DMM Revision: New Option for Mailing Shipments Approved Under Department of Transportation Special Permit Authorization 9275

Effective September 13, 2007, we are revising the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to allow shippers, who are authorized under Department of Transportation (DOT) Special Permit 9275, to use the Postal Service™ to mail shipments covered under the special permit.

Current Postal Service standards allow transportation of flammable solids and liquids under the “Small Quantity Provision,” which permits the mailing of small quantities of flammable liquids and solids via air transportation. See Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, part 334 (April 2006). The term “small quantity” is defined as the maximum amount of a specific hazardous material that is not subject to any DOT packaging, marking, or label­ing requirements other than those in 49 CFR 173.4. The Postal Service small quantity provisions were adopted prior to 1999 and are substantially similar to the DOT small quantity provisions in 49 CFR 173.

Like the DOT and the Postal Service small quantity pro­visions, Permit Authorization DOT — SP 9275 allows for the shipment of identified quantities of flammable liquids or solids containing a flammable liquid otherwise restricted under DOT regulations. Shippers seeking to avail them­selves of the DOT — SP 9275 must apply in writing to the DOT and agree to comply with specific quantity and pack­aging requirements. The DOT considers the contents of such packages secure for shipment via air transportation. Accordingly, the Postal Service will allow mailers who are approved by DOT to ship under DOT — SP 9275 to mail, once authorized by the Postal Service, as described in the new mailing standards.

In November 2006, the Postal Service began pilot tests to determine whether shipments prepared in accordance with DOT — SP 9275 could be safely handled and trans­ported through the mail via air transportation. Since the pilot tests began, there have been no reported incidents of leaks, spills, or unsafe conditions resulting from such ship­ments. In light of these results, the Postal Service is revis­ing its mailing standards to allow manufacturers and distributors, who are authorized under DOT — SP 9275 for the shipment of materials containing flammable liquids, to mail such items via the Postal Service. The Postal Service’s small quantity provisions will be unaffected by the revised standards.

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)

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600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services 601 Mailability

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10.0 Hazardous Materials

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10.13 Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Hazard Class 3)

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[Add a new 10.13.5 as follows:]

10.13.5 Special Permit Authorization DOT — SP 9275

Manufacturers and distributors seeking to use the mail to ship parcels via air transportation in accordance with Department of Transportation Special Permit 9275 must submit a written request for approval to the manager, Mail­ing Standards (see 608.8.0 for address). Approval to mail parcels using DOT — SP 9275 allows the mailer to use First-Class Mail, Priority Mail, or Parcel Select services for shipping in compliance with all DOT regulations in DOT — SP 9275 and the following mailing requirements:

a. Mailers must present a current copy of their DOT Special Permit Authorization letter with a written request for approval to the manager, Mailing Standards.

b. Once approved, mailers must present a copy of their approval letter from the manager, Mailing Standards (to be kept on file at the office of mailing) at the time of their first mailing at any given postal facility, along with a copy of their current DOT Special Permit Authorization letter. It is the mailer’s responsibility to provide the office of mailing with updated DOT Spe­cial Permit approval letters. The Postal Service has the right to refuse mailings not supported by a cur­rent DOT authorization letter.

c. Mailers will enter parcels using First-Class Mail, Pri­ority Mail, or Parcel Select service via a USPS-authorized manifest mailing system (MMS) (see 705.2.0).

d. Mailers must label each parcel on the address side with “USPS Approved DOT — SP 9275” using at least 14-point type.

e. Mailers must tender only parcels weighing 10 pounds or less. Each inner package (receptacle) may not exceed 16 ounces of flammable liquid or 1 pound of solids containing flammable liquid.

f. Mailers must ensure that the addressee of each par­cel is notified that the addressee is not authorized to remail the contents of the parcel via the Postal Service under DOT — SP 9275. Mailers must include the following notice:

Flammable substances contained in these pack­ages may be mailed only by consumers (the ad­dressee) via surface transportation in accordance with DMM 601.10.13. Full responsibility rests with the mailer to comply with all postal and nonpostal statutes and regulations regarding mail. Informa­tion regarding postal statutes, regulations, and mailing requirements is available from your local postmaster or Postal Service Business Mail Entry manager, and at the Postal Service’s mailing stan­dards Web site at

g. Mailers must comply with the warning and labeling requirements set forth in 21 CFR Part 700, 740.1, and 701.3 when mailing each parcel.

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We will incorporate this revision into the September update of the online DMM on Postal Explorer® at and into the next printed edition.

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