GXG Supplies for Post Offices

An advertising campaign featuring GXG service will begin at the end of May 2008. Prepare in advance for an increase in GXG volume by familiarizing yourself with what the product looks like and how to handle it. Also, ensure that you have sufficient GXG mailing supplies in your Post Office.

If you have Internet access, order your office’s GXG supplies through eBuy, following the procedures outlined in Postal Bulletin 22174 (2-16-06, pages 74–75). Otherwise, you can place your order by calling the Material Distribution Center (MDC) at 800-273-1509 and follow the prompts. Those without eBuy can fax 800-270-6233 or call 800-610-8764. Supplies are also available online at http://www.usps.com/shippingsupplies.