
Clear the event with the postmaster or facility manager before proceeding.

Who? Determine which employees are master knitters and invite them to lead the demonstrations. Invite local celebri­ties, TV anchors, the mayor, a chamber of commerce pres­ident, or local sports teams to serve as hosts of the event. A template invitation letter is provided on page 10. District managers and area vice presidents also could host the event. The PAC field manager will be the point of contact for inviting district managers and area vice presidents. Invite local artists and high school art students to participate.

When? Schedule demonstrations to attract the greatest number of participants. Mark the date on local community calendars, particularly for organizations planning special holiday events or activities.

Where? Events can be staged in Post Office lobbies or facilities or at offsite locations, including yarn stores and craft shops. In choosing an offsite location, be sure to con­sider parking and access for the disabled.

How? Contact local yarn or craft stores to promote the event. Distribute fliers and identify upcoming craft shows for promotional opportunities. Post Offices wishing to donate knitted items from the event should develop a list of local churches, shelters, or other groups in need that would accept donated sweaters or scarves. Ask a local radio or TV station to broadcast live from the event location.