mailing date in the manifest containing the corresponding parcel record. The Delayed Transportation Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.4 Float Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists parcels sampled 1 day or more before the mailing date in the associated manifest Header Record. The data for this report is obtained by comparing the date when sampling data is col­lected for each sampled parcel with the mailing date in manifest containing the corresponding parcel record. An electronic eVS manifest file must be transmitted on or before the date when the eVS mailing represented by the file is presented at a destination entry facility or at an origin facility. The Postal Service uses this report to determine whether parcels are being deposited before postage payment. The Float Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.5 Manifest Summary Report

This report, based on manifest data, lists all the manifest files successfully transmitted and processed for the selected month. The report shows the 22-digit electronic file number, transmission date, mailing date in the Header Record, total number of parcel records accepted and pro­cessed, total manifest postage declared in the mailer’s manifest file, any invalid Service Type Code (STC), any invalid DUNS number (a DUNS number used by the mailer but not registered in the mailer’s account), and duplicate package identification codes (PICs). The report also pre­sents the number of parcels with variance postage amounts showing the difference between the postage in the manifest file and the postage amount recalculated by the Postal Service. The Manifest Summary Report is accessed from the Monthly Account Summary section from the hyperlink in line 1a or from the Reports Menu.

6-3.6 Manually Entered Barcode Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists sampled parcels bearing barcodes that cannot be scanned by Postal Service personnel conducting verification sampling. The human-readable text of the barcode must be manually entered into the sampling device. Parcels listed on this report become ineligible for any parcel barcode discount claimed. The Manually Entered Barcode Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.7 Package Summary

This summary, based on sampling and manifest data, is a side-by-side comparison of specific data elements for the manifest package and sample package. For the manifest package and the sample package, the summary shows the full 22-digit package identification code, weight, presence of a postal routing barcode (5-digit barcode), machinability, zone, destination rate indicator, and any Extra Services. The Package Summary is accessed in each sampling-based report that hyperlinks a package ID.

6-3.8 Postage Discrepancy Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists parcels for which the sampled postage differs from the postage reported in the corresponding individual parcel records in the transmit­ted manifest file. The report includes sample and manifest weights and sample and manifest postage. The report lists both positive and negative discrepancy postage amounts. A Package ID with an asterisk indicates that the package was sampled at a destination delivery unit (DDU) and accepted with the destination rate indicator code in the mailer’s manifest record (representing the same or higher rate category). The Postage Discrepancy Report is accessed from the Monthly Account Summary section from the hyperlink in line 2a or from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.9 Postage Statement Detail

This report, based on manifest data, displays hyperlinks to class-specific postage statements, along with the dollar amount of the Extra Services fees and manifest postage recalculated by the Postal Service using the codes in the manifest files. In addition, the report presents the postage variance by parcel record between the manifest postage and the recalculated postage. The report also provides payment status for each postage statement. The lower part of the report lists the 22-digit electronic file numbers con­tained in the Header Record of every manifest contained within the file, along with the number of parcels for each manifest and the manifest postage for the parcels. The Postage Statement Detail is accessed through hyperlinks in the Postage Statement Summary Report described in 6–3.10.

6-3.10 Postage Statement Summary Report

This report, based on manifest data, lists the 22-digit elec­tronic file number used to identify files consisting of one or more manifests with the underlying parcel records. In addi­tion, the report displays the mailing date, the permit num­ber and permit ZIP Code, and the postage amount as recalculated by the Postal Service using the codes in the manifests and Detail Records 1. The report also shows the payment status of the postage statements generated by the files. The hyperlinked 22-digit electronic file numbers allow the user to open the corresponding Postage State­ment Detail as described in 6-3.9 that contains links to postage statements generated by the parcel records to a specific file with one or more manifests.

