Procedure Changes for Inventorying and Selling Sheet Postal Cards and Banded Postal Cards

Currently sheet postal cards and banded postal cards are listed in the Stamp Services System (SSS) inventory for the stamp distribution offices (SDOs) and stamp services centers (SSCs) as individual postal cards; however, the sheet cards are sold only in sheets of 40, and the banded cards are sold in sets of five (5) cards at the retail windows. The current listing creates confusion within inventories and dispensing these two items.

To eliminate this problem, the listed stamped postal cards will be inventoried according to the selling price.


Item Number




Corinthian Capital

Stamped Sheet Cards (40)

Per sheet $12.00


Corinthian Capital

Banded Stamped Cards (5)

Per set $1.50

Effective for the May 12, 2008, price change, the listed stamped cards will be priced per unit of sale. The sheet stamped cards are priced per sheets of 40 post cards and banded cards are priced per sets of five (5) stamped cards.

All shipments of these new sheet and banded stamped cards will be invoiced from the supplier to the warehouses at the unit cost.