Effective August 2, 2007, Part 508 of the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) is revised to allow the box customer or other persons listed on PS Form 1093, Application for Post Office Box or Caller Service, for a Residential Group E Post Office™ box to file an individual change-of-address order.
PS Form 1093 has been revised to reflect these changes. The new PS Form 1093 is on pages 10–15 of this Postal Bulletin.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
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500 Additional Mailing Services
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508 Recipient Services
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4.0 Post Office Box Service
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4.4.7 Address Change
[Revise 4.4.7 as follows:]
Customers may file change-of-address orders as follows:
a. Organizations. Only the box customer or authorized representatives of the organization listed on the PS Form 1093 may file change-of-address orders. The organization is responsible for forwarding mail to other persons receiving mail at the box.
b. Residential box customers, Fee Groups 1 through 7. Only the box customer listed on the PS Form 1093 may file change-of-address orders. The box customer is responsible for forwarding mail to other persons receiving mail at the box.
c. Residential box customers, Fee Group E. The box customer or any other person listed on the PS Form 1093 may file an individual change-of-address order. Only the box customer may file a change-of-address order for the entire family.
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4.9 Service Refusal or Termination
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4.9.4 Surrendered Box
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[Revise item d to read as follows:]
d. A box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer, submits a permanent change-of-address order, except as provided in 4.9.5(d).
[Add new item e as follows:]
e. A Group E residential box customer files a permanent change-of-address order and no other person listed on the Form 1093 files a new Form 1093 to become the box customer.
4.9.5 Boxes Not Surrendered
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[Revise item c as follows:]
c. Except as provided in 4.9.5(d) below, a change-of-address order is submitted by any person other than the box customer, or an appointed executor or administrator of a deceased box customer, for mail going to the box.
[Add new item d as follows:]
d. A Group E residential box customer files a permanent change-of-address order and another person listed on the Form 1093 files a new form 1093 to become the box customer.
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We will incorporate this revision into the next printed version of the DMM and into the monthly update of the online DMM available via Postal Explorer® at http://pe.usps.com.
— Consumer Advocate and Retail Operations,
Delivery and Retail, 8-2-07
PS Form 1093

1093, last pag