Each time the mailer sends a manifest file, the PostalOne! Wizard Web Service (WWS) generates a separate postage statement for each class of mail included in that manifest file. The total amount on each postage statement is then automatically withdrawn from the mailer’s postage pay­ment account and can be verified by checking the transac­tion in the account with the amount on the postage statements. The Postage Statement Summary Report is accessed from the hyperlink “Postage Statement Sum­mary” and the hyperlinks in lines 1b and 1c on the Monthly Account Summary section.

6-3.11 Postage Statement Variance Report

This report, based on sampling and manifest data, shows the 22-digit electronic file number from the Header Record used to identify the entire file and then the individual 22–digit package identification codes from the associated Detail Records 1. Several columns display manifest postage, Extra Services, and surcharges and discounts, followed by the same columns for the recalculated postage based on the codes in the mailer’s manifest Detail Records 1. Each line ends with a column displaying any difference (variance) between the total manifest postage amounts and the total recalculated by the Postal Service.

The Postage Statement Variance Report is accessed by first selecting the Postage Statement Summary described in 6-3.10, then by an individual hyperlinked File Number to open the Postage Statement Detail described in 6-3.9. If a row in the Postage Statement Detail shows a hyperlinked package or postage variance, the user can select the hyperlink to open the Postage Statement Variance Report for the originally selected electronic file number.

6-3.12 Product Tracking System Unmanifested Records Report

This report, based on Confirmation Services scan data, lists parcels for the selected month received by the Postal Service Product Tracking System (PTS) but not reported in an eVS manifest file. If 10 or more unmanifested Confirma­tion Services parcels are sampled during the monthly accounting period, the postage due for all unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels is calculated using a per-unit postage rate derived from the average postage of the sampled unmanifested Confirmation Services parcels. Pieces sampled that are unmanifested Confirmation Ser­vices parcels are not included in the total pieces sampled for the PAF as described in 4-3.2. The Product Tracking System Unmanifested Records Report is accessed from the Monthly Account Summary section from the hyperlink in line 2b.

6-3.13 Reconciled Samples Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists parcels sampled by Postal Service personnel and matched (“reconciled”) with the corresponding parcel record in the manifest file. The report shows the postage difference between manifest postage recalculated by the Postal Service and postage determined by sampling data. A user can select an individ­ual package identification code (PIC) to see a side-to-side comparison of the sample data and Manifest information for that parcel in the Package Summary page. The Recon­ciled Samples Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

6-3.14 Weight Discrepancy Report

This report, based on sampling data, lists those parcels for which a discrepancy exists between the weight reported by Postal Service sampling personnel and the weight reported on the manifest. The Weight Discrepancy Report is accessed from the Reports Menu, then Sampling Reports link.

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Appendix A, eVS Electronic File Layout Content and Explanation

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Flat File Format

[Revise this section by adding an introductory sentence and changing item c to read as follows:]

The flat file format used by eVS is similar to but not identical with the one used for Confirmation Services:

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c. A line feed with a carriage return is needed at the end of every Header Record and every Detail Record except the last record of the electronic file.

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Appendix B, eVS Application

[Insert revised application. See online edition for revised application.]

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Appendix G, Service Type Codes and Rate Ingredient Tables Codes for Services and Rate Combinations

* * * * * 

[After the list of tables, delete all three paragraphs.]

Table G-1 Service Type Codes

* * * * * 

[After the third paragraph, insert the following paragraph:]

Service Type Code 56 is used in the Package Identification Code and the corresponding parcel barcode when no extra service, including Delivery Confirmation, is claimed. The format of the barcode and the human-readable text above the barcode are described in Chapter 3. Parcel barcodes with Service Type Code 56 receive “passive scans” only if processed on parcel sorting equipment. These scans are designated “passive” because no employee scans the par­cel barcode with a hand-held device.

* * * * * 

We will incorporate these revisions into the fully revised edition of Publication 205, which will be dated August 2, 2007, and will soon be available on both the internal and external corporate Web sites as follows: