Busiest Mail Day Media Opportunities

This year, the busiest mailing day is projected to be Monday, December 15; and Wednesday, December 17, the busiest delivery day. The media is typically interested in stories involving facts and figures on mail volume during the holiday and how we handle the extra workload.

Some suggested activities are the following:

The Big Cancellation Countdown Contest

Cities in the same region, such as Denver and Phoenix, which compete for the most cancellations on the busiest mailing day, can hold a cancellations contest. Postmasters from each city can bet each other for bragging rights or some nominal prize (e.g., a case of a locally famous food item) to see which city cancels the most mail that day. Hourly totals can be posted in the plant and Post Office lobbies and e-mailed to the media. Results can be pitched to late news broadcasts and the next day’s morning shows.

Media Tours

While b-roll (stock video footage) of mail processing operations is available via Pathfire, a Web distribution sys­tem for video, on USPS.COM for media use, local media may want to see local plant operations. If there are no secu­rity issues, media should be invited to see how we do what we do. Corporate Communications will assist with media contacts and planning.

The plant manager, district manager, or postmaster should be available for interviews. Local managers should have statistics at hand on mailing volume, employees, vehi­cles, facilities, alternate access, retail hours, mailing dead­lines, etc.

Determine the best time of day to show mail processing activities — typically late afternoon or early evening when canceling operations are running. Plot out the tour path in advance to showcase operations and identify the best photo opportunities. Identify employees who can speak well about their work.

Corporate Communications staff is ready to assist with media advisories, press releases, and press kits, and help with follow-up calls to local reporters and assignment/news desk editors. Pitch local media as well on last-minute shipping/packing tips, local extended hours, online convenience and price savings at USPS.COM, mailing deadline dates, etc.

Busiest Delivery Day

If feasible, offer media access to Post Office or station delivery units as long as it is not disruptive to operations. Typically, the best time would be in the early morning when the carriers are preparing to go on their routes.

The postmaster can discuss expected delivery volume and remind customers of the last days to mail for delivery by Christmas, extended hours, shipping on USPS.COM, etc. Another option is to have a reporter follow one of the unit’s outstanding carriers on route. Alternatively, a well-known local TV reporter could do some surprise package pickups on the carrier’s route.

Hispanic Customer Outreach

It is important this holiday season that the growing His­panic market be considered in any promotions. For exam­ple, promoting services such as Dinero Seguro is one way to develop and expand customer relationships in the local communities. Work with the Hispanic Program specialist in your area to develop events and ensure Spanish-language spokespersons are represented at local events.