
Safety Talk: Thinking of Backing Up? Don’t!

Most of us back up our personal vehicles without thinking twice. And most of us continue this behavior on the job. At certain locations, such as docks and parking spaces, backing up a Postal Service™ vehicle is required; however, discretionary backing of your vehicle on a delivery route can often be avoided. Backing a vehicle is a personal decision influenced by the situation and the environment.

Next time you are on your route and need to decide whether or not to back up, consider the following:

The “reasons” Postal Service drivers have given for motor vehicle accidents caused by backing up include:

If you cause an accident, what will you say to a grief-stricken mother who has just lost a child? Or to a father whose child was seriously injured by your vehicle while you were backing up? No “reason” or “excuse” is good enough! Think about it. What would you say?

Children live and play where you work — in their neighborhoods. All it takes is one second for a child to dart behind a vehicle that is backing up.

Only you can avoid backing up on your route. Next time you decide to back your Postal Service vehicle, ask yourself:

Backing a vehicle is a personal decision. In most situations, you can choose to maneuver your vehicle to avoid backing up. The safety of others depends on you. Do the right thing — avoid backing up while on your route.


Drive Safely Poster [D]

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